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Homeless Swede found on Bangkok street


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You still have NOT PROVIDED SHRED OF EVIDENCE....nor responded on point to anything in the past.

As others have mentioned this is being discussed on a Swedish forum, do not post links to that forum here. You can send supporting links via Private Messages though.

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Plenty of Thai somewhat more deserving though, nobody forced him to come here did they

And he have been coming here 3 times since November. After buying all those expensive tickets he like to have one free....................

Your ignorant cynicism is not surprising given your previous posts where you posted false allegations.

It really is amazing that after making some foolish false statements, you still feel the need to be so mean spirited about something you obviously no nothing about......what really is the motivation I wonder? Can't you at least begrudgingly be happy that someone who no doubt made some mistakes has a another chance rather than potentially dying on the streets in a foreign land?

I'm still waiting for you to reply to post #207 which highlights the fact that you can't read information correctly let alone be accurate when referring to it. You were invited to respond but have avoided doing so. Someone with a degree of credibility would at least acknowledge their obvious mistake but instead you continue with more uninformed cynicism.

BTW, you've had more than sufficient time to draft a response to this, are you actually able to get beyond the level that you have sunk in posting pics of similar looking people and articulate a response???

Obviously not.....

Your main aim appears to be to take delight in the suffering of others and begrudge the fact that other people helped someone. None of this affects you, you didn't take the time to clarify information yourself nor try to understand a complicated human story (as all are). You misread an article which didn't interview the guy and drew incorrect conclusions and the made a fool of yourself in posting false allegations.

Now, you seemingly want to assert yet another lie and take delight that all the Thais, Swedes, Germans and Norwegians that helped someone in apparent need were wrong and your mean spirited, cynical world view is the only right one. None of this affected you nor concerned you but seem to need to prove something to reinforce a cynical world view that you obviously maintain.

What is your real motivation in making up all of the false posts that you make????

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Swedish people have been speaking with him in the street and confirm it. And you still claim you are right....ha ha ha what a joke. There are at least two threads about him in the Swedish forum confirming it.

I have checked the threads about him in the Swedish forum. And you are of course right bangkoklasse. I'm sure lakegeneve also know that he is wrong. But he can't admit it. Too much loose of face for him

There is no face to loose as I have no attachment to any outcome here. I believe that people should not be able to make up lies and post false allegations about others, especially, those less fortunate. Try to put yourself in his shoes in having idiots who don't care about facts nor who can't even read an article, posting all sorts of stupid comments about you. I think that if you could understand empathy you might be able to understand this point.

Please try to get beyond reinforcing your own chinese whisper and actually provide something factual, produce some evidence as you have been continually asked to so and yet failed to do so.

You and lasse can keep posting, whatever you want and say that it is true. But even a 10 year old knows that just because you post something on the internet, it does not make it true. If you can post some evidence that 1) he is back in Thailand (which again would not be an issue as perhaps he is lodging a criminal defamation case), and 2) that he is begging; then you might have an ounce of credibility.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You were asked to provide evidence, you have not done so. Pointing to other forums without even posting links is not evidence.

Either you are in on the scam ? Or you are making a fool out of yourself Lakegeneve. Many people in the Swedish forums have even spoken with him. He has the same name and look the same. And come from the same part of Sweden. And you claim the checkbones look thinner !! ha ha what a joke

Here, I did the super challenging task of placing the two pics of two different guys in the same thread for you.....

Clearly Sweden is a wonderful country when you can have major cosmetic surgery with a new nose job, get your check bones reduced and adjust the size of the cranium! (I so, so wanted to make a pun there but I'm trying to be polite....)

Seriously, the intellectual capacity of some desperate people willing to make fools of themselves makes even the below average Thai police investigation look highly professional!


There are forums stating that aliens are running the US government and where MH 370 is located, are we meant to believe those as well??

I appreciate that the threshold of "truth" and "facts" is akin to a 5 yr old for some like you on TV but most of us are objective and require a compelling level of evidence. It is a threshold that is much higher than chinese whispers and deluded internet detectives

God forbid if you should ever be in a position of determining anothers fate .......if you can't provide any evidence then you are just making a fool of yourself yet again.

Lakegeneve You are delusional. Everyone her is entitled to have an opinion without you being rude and abusive to them. Who do you think you are? No one is required to prove anything to you. Live with it. You are just digging a big hole for yourself. You will owe several people here an apology when it is verified that you are wrong.

Edited by ResandePohm
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As far as funds home take him to his embassy they should be able to get him ticket home. Yes he will have to repay cost of ticket but better there than here right? Normally they will hold his passport till his ticket is paid back.

I'm not sure if you are kidding or you didn't read this thread ? The Embassy didn't get him a ticket home a few months ago when he did the same thing. He got a ticket from other people that also paid his overstay. But he came back to Thailand again. This is at least his fourth trip to Thailand within a year.

So the Embassy will NOT get him a ticket home. And normally the Swedish Embassy will not do the things you write either

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Lakegeneve is there going to be another collection for him?

Ouch, give it a break, i will take Lakegeneve's good intentions any days rather then the careless attitude showed by the most of the people that only cares about their little own world and nothing else.

Have you ever thought that if the world is in the appalling state it is right now, maybe it is because people do exactly that, only think about theirsevels and couldn't care less if you have somebody even dying next to you, f-that!

He and others contributing in helping out this other person, might have fallen victim of a "freeloader", but i am sure this have not created any major issues to him or the others that just gave a chance to the swede, this is one of the main risks while helping others, but when the situation become clear, than a different solution has to be found, too easy to just blame people whose only guilt was to help a stranger, why don't instead try to came out with a more constructive approach?

Don't just be a bunch of stingy wasps and try to beehave yourselves, you know how they say around here, no money=no honey .....

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Lakegeneve is there going to be another collection for him?

He and others contributing in helping out this other person, might have fallen victim of a "freeloader",

Indeed, a fool and his money are soon parted, he was well intentioned, but he was conned and made a fool of.

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Lakegeneve is there going to be another collection for him?

He and others contributing in helping out this other person, might have fallen victim of a "freeloader",

Indeed, a fool and his money are soon parted, he was well intentioned, but he was conned and made a fool of.

Mmmm, i suspect your the one who is making a fool of oneself with these stupid posts, give it a break.

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Lakegeneve is there going to be another collection for him?

He and others contributing in helping out this other person, might have fallen victim of a "freeloader",

Indeed, a fool and his money are soon parted, he was well intentioned, but he was conned and made a fool of.

Yes he was conned and made a fool of. But the worst is that they are not helping this Swedish man by giving him airplane-tickets, hotel & money for overstay fine. They are making it worse and this man can return faster to Bangkok. Reality will catch up this man sooner or later. But if people keep on giving him money and tickets, it will be later

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Live and learn, i don't think that anyone here can say that he/she always had a perfect life and no annoyances ever happened to them.

What is fool is to call a person moved by good intentions a "fool", it's way too easy to be greedy and careless about others, and it's not really something you should be proud about, leave alone bragging about it.

If anyone wanted really to ad something useful to this, it should be to encourage such good deeds and perhaps think of something to avoid this sort of events.....so, what else can you suggest apart from not caring about anything or anyone apart from your own personal interests???

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Don't you guys think that this topic is stale, everything has been said and now it's being repeated, time to put "paid" to this topic and talk about something interesting, move on people

No i don't think so, but it all depends from the prospective you want to look at it.

Basically, at least to me, independently from the various parts involved, this topic bring up a very interesting and actual pest of our times, "indifference & greed".

The plagues of our world, not just here in Thailand, vastly depends from this sort of attitude, and if we really want to bring some changes, we should start to do something about it, rather than criticizing the only people that are actually doing something for the better, i am sure that if we start to do something together it will not take long till we start to see some improvements

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Ideology, listen bud, people have tried to help the guy in the past, they have either donated money or their time (which sometimes is more valuable) to no avail, after a short time he is back, so what more do you want? He's trash and doesn't deserve the time of day. He's back for the 4th time, if you (and anyone else) feels so strongly about this &lt;deleted&gt;, then adopt him, take him to your home, feed him, give him booze,and what ever else he needs/ wants / deserves that this horrible world doesn't / hasn't. Have you heard the saying "you can take a horse to water but you can't make him drink".

If you want to help someone, by all means, go for it, but look for someone that not only deserves but also wants to be helped. Invest your time, money and energy on someone / something deserving.

I can't believe I'm still wasting my time reading and replying to this topic.

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Don't you guys think that this topic is stale, everything has been said and now it's being repeated, time to put "paid" to this topic and talk about something interesting, move on people

No because the person they helped home to Sweden came back again. And the moderator told us to continue it in this thread instead of starting a new

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To the guy who believe it is the same bloke:

Grow a pair, stop being a big girlys blouse and admit you got it wrong!!

The khao san pic guy is clearly younger. His beard has a red tinge in it. His eyes are different,that you cant change.

after looking at him and go back to look at the first beggar guy you can see the beard is darker and like the other poster said..he has a different shaped head.

they do look alike, but many with receeding bald head and beard around the same weight would look same.

Id even look like that if i lost more hair and grew the beard :0)

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To the guy who believe it is the same bloke:

Grow a pair, stop being a big girlys blouse and admit you got it wrong!!

The khao san pic guy is clearly younger. His beard has a red tinge in it. His eyes are different,that you cant change.

after looking at him and go back to look at the first beggar guy you can see the beard is darker and like the other poster said..he has a different shaped head.

they do look alike, but many with receeding bald head and beard around the same weight would look same.

Id even look like that if i lost more hair and grew the beard :0)

The people from Sweden in the thread about him, have spoken with the bloke. And it's the same man, same name, same age, from the same place.

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To the guy who believe it is the same bloke:

Grow a pair, stop being a big girlys blouse and admit you got it wrong!!

The khao san pic guy is clearly younger. His beard has a red tinge in it. His eyes are different,that you cant change.

after looking at him and go back to look at the first beggar guy you can see the beard is darker and like the other poster said..he has a different shaped head.

they do look alike, but many with receeding bald head and beard around the same weight would look same.

Id even look like that if i lost more hair and grew the beard :0)

The people from Sweden in the thread about him, have spoken with the bloke. And it's the same man, same name, same age, from the same place.

ok if you say thats true..i will apologize and stick my nose out of it :0)

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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

At least the Swedish Embassy won't leave him chained naked to the bars in a police cell like the British embassy did with that Englishman in Pattaya who was suffering from amnesia but later turned out to have a wad of cash in his Thai bank account.

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Swedish people have been speaking with him in the street and confirm it. And you still claim you are right....ha ha ha what a joke. There are at least two threads about him in the Swedish forum confirming it.

Look just face it, you haven't even linked anything let alone the two threads that you allege prove something because a bunch of people supposedly posted something.

And it is amazing how two 'different members' post in the same manner reinforcing each other but use the same manner of expression every time 'they' post.

You still have NOT PROVIDED SHRED OF EVIDENCE....nor responded on point to anything in the past.

Did you donate money to him last time??

Feeling a bit foolish?

No I did not, not 1 baht. That has clearly been stated a number of times. All I did was take the time to inform myself of the situation and if you were not a fool you would be aware of that.

I think the greater fool is the one that can't think for himself nor take the time to actually inform himself , don't you??

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Lakegeneve is there going to be another collection for him?

He and others contributing in helping out this other person, might have fallen victim of a "freeloader",

Indeed, a fool and his money are soon parted, he was well intentioned, but he was conned and made a fool of.

Yes he was conned and made a fool of. But the worst is that they are not helping this Swedish man by giving him airplane-tickets, hotel & money for overstay fine. They are making it worse and this man can return faster to Bangkok. Reality will catch up this man sooner or later. But if people keep on giving him money and tickets, it will be later

Well if any of the 3 of you could actually read, you know that I didn't contribute 1 baht. But clearly you can't read plain and simple english which is probably why you are blindly following the two pushing this BS.

And the fools here are the ones being conned by the two trolling who previously made fools of themselves by making completely unfounded allegations that were not only due to their inability to read but stupidly in the case of one exposed himself to potential criminal defamation.

Allegations that were proven to be without any foundation and which when highlighted, that the bangkoklasse was wrong he never responded to that fact.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You were asked to provide evidence, you have not done so. Pointing to other forums without even posting links is not evidence.

Either you are in on the scam ? Or you are making a fool out of yourself Lakegeneve. Many people in the Swedish forums have even spoken with him. He has the same name and look the same. And come from the same part of Sweden. And you claim the checkbones look thinner !! ha ha what a joke

Here, I did the super challenging task of placing the two pics of two different guys in the same thread for you.....

Clearly Sweden is a wonderful country when you can have major cosmetic surgery with a new nose job, get your check bones reduced and adjust the size of the cranium! (I so, so wanted to make a pun there but I'm trying to be polite....)

Seriously, the intellectual capacity of some desperate people willing to make fools of themselves makes even the below average Thai police investigation look highly professional!


There are forums stating that aliens are running the US government and where MH 370 is located, are we meant to believe those as well??

I appreciate that the threshold of "truth" and "facts" is akin to a 5 yr old for some like you on TV but most of us are objective and require a compelling level of evidence. It is a threshold that is much higher than chinese whispers and deluded internet detectives

God forbid if you should ever be in a position of determining anothers fate .......if you can't provide any evidence then you are just making a fool of yourself yet again.

Lakegeneve You are delusional. Everyone her is entitled to have an opinion without you being rude and abusive to them. Who do you think you are? No one is required to prove anything to you. Live with it. You are just digging a big hole for yourself. You will owe several people here an apology when it is verified that you are wrong.

I'm delusional?? Just because you are seemingly a friend of Khunerik (someone who posts patently false information) and want to support him that does not make others delusional

No one is required to prove anything, really? Is that true, is it? You yourself have admitted that nothing has been verified yet do you really think that it is appropriate that people make unfounded accusations with no evidence. You obviously wouldn't mind people making all sorts of false and defamatory allegations about you publicly thus defaming your character just because they made a fools of themselves previously.

Have you met the Swedish guy??? Did you take the time to inquire into his situation previously??

I've met the guy, the picture is obviously not the same guy. I called the person that help him and he is adamant it is not the same guy. Even someone with a degree of good eyesight can tell it is not the same guy.

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I can confirm it's the same Swedish man as before in this thread

How can you confirm??? You met him before? You met him when? Someone who could confirm something would be able to state specifics not just stupidly parrot "I can confirm".

Please do provide the location, date and time that you met him.

Look, I can confirm that this teacher that I saw somewhere, sometime is obviously Chuck Norris! I posted it so it must be true...........


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I can confirm it's the same Swedish man as before in this thread

How can you confirm??? You met him before? You met him when? Someone who could confirm something would be able to state specifics not just stupidly parrot "I can confirm".

Please do provide the location, date and time that you met him.

Look, I can confirm that this teacher that I saw somewhere, sometime is obviously Chuck Norris! I posted it so it must be true...........


My dear Lakegeneve your postings are becoming a comedy show. If you really think these two Chucks look alike confirms you have seriously impaired eyesight.

You aggression and belligerence against TVF members that contradict your postings makes you come across a desperate individual trying to save face. Most people on TVF, I am sure, no longer believe a word you say, so why not give the aggression a rest..It doesn't impress anyone.

What real evidence do you have that they are different guys. Have you spoken to this new guy? If so when? Time and dates please and a photo to prove that you were there. I suspect you have not been anywhere near him.

The photos of the man that you posted are the same man. I have 20/20 vision by the way. You think that they are different men. Well that is OK we have already established you have seriously impaired vision

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