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Homeless Swede found on Bangkok street


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Is it a slow news day or something? When I lived on Sukhumvit I saw this kind of thing happen on a regular basis. A lot of people lose themselves in a world of sex / drugs / alcohol, and don't realise they're hitting rock bottom until it's too late.

Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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He came here in November. He came here in January. And then he came here on this trip....................and he had one million when he came here according to himself

That is accurate according to what he told my friend, and his stamps..

Did he also tell your friend that he was breaking into peoples homes in the Nana area?

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"Mr. Leif Christer didn’t want to go back home because he was afraid that he might be blacklisted and wouldn’t be able to travel to Thailand again."

Man, give it up, go home and put Thailand in your rear view. Get some help too.

Of course if it works that he gets money and a flight, then manages to come back for another binge, then he might be on to something.

Swedes know how to have fun!

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Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners wishing to come to Thailand, and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

One in particular is getting married, for which in most cases serves as no particular advantage, since the foreigner is not entitled to any special rights or privileges, if they intend to stay in Thailand. The second one would be buying property, which as most know, gives you virtually no rights in ownership. I agree that you must be streetwise when it comes to Thais, as they will take advantage whenever possible. My advise to you all out there, is sure come to Thailand, but don't take your money with you. Get as much advise as possible, and test the water by putting in your toe first, not the whole foot.

With regards to this Swede, it's quite clear he is perhaps a victim of circumstance, clearly not prepared to deal with the harshness of Thailand, which is a far different cry from his home country, where help is on hand, courtesy of the social welfare that exists. Therefore, I think the authorities should deport him once his visa runs out (if it hasn't already), and insist the Swedish authorities give him a temporary passport. It would be very easy to confirm his citizenship.

Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners men in their home countries wishing to Thailand, marry and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

Men all over the world often think with their small head and not the one between their ears. Thai women take advantage of men who can neither keep their dick or their wallet in their pants. Men and women marry for love and sometimes money and the vast majority live happy and satisfying lives together.

Women everywhere recognize fools and they and their money are soon parted.

As for the Swede, sadly, he is a loser and an alcoholic who needs help and won't find it here. Back to Stockholm and some care.

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Makes a hard man humble and a soft man crumble.

Surely the Swedish Embassy would have some information about the guy. Even if he no longer has any relatives (like me) there would still be records, as well as verifiable information (like, where was he living in Sweden, driver's license, job, etc).

So many similar stories. Repeat visitor. "Tricked" out his entire life savings. No plane ticket. No passport. Overstayed visa. (No relatives/friends or none that can afford to send money.)

And people wonder why so many foreigners in Thailand studiously avoid other foreigners.

I know that I ambeatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuwith this reply, but here goes. The real reason so many foreigners "studiously" avoid other foreigners, is simply because they have some serious (developmental) personality issues of their own, to begin with. Holier than thou; self-righteous "arrogance" being one of those issues. I doesn't cost one baht to speak, or to give recognition to another foreigner in passing. For heaven sake, man, you probably give that much to stray dog on the street. How could you possibly not give that much to another human being? Huh?coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners wishing to come to Thailand, and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

One in particular is getting married, for which in most cases serves as no particular advantage, since the foreigner is not entitled to any special rights or privileges, if they intend to stay in Thailand. The second one would be buying property, which as most know, gives you virtually no rights in ownership. I agree that you must be streetwise when it comes to Thais, as they will take advantage whenever possible. My advise to you all out there, is sure come to Thailand, but don't take your money with you. Get as much advise as possible, and test the water by putting in your toe first, not the whole foot.

With regards to this Swede, it's quite clear he is perhaps a victim of circumstance, clearly not prepared to deal with the harshness of Thailand, which is a far different cry from his home country, where help is on hand, courtesy of the social welfare that exists. Therefore, I think the authorities should deport him once his visa runs out (if it hasn't already), and insist the Swedish authorities give him a temporary passport. It would be very easy to confirm his citizenship.

Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners men in their home countries wishing to Thailand, marry and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

Men all over the world often think with their small head and not the one between their ears. Thai women take advantage of men who can neither keep their dick or their wallet in their pants. Men and women marry for love and sometimes money and the vast majority live happy and satisfying lives together.

Women everywhere recognize fools and they and their money are soon parted.

As for the Swede, sadly, he is a loser and an alcoholic who needs help and won't find it here. Back to Stockholm and some care.

"The vast majority live happy and satisfying lives together?"

I agree with most of what you said but not this!

We live in a society where we see Divorce Rates at 50%. These Rates only include the people who actually go through Divorce each year and not all the ones who would have liked to, except for the cost, division of property, forced to live in a lower standard of living without the other partners income, and the children. The difference between being Divorced, or not, could only be the difference between the person who had the guts to get out of a horrible relationship, compared to the one who did not. Or is it the one who has the guts to stay?

Divorce Laws can also mask the true and likely Divorce Rates, which we tend to use to judge whether a couple is happy or not. For many years Poland enjoyed some of the lowest Divorce Rates in the Civilized World. If I recall it was lower than 10%. Many contribute this to the very strong Catholic Religion their, which Poland has, and in which fronds on Divorce for almost any reason.

But the truth is, this was because of Polish Divorce Laws. If a Polish Woman wanted to Divorce her drunken and abusive husband, she could, but still had to share with him their Flat (apartment). Or buy him his own Flat, which almost all could not afford to do. This included a room for himself to sleep, and equal use of common areas, like the bathroom and kitchen.

So in reality, the only benefit a Polish Woman gained from an expensive Divorce in Poland was to not be forced to sleep with him in the same room, which in 99.5% of the time she wasn't doing that anyway. She would also not get a Divorce for this in a Catholic Church, meaning to the religious that she could never get remarried in a Catholic Church again either. So even after a Legal Divorce, "Religiously", she was technically still married to the same man.

But this all changed recently when the EU opened up to Poland. Many Polish Men where now free to travel and find better paying employment in different countries, leaving behind there wife and children. Many soon found employment as Plumbers, Electricians, Carpenters, and such, in countries like the UK. Along with these new jobs many also found new Girl Friends, Lovers, than later Fiancee's and Wives.

Needless to say, and a couple of years after the Great Exodus from Poland of Polish Men, the Divorce Rates in Dear Poland shot up like a Rocket In the first few years, from 10% to 60% and beyond. So much so the Polish Courts soon became backlogged for years to come and considered imposing huge fines to reduce the number of Divorces.

These people, who we may have considered before this time as Happy and Satisfied together were in fact not. But when the chains of bondage were removed from their married life, for example the Flat they needed to share with there Partner, all things changed. Poland now has almost the same Divorce Rates as most other Western World Countries. Maybe even higher from the aftershock.

Lucky for us we can still have a satisfying life with ours jobs, circle of friends, alcohol, hobbies, and family, but yet we still can be unhappily married. Which I believe to be the true vast majority. Married or Single, with Good Careers or not, Rich or Poor, very few of us actually live a happy and satisfied life. I do not understand why someone may actually choose to live on the street as a Beggar. But then I also do not understand how someone with so much money and success, and seems to have everything in life, chooses to kill himself either.

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Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners wishing to come to Thailand, and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

One in particular is getting married, for which in most cases serves as no particular advantage, since the foreigner is not entitled to any special rights or privileges, if they intend to stay in Thailand. The second one would be buying property, which as most know, gives you virtually no rights in ownership. I agree that you must be streetwise when it comes to Thais, as they will take advantage whenever possible. My advise to you all out there, is sure come to Thailand, but don't take your money with you. Get as much advise as possible, and test the water by putting in your toe first, not the whole foot.

With regards to this Swede, it's quite clear he is perhaps a victim of circumstance, clearly not prepared to deal with the harshness of Thailand, which is a far different cry from his home country, where help is on hand, courtesy of the social welfare that exists. Therefore, I think the authorities should deport him once his visa runs out (if it hasn't already), and insist the Swedish authorities give him a temporary passport. It would be very easy to confirm his citizenship.

Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners men in their home countries wishing to Thailand, marry and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

Men all over the world often think with their small head and not the one between their ears. Thai women take advantage of men who can neither keep their dick or their wallet in their pants. Men and women marry for love and sometimes money and the vast majority live happy and satisfying lives together.

Women everywhere recognize fools and they and their money are soon parted.

As for the Swede, sadly, he is a loser and an alcoholic who needs help and won't find it here. Back to Stockholm and some care.

There's no getting through to the full-grown fool. You can talk and talk, til your face turns blue. There's no getting through to the full grown fools. I gave a wise word to an arrogant Aussie bloke, two-years ago, about a bargirl in Jomtien, who had been married/divorced 3X with foreigners. I even gave the bloke the email address of one of her former "farang" beaus (a fellow Aussie & former neighbor to me), for his own research purposes. That ham-brained idiot snitched on me (by name) to that Facebook slut. Anyway, that same dumb, uneducated bargirl, totally cleaned that AH Aussie's clock.

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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.

Thailand is a country you need to be a strong willed person. Make sure you control Thailand not allow Thailand, especially Pattaya, Patong etc control you.

Why go into all that trouble?

There are enough of safe countries in this world that one could go to.

I feel sorry for the poor man - but blaming Thailand is stupidity at it's best.


Make sure you control Thailand

You seem to be very very sick.

Leif Christer a 45 year old

Ain't no kid, isn't it?

Edited by ravip
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He should be got back to Sweden by whatever means possible and then have his passport revoked. Give him freedom to travel again and he will be back causing more problems. Easily sorted if the Swedish Government gets off its arse.

You do things like this in countries like Libya, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. You do not do this in a Democratic Society!

Thailand can Black List him if they so chose. That is enough.

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He came here and found out what it's all about. Unfortunately, his addiction made it impossible to get by. He should go home, before he destroys himself, and destroys what's left of his esteem, if indeed he has any left. Why stay near Nana? He would find more help in the woods!

Falang Tourists are in the woods? blink.png

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Myself many tine miss Thailand miss my gf miss weather but i know i must work and save buy condo for yourself for future make a plan.

Marry her, bring her to your home country - Norway? and let her work there to. wink.png

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A Thai friend showing me this story on social media said she read in the comments that an Austrian expat previously paid for his flight home. The swede then later returned to Thailand to get himself back into the same destitute state.

Then since this keeps occuring and he will just return he should be sent home and blacklisted so he can't return.

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He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.

A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

I'm Swedish and your story and PM you about giving money smells. According to himself, the Swedish Embassy and all the othet Swedish papers/internet forums that I have been reading, your story is wrong.

And collecting money for him, yes sure wink.png

Nearly everything in your story is wrong.....

Upto to you my friend. We have his passport in our possession, and can see the stamps. We bought the ticket already, and got the money for immigration. We paid the Swedish embassy to escort him all the way (we had to pay them) . We contacted the Swedish "sossen" to pick him up at Arlanda. This with own funds. Especially from my good Swedish friend. You can still contribute, as all this costed around 50K total. He leaves on Wednesday.

This time of year a one-way non-stop ticket Bangkok-Stockholm costs barely 10 000 THB (with Norwegian etc.). Did you buy him business class?

Very cheap, not every day, not until. 3.9. 240.- Euro rolleyes.gif


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I've seen this guy sleeping on a sidewalk on Soi 11. Yeah, I have sympathy for him, but this is one dude who has no business living anywhere except back in Sweden which has perhaps the most generous social welfare system in the world. Alcoholism and depression go hand in hand; they feed off of each other as alcohol is a depressant chemical. If he doesn't get back to Sweden, he's likely to die in the streets.

Before any guy decides to make Thailand their home or even for an extended visit, I recommend they read "True Confessions of a Bangkok Private Eye" and be required to take a test on it before they can enter Thailand. I am happy to state that no Thai woman has been able to get the best of me and my right foot is a bit swollen from having to kick a good many of them to the curb. Their games are way to easy to sniff out if one just stays reasonably sober, employs at least a modest amount of common sense and refuses to take orders from the One-Eyed Sailor down below...

Edited by maxman71
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I Think This is a Serious topic lets us start some thing to help like this man Admin please do some thing or make a welfare Fund collecting to help poeple like this i request people who can afford to help only should help others not interested please do not make any weired replies we will help for food atleast for like these people my Suggestion

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

He's been living on the streets around Nana since April. No money. Overstayed his visa. His medical condition is really bad. All he wants is to go back to Sweden. He used to be a successful chef in Sweden (background checks), but after a work accident in 2008,is life seems to have gone down the drain.
A friend is now helping him (also Swedish). He put him in a hotel, gave him some clean clothes and located his belongings and passport, which a really great Pakistani guy we met last night, had taken care for him. He has also arranged escort at the airport (to follow him all the way on board the plane) once we can get finds to clear his overstay and ticket back home. 40K is needed. If any of you guys want to help, please PM me.

Thank you for an update. It seems most people who read these threads do not read everything, as shown on the comments posted after yours.

Guys, read before adding stupid posts!!

I wish this man all the best for when he eventually gets home.

What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


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Thing is.... nobody know what means to be in depression state until he/she did not taste it....

We never know when it comes because we do not know about "Tomorrow" ..........hence ("don't be so cocky" anyone)

When depression .comes to you ....you are just in unpredictable state... (Usually others will treat you as "mental case" or just idiot or worse..)

Yes , it is very common nowadays to be in this type of mental state. Often it leads to alcoholism as far as they can afford to buy it...

Only people who at least try to understand his/her problem can do a little help but person in such state need professional help .

Person in depression have a " little hidden key" that can be found by others but his/her state does not encourage this person to give you hint how to help him.

My personal guess is that this hidden key is to be in Thailand which he love but huge ballast of his problems does not help him to see "the light in the tunnel" by himself.

He need a help but somehow there is no help he is counting for...

Nobody and I say ...NOBODY even really can guess what it means to be in depression ! until you taste it !

What If on the top you are alone.....???

Worst thing is that if you 'll get it then it never goes away even if you get help and you are OK ......for now.

Next time it comes quicker and stronger....and you are walking dead.

Unfortunately this is illness of 21 century and it is very new to most people who do not have time to slow down and " see that grass is growing"(really see it..)

Most of people know about depression just from the media ...

It is Easy to judge ....but is hard to understand until you will get it by yourself.

Big thanks to those who are still there in this world trying or understand this problem and specially who are helping those ill people because there is more and more of this kind of tragedy for human being every dayy

Remember ;

depressed people are waiting for help but whatever state they are now - they often need just right person to help them rise again. coffee1.gif

Absolutely true, I write from my own inner experience,

smiled about mental problems and depression and suicide thoughts for long time of my life,

until I got in that circle and was trapped.

Did not need alcohol to get there or tried to solve the matter with alcohol later.

Was in psychological treatment, but did not help much, time and years helped slowly recovering.

Sometimes a picture, a word, a thought can trigger a flashback and a bad feeling of fear.

Relapse possible. blink.png

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Personally I think more warnings should go out to foreigners wishing to come to Thailand, and the pitfalls that lie ahead.

One in particular is getting married, for which in most cases serves as no particular advantage, since the foreigner is not entitled to any special rights or privileges, if they intend to stay in Thailand. The second one would be buying property, which as most know, gives you virtually no rights in ownership. I agree that you must be streetwise when it comes to Thais, as they will take advantage whenever possible. My advise to you all out there, is sure come to Thailand, but don't take your money with you. Get as much advise as possible, and test the water by putting in your toe first, not the whole foot.

With regards to this Swede, it's quite clear he is perhaps a victim of circumstance, clearly not prepared to deal with the harshness of Thailand, which is a far different cry from his home country, where help is on hand, courtesy of the social welfare that exists. Therefore, I think the authorities should deport him once his visa runs out (if it hasn't already), and insist the Swedish authorities give him a temporary passport. It would be very easy to confirm his citizenship.

getting married here is not the problem and who cares if you can't own land i dont. Problem is marrying before you really know the girl. No one would marry in west until they had been together for a lot of years. IMO people like you have in past been totally stupid and having been stupid through your own fault are bitter and twisted. Ive bee here over 30 years and its not that difficult to tell real true love from fiction and gold diggers but for reasons we all know men loose all common sense and marry when they dont even properly know their partner. You have to live full time (not on and off) for minimum 2 years before even thinking about it. On other hand I've known men with very good honest GF's who because they are so frightened of being done have pissed off their fantastic partner and lost the one true love they might ever have.

As far as this swedish guy is concerned while i feel sorry for him i dont feel any more sorry than many Thais i see in same state. HE deserves no more thought or care than anyone else in his state including Thais.

Authorities here should arrest him deport him and blacklist him or just let him be. Sadly he's probably mentally ill but then so many others are on streets here only difference is they are not white.

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This is exactly why Thailand should collect a fee for entry, plus compulsory insurance sold by immigration officers at all point of entry. Only with such arrangement, can Thai government send these unfortunate people home, without milking the already poor local subjects.

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What do we actually know about him?

Here we have a 45 Year Old Swede, who apparently was never married, or had any kids, as he has no family. So he also has no surviving mother or father, who normally at least one would be around at his age, or brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. Is this not fishy even for Sweden? How many people do you really know who are in the same position with no family and who are not at least 80 years old or older?

Next he has a work related accident in 2008 which ruins his working career. Most countries have life-time compensation for that but apparently this guy doesn't have any. But lets take a closer look at that. Was he a Police Man, who could get readily hurt? Perhaps a Fireman? No! He was a Chef! Now what kind of life-time work related accident can a Chef have, besides cut of a finger or two. But even then still be able to work later! Besides that, it looks like he had all his fingers, and if he was using his toes he shouldn't be a Chef anyway.

No! I don't believe this story for one second! There is a lot more to this man than just that! His problems goes back much further than that so called 2008 accident. The true accident was probably he got too drunk to ever come to work, got fired, and from that he should have learned. I don't like to see anyone in this position but then if it was his choice and he doesn't lose any sleep over it, why should I?

There are many people in this world looking for attention and sympathy. Some Deserving! Some Not! His biggest problem is that he has to quit drinking! If he refuses, then nobody can help him. I say save your money for some deserving child who actually needs your help, rather then some useless Hobo, who at the tender age of 45 years looks for handouts, refuses to work, and refuses to help himself,


Married with two kids (checked). Was a chef (checked). Accident cleaning tanks with lye (checked). The court case is in Swedish media. Employer was convicted in court.

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He's Swedish. Sweden has one of the most extensive and generous welfare systems in the world. I personally know a Swedish resident (not even a citizen) who was recently flown home from the IDC.

If this man is not insane then he must want to sleep on the street near nana plaza. After rereading the OP it appears the man has mental issues. Let's hope he gets home soon and on proper medication and into rehab.

Like many expats, addicted to alcohol & Thai female pheremones. And this isn't even a troll post or a joke. Poor unfortunate guy.

Thailand is a country you need to be a strong willed person. Make sure you control Thailand not allow Thailand, especially Pattaya, Patong etc control you.

How can you control a country?

You don't know about alcoholism and drug addiction. You can be the strongest willed person in all other areas yet be totally defenseless against that first drink or drug. If he's not an alcoholic/addict, then he's got a mental disease - NOTHING to do with strong will.

Next time you have diarrhea, try using your strong willpower to stop it and you'll get a glimpse of the tragedy of addiction/mental disease.

This could be ANY of the Thai visa members in the future.

nonsense I've suffered from mental disorder as has my eldest daughter However bad our condition we can overcome it if we really want. Problem is do we want to or do we have a death wish. Don't talk crap on something you know nothing about especially to someone like me whose been to hell and back and it was no washy wishy liberal crap trap that got me out just me but if someone has that death wish let them be and have what they want however hard that is. Those who have contributed rob his trip back ?? have you actually asked him if he wants it if he does fine if not leave him alone and stop trying to solve your own gilt your only making it worse.

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So what? We all have options. He chose self pity over self respect. I don't give a rat's ass what happens to him.

I hope,

you are not the person, who comes first to the place, where I have a (road) accident. blink.png

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Thailand is a country you need to be a strong willed person. Make sure you control Thailand not allow Thailand, especially Pattaya, Patong etc control you.

There are enough of safe countries in this world that one could go to.

Safe countries, with a bit of the same kind of "fun"

Where is that "safe" country?

Philippines? Cambodia? Kenia? Dom Rep? Brazil? Or? Sounds not safer to me. tongue.png

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He should be got back to Sweden by whatever means possible and then have his passport revoked. Give him freedom to travel again and he will be back causing more problems. Easily sorted if the Swedish Government gets off its arse.

so breaking no laws, but being homeless and poor is justification for stopping his freedom of movement?

Human rights don't matter in Sweden anymore?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thing is.... nobody know what means to be in depression state until he/she did not taste it....

We never know when it comes because we do not know about "Tomorrow" ..........hence ("don't be so cocky" anyone)

When depression .comes to you ....you are just in unpredictable state... (Usually others will treat you as "mental case" or just idiot or worse..)

Yes , it is very common nowadays to be in this type of mental state. Often it leads to alcoholism as far as they can afford to buy it...

Only people who at least try to understand his/her problem can do a little help but person in such state need professional help .

Person in depression have a " little hidden key" that can be found by others but his/her state does not encourage this person to give you hint how to help him.

My personal guess is that this hidden key is to be in Thailand which he love but huge ballast of his problems does not help him to see "the light in the tunnel" by himself.

He need a help but somehow there is no help he is counting for...

Nobody and I say ...NOBODY even really can guess what it means to be in depression ! until you taste it !

What If on the top you are alone.....???

Worst thing is that if you 'll get it then it never goes away even if you get help and you are OK ......for now.

Next time it comes quicker and stronger....and you are walking dead.

Unfortunately this is illness of 21 century and it is very new to most people who do not have time to slow down and " see that grass is growing"(really see it..)

Most of people know about depression just from the media ...

It is Easy to judge ....but is hard to understand until you will get it by yourself.

Big thanks to those who are still there in this world trying or understand this problem and specially who are helping those ill people because there is more and more of this kind of tragedy for human being every dayy

Remember ;

depressed people are waiting for help but whatever state they are now - they often need just right person to help them rise again. coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Absolutely true, I write from my own inner experience,

smiled about mental problems and depression and suicide thoughts for long time of my life,

until I got in that circle and was trapped.

Did not need alcohol to get there or tried to solve the matter with alcohol later.

Was in psychological treatment, but did not help much, time and years helped slowly recovering.

Sometimes a picture, a word, a thought can trigger a flashback and a bad feeling of fear.

Relapse possible. alt=blink.png>

Yeah, I also have had personal experiences with people who claimed depression; one was diagnosed with acute clinical depression and that was the real deal. During their second attempt at suicide, I was the one who found them minutes before they would have been successful in their attempt, pulled them out of what they were attempting and after numerous years of therapy (including EST), meds and talk therapy, they were able to live out their years reasonably happy and stable. Now, the other case was clearly a person who refused therapy, was very self-centered, manipulative and emotionally abusive towards others, including me. In her first threat of suicide, I dropped what I was doing and ran to her "rescue". After further observing their behaviors and taking advantage of my goodwill and caring, when they threatened suicide again, instead of running to their rescue, I called 911 and the paramedics and cops went to their residence, kicked down her door only to find her not attempting anything except getting drunk. This person was quite upset with my calling 911 instead of responding personally to getting my chain jerked. This person threatened again one more time and then informed them I had zero responsibility for them any longer. Years later, they're still around pulling the same crap on someone else.

So this fellow being depressed has no business consuming alcohol as alcohol is a depressant and makes depression, whether clinically diagnosed or not, worse. If he is not willing to seek out and accept the help he needs, then that's on him.

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