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Jelly fish invasion in ko phangan and ko Tao?

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My wife just translate my a Thai news report on a website that one boy 5 year old died from jelly fish bite in phangan report says ko Tao also affected!

Was looking a report on nat geo that

In Japanese coasts millions of jelly fish make swimming impossible!

How the treatment looks like

Only vinegar and white flower?

I have a diving suite is it enough for protection?

Wife says have also something in 7 for buy for first treatment?

Is the dirty water the main reason for the high spread of the jelly fish!

How the situation is in other country's in Asia?

Edited by Sandman77
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More info can be found here two links below and PDF file2009_Jellyfish stings in the Gulf of Thaialnd.pdf

But yes they have been around for years.



As suit while diving will protect you, they tend to be more prevalent during the NE monsoon.It's unusual for this time of year.Water clarity has nothing to do with it.There is nothing in 7-11 that will help with sting apart from possibly vinegar to neutralise the stinging cells.

The chances of being stung are unlikely, but in the event knowing what to do can save a life.

Edited by stiggy
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