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Aliens, are they leaving?,if so why?


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If Westerners are leaving Thailand, I say good and hurrah. A large percentage of those I meet and read comments from, in effect, do not deserve Thailand. They denigrate and have no wish to understand Buddhism, they feel superior to Thai, they have a colonialist attitude that includes cultural imperialism, and they do not treat their wives or girl friends with respect. That kind of Westerner should have the exit door held open for him.

Thailand will not miss their puny spending here, and will not miss their insulting behavior. Thailand has declared itself as a "dumping free" zone lately, meaning trying to shed itself of the escaped petty criminals, the deep alcoholics/drug users, and those abusing the gentle people's kindnesses here. The practice of cheaply buying living here with small bribes, which further corrupt the nation, is going fast.

Bye bye.

I have been here a long time and have noticed that most of the people that call them selves Buddhist do not practice accordingly. You know, lying, cheating, stealing, shooting and well...i could go on but, really. You must be the 1%. You should be proud of yourself. Where should i send my donations? Time to hit the deflate button?


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I looked out my door and there are no farangs here thank goodness. VOA is just that a short term visitor not a squatter. This should help with inflation. This should help Thais return to a more traditional lifestyle. This should reduce crime. However the police will be looking to get their share from those remaining.

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I'm getting the hell outta dodge and moving to the Dominican Republic. Damn shame, I've got my retirement visa solidly squared away, just renewed my 1st 5-year driver's licence for another 5 years (BOTH car and motorbike), have been faithful to the gym (6 days a week) and really could enjoy the rest of my life here in LOS. My little inner voice is SCREAMING to get out of Thailand asap after seeing recent statements made the new PM. They want to kill happy hour? Get rid of the cute girls on walking street holding placards advertising 60 baht draft? Put out new visa regulations with no apparent thought given to the repercussions? AND - - - I won't post ANYTHING more than generic ideas for fear that it be taken the wrong way by the new leadership and I take a lengthy vacation to the grey-bar hotel.

The recent ramping up of internet monitoring in Thailand has me uncomfortable. Big brother is heavily breathing down my neck here. Facebook was partially blocked during the coup as a test case to see what control this government has, and several innocent searches (Google "Adam Pickles" and see how many reports can't be viewed) make me wonder if the BIB will come knockin' at my door.

The hubris displayed by EVERY Thai in charge is hurting the country. Thailand spends more on education than ANY other country on this planet (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695289-thailands-educational-spending-highest-in-the-world/) yet is close to the bottom for overall education and dead last place for speaking English. I worked for the largest private school system in Thailand and saw first-hand what everyone reading this knows - you cannot fail a Thai student. I personally had to give a passing grade for one student because he put his name on the test paper. That was it, no answers given, just his name (which he actually misspelled!!!). This 2013 report from Ajarn: "Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana admits that the Thai education system is unsatisfactory and behind other countries in the ASEAN region. To tackle the problem, the ministry has drawn up some measures to restructure the system." Yet no one will directly face the problem because no one wants to lose face. And this is just one example of many problems facing the entire social structure.

GAWD HELP YOU if you do an overstay! Up to 20k baht and possible jail time? Dominican Republic tourist visa - $25 US. Up to one year overstay - $75 US. And you can turn right around and do it again. No threat of incarceration, no "bad stamp" in your passport, they're glad to see you come back.

Yup - Me and my retirement dollars are outta here!!!

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Lots of possibilities although I agree, over the past few months I've seen an increase in farang owned property come available, possible reasons:

insecurity resulting from the military government

people with visa problems.

others cashing in on the exchange rate.

I'm sure there are lots of other reasons also.

Is this only happening in Chaing Mai? What about the rest of Thailand? I have read that the Immigration office in CM has upset a few, could this be part of the reason?

They are upset because the office is so full of people to get visa's and 90m days. People leaving Thailand don't have to go in there. It is just locals. Along with the people just moving into Chiang Mai.

Part of the reason for so many empty buildings is they built far more than are needed. Also as some one else mentioned some are just moving to another part of Thailand.

Yes, I see where you are coming from.

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i think there is simply less inbound people, compare to before. For example compare to before perhaps there were 6 inbound and 4 outbound, now the ratio is like 1 inbound and 4 outbound, please note those numbers are just an example and are not based on any facts. Hence less foreigners in thailand, and an oversupply of housing which makes the mooban on condo you live in seem emptier.

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comparing how many people are moving to Chiang Mai now depends on what time period you are comparing it to as to whether there are more or less.

The original post was whether aliens are leaving, I don't think the original post has a comparison.

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The military is creating policy without regard to the impact it has on either tourism, or the ex-pat population. This is bound to take its toll. Some ex-pats will be lost. For me, I could care less whether or not I am referred to as an ex-pat, an alien, a fareng, or a freak. Means nothing to me. Just words.

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The military is creating policy without regard to the impact it has on either tourism, or the ex-pat population. This is bound to take its toll. Some ex-pats will be lost. For me, I could care less whether or not I am referred to as an ex-pat, an alien, a fareng, or a freak. Means nothing to me. Just words.

If you think they might even consider thinking about the welfare of expats think again sunshine (freak).rolleyes.gif

Edited by DaamNaam
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The military is creating policy without regard to the impact it has on either tourism, or the ex-pat population. This is bound to take its toll. Some ex-pats will be lost. For me, I could care less whether or not I am referred to as an ex-pat, an alien, a fareng, or a freak. Means nothing to me. Just words.

If you think they might even consider thinking about the welfare of expats think again sunshine (freak).rolleyes.gif

I suppose if I gave a rats ass what you thought of me, I might be offended. But, since I don't, I'm not! And as I said, being called a freak is water off a ducks back.

However, I do agree that they are not considering the welfare of ex-pats. Perhaps it is good that they are being objective and not allowing all these considerations to get in the way of their policy? Just a thought.

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You only have to look at the real estate websites in Chiangmai to see actually how many houses there are for rent, and increasing daily with loads of new listings. DD Property alone has several thousand listings!

The house opposite me has just vacated too, foreign renters left Thailand after 3 years,

Ok , what's the opinion of people regarding a developer in the Huay Keaw Road area (I wont specifically name the development or the developer) who already had a reasonable standard of rental apartment available at 12,000 baht a month then deciding to build a structure on the same site offering much more upmarket apartments at an asking rent of 25,000 baht per month.

When the building finally opened recently, I don't believe there were that many takers but it was early days.

My question is given the overall situation in Thailand regarding visas, less tourists coming from some countries, slowing economy etc are there going to be that many people who will still pay 25,000 baht per month for an apartment in the Huay Keaw Road area?

Edited by Asiantravel
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I, too, am considering leaving Thailand, after 10 years as we, here in Pattaya, are the target of every police scam and responsible for every accident even though it is the Thai driver who caused it. Immigration continues their useless 90 day reporting rule, prices are up and we get little respect from Thai citizens/authorities. Malaysia, among others, are offering incentives to come live among them so I would rather be somewhere that I am wanted and not just for what money I have.

Hmm I wonder why Malaysia wants you there??? lets see.....oh Money!

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The answer to your question is yes. I was just having this conversation recently with people I have known here for over 20 years and it is quite noticeable. I have an attorney friend with a large law firm here that has been commenting on how many companies he has been winding up in the last year. I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones. He explained in his case much of it stemmed all the way back to the floods several years back and that companies take time to come to such decisions and take action on them. When large companies move their subcontractors usually follow suit. It seems we are seeing the result of that only now. Add to this the political, govt and economic situation recently which has exacerbated that even further.

I myself am considering moving back to Indonesia where I used to work years ago as the prospects in Thailand are not that good any longer. Most people I have known for decades concur that the attitudes here have changed for the worse generally. In fact, we are in favor of the coup and what it is accomplishing but, believe it may be a case of too little too late. Many Thai based foreign companies are relocating to other countries in the region where better policies toward foreign workers, access to local finance, cheaper overall costs and generally a better attitude to foreign owned companies and their expat employees exist.

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The answer to your question is yes. I was just having this conversation recently with people I have known here for over 20 years and it is quite noticeable. I have an attorney friend with a large law firm here that has been commenting on how many companies he has been winding up in the last year. I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones. He explained in his case much of it stemmed all the way back to the floods several years back and that companies take time to come to such decisions and take action on them. When large companies move their subcontractors usually follow suit. It seems we are seeing the result of that only now. Add to this the political, govt and economic situation recently which has exacerbated that even further. I myself am considering moving back to Indonesia where I used to work years ago as the prospects in Thailand are not that good any longer. Most people I have known for decades concur that the attitudes here have changed for the worse generally. In fact, we are in favor of the coup and what it is accomplishing but, believe it may be a case of too little too late. Many Thai based foreign companies are relocating to other countries in the region where better policies toward foreign workers, access to local finance, cheaper overall costs and generally a better attitude to foreign owned companies and their expat employees exist.

I don't doubt you were told those things, personally I don't believe them, especially the last sentance.

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I'm getting the hell outta dodge and moving to the Dominican Republic. Damn shame, I've got my retirement visa solidly squared away, just renewed my 1st 5-year driver's licence for another 5 years (BOTH car and motorbike), have been faithful to the gym (6 days a week) and really could enjoy the rest of my life here in LOS. My little inner voice is SCREAMING to get out of Thailand asap after seeing recent statements made the new PM. They want to kill happy hour? Get rid of the cute girls on walking street holding placards advertising 60 baht draft? Put out new visa regulations with no apparent thought given to the repercussions? AND - - - I won't post ANYTHING more than generic ideas for fear that it be taken the wrong way by the new leadership and I take a lengthy vacation to the grey-bar hotel.

The recent ramping up of internet monitoring in Thailand has me uncomfortable. Big brother is heavily breathing down my neck here. Facebook was partially blocked during the coup as a test case to see what control this government has, and several innocent searches (Google "Adam Pickles" and see how many reports can't be viewed) make me wonder if the BIB will come knockin' at my door.

The hubris displayed by EVERY Thai in charge is hurting the country. Thailand spends more on education than ANY other country on this planet (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/695289-thailands-educational-spending-highest-in-the-world/) yet is close to the bottom for overall education and dead last place for speaking English. I worked for the largest private school system in Thailand and saw first-hand what everyone reading this knows - you cannot fail a Thai student. I personally had to give a passing grade for one student because he put his name on the test paper. That was it, no answers given, just his name (which he actually misspelled!!!). This 2013 report from Ajarn: "Education Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana admits that the Thai education system is unsatisfactory and behind other countries in the ASEAN region. To tackle the problem, the ministry has drawn up some measures to restructure the system." Yet no one will directly face the problem because no one wants to lose face. And this is just one example of many problems facing the entire social structure.

GAWD HELP YOU if you do an overstay! Up to 20k baht and possible jail time? Dominican Republic tourist visa - $25 US. Up to one year overstay - $75 US. And you can turn right around and do it again. No threat of incarceration, no "bad stamp" in your passport, they're glad to see you come back.

Yup - Me and my retirement dollars are outta here!!!

Interesting your first point is about drinking. an article that came out in a once a month publication in Chiang Mai. Still waiting for the Bangkok Post to pick up on that gem or more than likely the far more irresponsible Nation.

Leaves the rest of your reasons suspect. the Dominican Republic can't say as I have heard stirring reports about it.

I guess the drinking laws are a lot more liberal there. Never been there.

Had a boss who heard it was one of the top places in the world to retire to spent two weeks there and said never again. This is a man who has traveled all over the world. It takes two maps to show all his travels. Even Antarctica and Easter Island. I trust his judgment.

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I would say that the current and ever changing visa rules cause some problems and people leaving.

True. I don't think it is a matter of ever changing as much as it is a matter of finally going to inforce them. Even at that the government has said they are going to leave a lot of it at the discretion of the agernt. so it would appear that it will not be a hard and fast rule. Except for the ones who have nothing to show for being here continually on visa runs and no other reason for being here other than it is a cheap place to live.

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The answer to your question is yes. I was just having this conversation recently with people I have known here for over 20 years and it is quite noticeable. I have an attorney friend with a large law firm here that has been commenting on how many companies he has been winding up in the last year. I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones. He explained in his case much of it stemmed all the way back to the floods several years back and that companies take time to come to such decisions and take action on them. When large companies move their subcontractors usually follow suit. It seems we are seeing the result of that only now. Add to this the political, govt and economic situation recently which has exacerbated that even further. I myself am considering moving back to Indonesia where I used to work years ago as the prospects in Thailand are not that good any longer. Most people I have known for decades concur that the attitudes here have changed for the worse generally. In fact, we are in favor of the coup and what it is accomplishing but, believe it may be a case of too little too late. Many Thai based foreign companies are relocating to other countries in the region where better policies toward foreign workers, access to local finance, cheaper overall costs and generally a better attitude to foreign owned companies and their expat employees exist.

I don't doubt you were told those things, personally I don't believe them, especially the last sentance.

what gets me is he makes a lot of sense in the facts of the problems stemming from the flood. But the unemployment rate remains the same. When the government scarfed all the illegal workers out of the country they had to immediately turn around and make it much easier for them to come back in. They were needed and still are. Maybe the lawyer specializes in Bankruptcy companies. You are always going to have them no matter how good the economy is.

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I, too, am considering leaving Thailand, after 10 years as we, here in Pattaya, are the target of every police scam and responsible for every accident even though it is the Thai driver who caused it. Immigration continues their useless 90 day reporting rule, prices are up and we get little respect from Thai citizens/authorities. Malaysia, among others, are offering incentives to come live among them so I would rather be somewhere that I am wanted and not just for what money I have.

Hmm I wonder why Malaysia wants you there??? lets see.....oh Money!

Last time I checked into it You need more money in Malaysia. So yes they probably are going to be welcoming him.

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Yes, they have been leaving in droves for the last year or two and no surprise.

The country is slowly losing it's luster with visa extension surprises, confusing immigration rules, hospitals doubling their prices, female scams and a general lack of appreciation.

When was the last time you heard, "thank you" for giving anyone a tip here? A thank you is rare now even in the Thai language.

Memories are short as it was foreign tourist money that built Thailand what it is today.

Down the road they will do the same as Mexico and Costa Rica were forced to do and that is spend millions in advertising to get the alien numbers back up, after intentionally driving them out. However, they never did get the numbers back. All they got was run over by cartels and street thugs. Combined with property taxes doubling, ridiculous traffic fines and harassment at every level. There crime numbers have exploded.

It's an aging population and the younger generation can't afford to travel like they once did, nor can most afford to retire now.

The wake up call is near with small businesses and stalls disappearing, empty bars and restaurants and a not so busy airport.

It will not change for the better with a world economy in retreat.

It was fabulous for many decades, and I will cherish the memories.

Today, I'm sad to see a world in chaos, thinking about friends who have already left and all my friends who are being forced out with visa surprises who have built a life here for many years, with no where to go and are unemployable because of age.

You really believe Tourism built Thailand into what it is today? If so you are delusional. Thailand is not going to die if it loses a few long stay tourists is you can be called a tourist. You guys think Thailand depends on you and that is just crazy. Dont you know Thailand is very big in manufacturing? Exports are about 40-45% of the GDP where tourism is at about 8-10% of the GDP and with a few of you guys leaving that it not going to effect tourism numbers. If you and a few others leave REAL tourists will still come to Thailand.

I agree:


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My contribution under nr 92 got a few sour reactions...but I did not bother to reply

Sanuk 711 who was an immigrant in 4 countries wrote what I should have done..

Before coming to Thailand I worked in 6 countries (not including my own country) for total period of 20 years : so I really know something when I wrote that - although nothing is perfect - Thailand is the easiest country to live between Istanbul and Tokyo

I have been an immigrant in 4 countries-so lived in 5, I have always come across like people as the negative posters, they complain about everything, usually from the second day that they arrived. One of many things they have in common is that a very large portion don't leave, their just happy to dam whatever country it is they live in, until their actually taken away to the burner. I really do have sympathy for their Thai wives/Fans, a race that has many hardships but can always raise a smile & joke, to be constantly battered by this negativity. The Australians had a saying for them--The whinging Pom (because most of their immigrants came from UK) one of the many jokes that they used was..."How can you tell if the plane is full of Pom's--- Well the engine has been turned off but you can still hear the whining" The word whinging Pom is now so recognized around the world as a bad immigrant, that it has made it into the Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whinging%20Pom & yes I come from England.

Another thing they have in common is the lack of facts in their argument--- they just cant find figures to prove just how much of a hell it is living in Thailand.

i think there is simply less inbound people, compare to before. For example compare to before perhaps there were 6 inbound and 4 outbound, now the ratio is like 1 inbound and 4 outbound,---mike324 Yes mike324....& that figure came from what bar

Yes, they have been leaving in droves for the last year or two and no surprise.--- Kabula,........Maybe they drink in the same bar.

I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones---expat .........We would probably be astounded to if you could show us the same figures you saw.

You really could go on with these non statical guys & make it a mega post, but not only do they not want (can't) post stat's they don't read them when they are posted, Hhfarang posted a chart showing the best / worst places to retire--- worst was Cambodia 2nd worst place was Dominican Republic.

Just after that you get quandow posting --I'm getting the hell outta dodge and moving to the Dominican Republic.-----quandow

Something made you all want to come & live here--possibly its just your perception that has changed since then, because many of the post citing reasons for leaving are quite silly in as much as that was the way it was when you arrived.....you accepted it & settled in, & now some of the laws that were here when you immigrated--your unhappy with.

And some of the customs

You only have to watch some of their TV games to wonder just what it is that makes them tick or more important turns them On, they seem to have a built in sense of sadism.---n21mp

And of course the self importance factor---yes I am here saving Thailand

We (The Ex Pats) bring money, expertise and support to a community that does nothing (Generally) but attempts to suck the life blood out of us one way or another in their attempts at getting as much money out of us as possible, Indeed it is a national sport or haven't you noticed?---n21mp

Please if you want to leave---do so , life is very short, I left 3 of the 4 countries I immigrated to, but do so with some dignity--Thailand is not for everyone, but if your excuse for leaving--are laws or social customs that were in place long before you came, then you will be viewed as the proverbial "Wandering Whinging Pom"

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Yes, they have been leaving in droves for the last year or two and no surprise.

The country is slowly losing it's luster with visa extension surprises, confusing immigration rules, hospitals doubling their prices, female scams and a general lack of appreciation.

When was the last time you heard, "thank you" for giving anyone a tip here? A thank you is rare now even in the Thai language.

Memories are short as it was foreign tourist money that built Thailand what it is today.

Down the road they will do the same as Mexico and Costa Rica were forced to do and that is spend millions in advertising to get the alien numbers back up, after intentionally driving them out. However, they never did get the numbers back. All they got was run over by cartels and street thugs. Combined with property taxes doubling, ridiculous traffic fines and harassment at every level. There crime numbers have exploded.

It's an aging population and the younger generation can't afford to travel like they once did, nor can most afford to retire now.

The wake up call is near with small businesses and stalls disappearing, empty bars and restaurants and a not so busy airport.

It will not change for the better with a world economy in retreat.

It was fabulous for many decades, and I will cherish the memories.

Today, I'm sad to see a world in chaos, thinking about friends who have already left and all my friends who are being forced out with visa surprises who have built a life here for many years, with no where to go and are unemployable because of age.

You really believe Tourism built Thailand into what it is today? If so you are delusional. Thailand is not going to die if it loses a few long stay tourists is you can be called a tourist. You guys think Thailand depends on you and that is just crazy. Dont you know Thailand is very big in manufacturing? Exports are about 40-45% of the GDP where tourism is at about 8-10% of the GDP and with a few of you guys leaving that it not going to effect tourism numbers. If you and a few others leave REAL tourists will still come to Thailand.

I am curious about all his friends who are being forced out with a visa surprise. I wonder what the surprise was. As I read it some of them were made easier. He must be referring to all his friends who have no valid visa for being here. Just keep on getting 30 day visas. The airport is no longer so busy because they now have two airports in Bangkok.

Strange thinking with nothing to back it up than the type people he hangs around with are people who can't work and for one reason or another can not go to another country and get a proper Visa. Which in the long run is probably cheaper than a Visa run every 30 days.

One 60 day double entry can get you up to 180 days. Why make 18 visa runs?

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My contribution under nr 92 got a few sour reactions...but I did not bother to reply

Sanuk 711 who was an immigrant in 4 countries wrote what I should have done..

Before coming to Thailand I worked in 6 countries (not including my own country) for total period of 20 years : so I really know something when I wrote that - although nothing is perfect - Thailand is the easiest country to live between Istanbul and Tokyo

I have been an immigrant in 4 countries-so lived in 5, I have always come across like people as the negative posters, they complain about everything, usually from the second day that they arrived. One of many things they have in common is that a very large portion don't leave, their just happy to dam whatever country it is they live in, until their actually taken away to the burner. I really do have sympathy for their Thai wives/Fans, a race that has many hardships but can always raise a smile & joke, to be constantly battered by this negativity. The Australians had a saying for them--The whinging Pom (because most of their immigrants came from UK) one of the many jokes that they used was..."How can you tell if the plane is full of Pom's--- Well the engine has been turned off but you can still hear the whining" The word whinging Pom is now so recognized around the world as a bad immigrant, that it has made it into the Dictionary http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Whinging%20Pom & yes I come from England.

Another thing they have in common is the lack of facts in their argument--- they just cant find figures to prove just how much of a hell it is living in Thailand.

i think there is simply less inbound people, compare to before. For example compare to before perhaps there were 6 inbound and 4 outbound, now the ratio is like 1 inbound and 4 outbound,---mike324 Yes mike324....& that figure came from what bar

Yes, they have been leaving in droves for the last year or two and no surprise.--- Kabula,........Maybe they drink in the same bar.

I was astounded at the numbers and they are not just small firms but some very large ones---expat .........We would probably be astounded to if you could show us the same figures you saw.

You really could go on with these non statical guys & make it a mega post, but not only do they not want (can't) post stat's they don't read them when they are posted, Hhfarang posted a chart showing the best / worst places to retire--- worst was Cambodia 2nd worst place was Dominican Republic.

Just after that you get quandow posting --I'm getting the hell outta dodge and moving to the Dominican Republic.-----quandow

Something made you all want to come & live here--possibly its just your perception that has changed since then, because many of the post citing reasons for leaving are quite silly in as much as that was the way it was when you arrived.....you accepted it & settled in, & now some of the laws that were here when you immigrated--your unhappy with.

And some of the customs

You only have to watch some of their TV games to wonder just what it is that makes them tick or more important turns them On, they seem to have a built in sense of sadism.---n21mp

And of course the self importance factor---yes I am here saving Thailand

We (The Ex Pats) bring money, expertise and support to a community that does nothing (Generally) but attempts to suck the life blood out of us one way or another in their attempts at getting as much money out of us as possible, Indeed it is a national sport or haven't you noticed?---n21mp

Please if you want to leave---do so , life is very short, I left 3 of the 4 countries I immigrated to, but do so with some dignity--Thailand is not for everyone, but if your excuse for leaving--are laws or social customs that were in place long before you came, then you will be viewed as the proverbial "Wandering Whinging Pom"

Thank you for your honest opinion based on experience.

I believe sanuk711 hit the nail right on the head. He did mention one thing that got me to thinking. I was wondering how many of those who are leaving are leaving behind wives who had come to depend on them.

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I asked before whether there is any data that suggests that there are more foreigners leaving than coming into Chiang Mai province/Thailand. My view is that maybe the inflow of foreigners has slowed slightly but I'm still convinced that there are way more foreigners moving to Chiang Mai rather than leaving Chiang Mai province. Statements from immigration officials clearly indicate that the foreigner population in Chiang Mai has grown rapidly over the last years, so maybe growth might be slowing somewhat, but not sure unless I see some data about this.

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