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Nigerian man, Thai woman arrested for online fraud


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Will it ever end?

Has anyone ever herd the word Nigeria

it must be new to the Taiwan businesses

maybe they were asked to transfer 4.6 million baht

so they could get transferred 9.6 million baht into

their accounts. Duh

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Glad they caught these two scammers, more of this needs to be done. On a different note though, they mention "The suspects admitted to the fraud and identified many accomplices". Good to see there is loyalty and trust in crime groups these days.

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As a former 70 year resident of Chicago, black on black and black on white murder capital of the US. I do not trust, with several good reasons, ( relatives raped, robbed, murdered by blacks ), to not trust blacks regardless of male/female or country of origin. Nigerians, in particular should be "profiled" at the airport and monitored 24/7 during their stay as few, since their are no "freebies in Thailand, have a valid reason for being here.These people are a plague worse than Ebola !

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Recently in the news:

"A Nigerian prince has willed his entire fortune, approximately 85 million dollars, to his dog. He told a friend he was very frustrated as he tried to give it away to strangers on the internet but no one would answer his emails."

Edited by riceyummm
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Scammers - the real danger from Nigeria - now if only officials were as serious as preventing their entry as they are about check on travellers from Nigeria because of Ebola. There are currently only 17 Nigerians infected with Ebola out of a population 175 million - me thinks the 419 (that's what they call it back in najira) e-mailing scammers number a bigger proportion than that miniscule number. By the way I have little sympathy for idiots falling for this scam which has been around for years - unless of course the Nigerians have but new bend on it as in "Hi I'm a former Prime Minister of Thailand but can't currently go home because of a Military coup that wants to also in prison my dearly beloved little sister - But if you send me your bank details I will transfer some of my money stuck in my blocked account to you"

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Two held for e-mail fraud

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- A Nigerian man and his alleged Thai accomplice were held for e-mail fraud, accused of duping a Taiwanese firm into wiring Bt4.6 million.

The Technology Crime Suppression Division commander, Pol Maj-General Siripong Timula, presented Stanley Onyaewae, 27, and Anchulee Siriwong, 34, along with a computer notebook, three mobile phones and a tablet computer to the press yesterday.

He said the suspects, nabbed at an apartment in Bangkok's Bueng Kum district on Tuesday, had allegedly joined other Nigerian gangsters to create an e-mail address similar to that of a Thai construction company to trick its Taiwanese client to wire Bt4.6 million for metal joints to Anchulee's bank account in April.

The woman reportedly confessed that she was asked by the gang to open the account in exchange for a 5-per-cent share of the amount wired. Siripong urged businesses that contacted clients via e-mail to check messages regularly, put in place a firewall and create more than two ways to contact clients, so as to prevent fraud.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Two-held-for-e-mail-fraud-30242026.html


-- The Nation 2014-08-29

She received the offer of a 5% share in her spam box.

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A Nigerian using email to scam? Say it ain't so. Good work Sherlock Holmes!

Anyone notice all africans look alike. Could pass for any NFL player.

Also -notice the shifty eyes on the thai girl.

"Anyone notice all Africans look alike. "

Yet another cretinous remark about African people, but then again some idiots believe all Asians look alike.

These are all Africans.


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These b'stard giving Nigerians a bad name...

Thank God mine's legit - His Highness Major General The Reverend Professor Prince Ombuku emailed me only today, to let me know my ATM card loaded with $20M will be in the post as soon as he receives my Western Union.

Not if His Highness Major General The Reverend Professor Prince Ombuku gets mine first.. laugh.png

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There must be some heads rolling at that company for this. But wow, in this day and age to almost pull off something this elaborate. You know how many layers and such they'd had to go through to have the money sent. Just look at her expression, she may as well not have a face left.

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