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Getting A Lot Of Spam Lately


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Hi Guys

I've been getting a lot of spam messages lately - either offering to enhance my organ or to sell me a rolex. I've set up message rules in Outlook Express in an attempt to filter these out but they are still getting through.

My ISP is csloxinfo.com and emails sent to there are automatically forwarded to outlook express. Outlook express is set up to intercept messages with certain words in the message body and then divert these messages to a spam folder. However, no matter what I do, they are still getting in to my in-box. The majority of the offending emails appear to be plain text, not html, but the filters are clearly not working for some reason.

Either I don't know what I am doing (quite likely) or outlook express is not working correctly. Any suggestions or info. anyone?

My system appears to be clean, by the way - no viruses reported by CA EZ Armour and no spyware reported by SpyBot.


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I've been having the same problem. It is a constant duel between the spammers and spam screeners. Outlook's screening filtered too much legitimate stuff so I stopped using it. I use Spam assassin to filter and it used to be high 90 percentile effective, but it's now down to about 50-50 so I am getting bombarded with junk. I think it's just going to get worse as spammers continue to tune their mails to look more and more like genuine mail.

Related subject, I can't send email to aol users anymore for days now because apparently true's mail server was hijacked for spam so aol refuses all of it. I tried sending a mail to true's support to let them know, but it was kicked back because their support mailbox is over the size limit, <deleted>!

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