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Phuket mayor, seven others out on bail


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Yeah. The junta has made a big show of arresting some big boys, but the truth of the matter will be if anyone is actually convicted. I won't hold my breath. This is Thailand after all . I am happy for what the general has accomplished so far. But can he really finish it? It's a large task to take on. I hope he sees it through. Time will tell, could be same as the old and the bad guys will quietly return to their lives, and all this will be forgotten. You can usually judge the future by the past.

It is sad for me to say but I think you are right. History does have a habit of repeating itself, after all it is not exactly Thailands first military coup. Also, note that Prayuth is now effectively a self appointed PM, again not exactly what you would expect unless of course power and control were really on the agenda after all.

I guess time will tell but as much as I kind of like most things I have heard so far when I think about it how much has ACTUALLY happened? I can't think of any real high profile prosecutions, arrest perhaps but no real results. I hope it is not all clever window dressing.

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