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Panadda says 78% of Thai rice inspected are inferior quality


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Sure it was all PM Ying's fault that the farmers put crap in bags. Also her fault that the storage facilities accepted the crap. Its her fault that crooked farmers and grain warehouse managers allowed it all to happen. Every crooked farmer and every warehouse worker in Thailand was in on a scheme that she dreamed up to rob Thailand. This is why there are threads about Farangs and division....

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Yes, poor wee lass, and she had that bad ankle too. A martyr she is, bless her.

All those nasty civil servant types pointing out stock discrepancies, quality issues, unaccounted for money while those greedy farmers expected to actually be paid.

Anyway she tried. She asked Chalerm, who asked his son, the police officer with the shooting skills, who asked his mate who they gave the job to to manage all the warehouses and logistics. He spent a couple of days checking it all out and confirmed there were no problems which Madam caretaker PM/DM dutifully informed the public.

If that's not innocent, then what is? Some people!

Edited by Baerboxer
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Was this stuff bought at the wrong prices and grades or is the inferior quality caused by storage deterioration?

It isn't new crop product any more, but does the stuff resemble high quality product that has aged, or are they sitting on stuff that was initially graded as top quality and is basically rubbish?

Perhaps the rice was good quality allowed to go bad. The point of the inspection was to value the rice to accurately determine the losses caused by the rice scheme. So now we are getting an idea the the loss is going to be huge.

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With 78% of the rice known to be of " poor quality " , at an average of $400 / ton thats a hell of a right off for the Government

The previous excuse of a government paid a lot more than $400 per ton for that rice. The Rice Scheme spent around 29.000 Baht per ton of rice that entered the scheme, when the costs of transportation and storage are added to the price of the paddy rice.

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Was this stuff bought at the wrong prices and grades or is the inferior quality caused by storage deterioration?

It isn't new crop product any more, but does the stuff resemble high quality product that has aged, or are they sitting on stuff that was initially graded as top quality and is basically rubbish?

Perhaps the rice was good quality allowed to go bad. The point of the inspection was to value the rice to accurately determine the losses caused by the rice scheme. So now we are getting an idea the the loss is going to be huge.

Well that is precisely my point. Fraudulently, buying product and having stuff age in the warehouse are two completely different accusations, one of which is fraudulent the other unavoidable. Edited by Thai at Heart
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more nails in yl's and the ptp's coffin, they kept denying that the rice was below standard and everything was above board. Lets see them lie their way out of this, after all, they did have inspections or so they told everyone, even yl said it was all above board, looks like they were simply lying just as they always did.

Maybe Yingluck didn't know. I wouldn't expect her to go and check herself. What this seems to show is that the inspections weren't genuine. Perhaps they avoided the ones that were owned by friends and they knew were dodgy or they just lied. If they didn't tell Yingluck the truth then it's not really her fault but she needs to name them and not try to cover up for them.

If she hardly ever went to meetings then she's only got herself to blame. It was her job and if she wasn't present then she wasn't doing that job. The same goes for the PM and DM roles

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How can we be sure of what we are buying in the super markets is new crop or just old crap cleaned and put into nicely packaged plastic bags ?

Don't buy it from supermarkets.

I eat rice grown on my family farms, but buying direct from the farmer is also an option.

My wife buys it from the Thai markets as do most of the people around the villages. The sacks are open and they look, poke, prod, smell etc before they buy and it is bagged up in front of them. If there is a problem they will take it back and complain and it WILL be replaced FOC with no arguement.

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