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Is this a real relationship or have I bought a girlfriend?


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8000 baht a month in a hotel..??

Where is this hotel because that is a very poor wage for a hotel. Plus they normally get monthly service charge bonus !!

Nothing wrong with giving her money for transport and lunch, it's what anyone should do to help their partner out.

Good luck for a happy future together :)

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You met a woman who was working and keeping herself, perhaps in meager circumstances but nevertheless she was independent.

You've encouraged her to become financially dependent upon you.

It will not end well and she will eventually despise you for the financial control you have over her.

On your last sentence...OP better teaches her some introspection quickly.

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It depends on what you & her wish to see as a future together......compatibility is a rare commodity and if coupled with someone that just wants the best for you for the good of the relationship while planning the future you have struck gold.....

The commnication now is critical as to what is really happening between you.....and what you share as wanting both as individuals and together.....it sounds like she is someone who applied herself to doing the right things in life and avoided the obvious lazy way/shortcuts to make a living.....

If you click on all those points the future looks rosy......

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8000 baht a month in a hotel..??

Where is this hotel because that is a very poor wage for a hotel. Plus they normally get monthly service charge bonus !!

Nothing wrong with giving her money for transport and lunch, it's what anyone should do to help their partner out.

Good luck for a happy future together :)

If I was right, most hotel does not offer high income. As it the end of the month they will share "service change" which actually pretty good in high season.

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8000 baht a month in a hotel..??

Where is this hotel because that is a very poor wage for a hotel. Plus they normally get monthly service charge bonus !!

Nothing wrong with giving her money for transport and lunch, it's what anyone should do to help their partner out.

Good luck for a happy future together :)

Let me guess: This "helping out" only works in one direction, right? Edited by kandi
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Do what you think is right. Follow your heart. Only time can tell no matter which nationally your mate is. Give it time.

When you give your best for whatever you do, you certainly not the one who regrets. If it does not turn to what you expect in the further, at least you had learn something.

Good luck

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After reading all the comments, I'm proud to be a member of this forum.

Well done, people, please keep it up.

OP, you've done very well.

Wish you all the Best, for the future with your g/f.thumbsup.gif

Happy to hear what you said, I am happy to be a member here as well.

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8000 baht a month in a hotel..??

Where is this hotel because that is a very poor wage for a hotel. Plus they normally get monthly service charge bonus !!

Nothing wrong with giving her money for transport and lunch, it's what anyone should do to help their partner out.

Good luck for a happy future together :)

Let me guess: This "helping out" only works in one direction, right?

Maybe for you..!

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Thais (and perhaps Asians in general) don't separate money and affection.

I love you one hundred dollar

anyway OP....enjoy. You are not paying more than anyone else.

only thing is...she spends a lot of hours at work....for 8000. And 3 hours additionally? I wonder about all the time out and about.

Edited by slipperylobster
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"She works in a hotel 6 days a week, often with 12 hour shifts, for which she gets 8,000 baht a month.


Because of her hours it is starting to cost her more to go to work than she earns."

It sounds like you have found a nice lady. The two quoted snippets above are the main problem and I think you already see that. 1.) The salary is too low. 2). She's paying too much for transport.

She should ask for a raise, or find another job nearer to you. She should look for another job now because it would be difficult to find a salary lower than what she's receiving at her current job.

Look into why she is spending nearly 8000 baht per month on transport. There must be a better and less expensive option for her. On an 8000 baht monthly salary living alone she wouldn't have much left after rent, food, transports and utilities even if you were not in the picture.

She already has a work ethic and I would be reluctant to try and get her into a situation where you are her sole means of support. Later on if your relationship with her starts to stagnate it will make it more difficult for her to move on if she decides to do that.

In the end, do whatever you want. That's what everyone does anyway.

The problem with giving money to parents is it is often not received as well as giving things. Going to Big C or Tesco-Lotus and filling up 3 carts full of everyday usable stuff might be better received next time around.

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