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Open a company just for obtaining a visa.

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Hello everyone,

I do internet work which is done for costumers outside Thailand so there is no real need to open a company in Thailand.

However, I am tired of all the visa in/out to Laos, ED-Visa is no longer safe it seems and I think it's time to get myself a proper status which will give me some peace of mind.

Marriage is not an option for me so Business seems to be the only one left.

Some facts:

- My income is around USD 2000-4000/month but it's enough for me to live comfortably.

- I don't need any employees

I would REALLY appreciate if you can shed some light on the following based on the above info:

- Cost of opening a company

- Tax rate

- Special Monthly costs to maintain the company (just talking about the "Thai additions" such as employees I don't have but have to pay for etc.)

- Accountant cost.

Please note: I have no desire to open the company except my need of a stable visa without hassle (i'm not 18 anymore and those visa run energies are long gone...) so there is no need telling me that a business is not a good idea, I already know that lol :)


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one of the only options you have is opening a THB 2.0 million capped Ltd Company + hire 4 Thai employees

in all honesty with a USD 2-4k/m income it will in all likelyhood not be financially viable, but if you did do it, it would also get you a WP which you need

one suspects your admin/accounting costs would be around THB 10k/m

if we take the WP legalties out of the picture, you best bet is the TE 500k/card... 5 years of visa's hassle free.

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