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Experts to discuss threat posed by jihadists returning to Australia


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Experts to discuss returning jihadists

MELBOURNE: -- THE threat posed by jihadists returning to Australia and bringing terrorism with them will be discussed by security and intelligence experts this week.

THE two-day symposium on countering violent extremism, to be held in Sydney on Thursday and Friday, follows repeated federal government warnings about the increasing risk of terrorist attacks on Australian soil.

Attorney-General George Brandis has told parliament the risk posed by returning foreign combatants from war-torn Iraq and Syria is Australia's greatest national security threat.

Sixty Australians are believed to be fighting for Islamist insurgents in the Middle East, including Islamic State, which has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.

Another 100 Australians are believed to be actively supporting extremist groups from within Australia by recruiting fighters, grooming suicide bomber candidates and providing funds and equipment.

Full story: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/experts-to-discuss-returning-jihadists/story-fni0xqi4-1227051369620

-- Herald Sun 2014-09-08

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We need more public servants to create these talk fests that do nothing, these people fighting wars overseas for foreign nations should become persona non grata, simple But our stupid government needs to waste money on conference to achieve nothing, no wonder our taxes are through the roof.

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Problem is: not one of the Jihadists/terrorists/Islamists/Muslims entering Australia are declaring their status.

When I go back home Customs are absolutely ruthless in not allowing any material items made of wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone etc.

Thus keeping Australia clean and safe.

I don't mind. Rules are rules.

Now what do you suggest?

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

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I am nearly finished reading "Londonistan." Not AU, but hear me out. If we would know what broke in our homes, Australia obviously the point here, we have to ask "How the hell have we inserted our heads so far up our butts?" What are the mechanics that allow us to be told all cultures and ethics are similar. This has been called "Identicality," and it is being rammed down our throats. In essence, we are made as a majority to concede to minorities as they are different, and equal. I have been reading for years about AU jihadi problem, and yes, you do have one!

If you want to actually develop a way to sniff folks like this out at the border, you have to concurrently have a plan for sniffing them out at home.The book I mentioned goes a long way to explaining how the west was basically made to swallow the multicultural ethical equality pill. You have folks in AU that are rabidly anti AU. Why are western countries allowing people to sew sedition, provoke the public violence, and remain in our towns as protected. Stop them at the border is best done by denying them a place in the interior. Start in the interior first and push outwards, like the Indians did with buffaloes off the cliff, I might add.

This cannot be piecemealed by an ad hoc committee only empowered to consider the returning jihadi issue. Good Luck Australia, I had kinda hoped you'd bypass all this nonsense so I would have a place to run to when the clad the Statute of Liberty in a Burka.

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Problem is: not one of the Jihadists/terrorists/Islamists/Muslims entering Australia are declaring their status.

When I go back home Customs are absolutely ruthless in not allowing any material items made of wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone etc.

Thus keeping Australia clean and safe.

I don't mind. Rules are rules.

Now what do you suggest?

I would suggest yours is a religionist false analogy fallacy.

What has wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone got to do with terrorist of any religion returning to Australia.

Other than that your post is pure religious vilification.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

You object to the fact that folks are not looking into backgrounds, but this is exactly why AU needs to bar entry. The backgrounds created the problem AU is facing.

I did not see the post before bye bye, but I get your point from above. The point you sought to make wandered a bit I assume, because it is gone. Perhaps you should have made it specific. But is it really similar to returning jihadis? No, of course not.

The difference is, AU is not so much interested in what they did abroad as what they intend to do at home. This is the problem and the difference between the two points you tried to link does not maintain- It is the jihadis that are bent on supremacist ideology and exporting war to every corner of earth (Thankfully there is a fatwa against going to mars



Some day we can be left alone there).

These folks in IS and related insurgencies are most definitely predicating their volunteering on returning home with the lessons learned. This has been the trademark and practice of all mujaheddin since the 80s. Your point doesn't hold.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

Perhaps the Australians might be a little less concerned if one of their citizens hadn't posted a photo online of his seven year old son holding up the severed head of a Syrian soldier. Your search for moral equivalence exceeds the bounds of reason by a large margin and to top it all you mention that word Islamophobia, I guess seeing as the Z word has correctly been ruled off topic.

Yes you are right Australians kept ignorant of what is happening would be less concerned. Don't you think it's time their eyes were opened?

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

I guess seeing as the Z word has correctly been ruled off topic.

.yes, along with the J and the other I word. But Muslim bashing is fair game.

With the loaded words in the thread's title this can only ever be a lopsided debate.

Islamophobes only need apply.

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Problem is: not one of the Jihadists/terrorists/Islamists/Muslims entering Australia are declaring their status.

When I go back home Customs are absolutely ruthless in not allowing any material items made of wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone etc.

Thus keeping Australia clean and safe.

I don't mind. Rules are rules.

Now what do you suggest?

I would suggest yours is a religionist false analogy fallacy.

What has wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone got to do with terrorist of any religion returning to Australia.

Other than that your post is pure religious vilification.

Actually, there is zero "religious vilification" in this post. This could hardly be percieved by you. It nearly seems you tossed it in their as a pejorative, like putting poison in a well, so future refreshment makes us ill. You really did not see the point regarding wood, fruits, etc. implying that the government can protect us from such benign things but fails to protect against existential threats?

You mentioned "religionist false analogy fallacy" (Huh?), and religious vilification. Lotta religious inference for a post that had none.

Jihadis are muslims, though not all muslims are jihadis. He did not say they were. The issue is terrorists, Islamists, and jihadis- and they are muslim, at least the ones under deliberation by the AU government. By the very words of these groups of people (excluding Muslims generally) they are what we fear, a threat. In this case, these threats are embodied in returning muslims from IS battlefields. How this is religious commentary at all escapes me. These are palpable facts. The author of that post did not stretch or fabricate the issue.

When wildly throwing counter accusations you do not make your point the better argument. Tear him apart limb by proverbial limb on the substance, but stop impugning his character and motive. He makes sense.

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Even before ISIS Australia had a jihad problem, notably in Sydney where many Shia businesses were forced to close and sell up for a pittance due to threats from Sunni extremists (not the right wing or any nationalist movement. There have also been violent clashes between both Sunni and Shia in both Australia and the UK, perhaps if they all upped sticks to the Middle East and bashed each other with clubs this could be settled without Western democracies having to play referee.

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1) Find out who they are.

2) Be as brutal as they will be

3) Expel them with no options.

4) If they have been fighting for Jihadists, jail them before deporting.

5) If they are Australian citizens of Mid Eastern Muslim origins, cancel their citizenship.

These people would not give anyone any chance if they are not in line with their beliefs they will behead with impunity, and persuade weak minded followers to strap on a bomb and self explode, most likey in a crowded sports arena. whistling.gif

Perhaps the Australian government should apply the same penalties to religions other than Islam who send young Australians to fight in foreign terrorist wars. One rule for one religion, one for another it would seem.

If you are Australian you are an Australian...keep your ancestral and religious garbage out of it.

If it is an offence to fight in a foreign army then it’s an offence. Make the laws universal for all, not cherry pick your terrorist armies.

If one is Australian presumably one owes one’s allegiance to Australia and should not fight for a foreign army. Period. No double standards.

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1) Find out who they are.

2) Be as brutal as they will be

3) Expel them with no options.

4) If they have been fighting for Jihadists, jail them before deporting.

5) If they are Australian citizens of Mid Eastern Muslim origins, cancel their citizenship.

These people would not give anyone any chance if they are not in line with their beliefs they will behead with impunity, and persuade weak minded followers to strap on a bomb and self explode, most likey in a crowded sports arena. whistling.gif

The murdering scum should not be allowed back into the country. If they are aussie citizens lock them up for life in solitary as they are an extreme risk to Australia.
"AUSSIE" citizens or not.

DO NOT let them back into the country.


By the way they are not AUSTRALIANS, they only have Aussie Passports.

I M O H.

All very justified. If Muslims want to go off and fight for Islamic terrorist groups, they can just stay there and become "martyrs", rather than returning to democracies to carry out mayhem.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1) Find out who they are.

2) Be as brutal as they will be

3) Expel them with no options.

4) If they have been fighting for Jihadists, jail them before deporting.

5) If they are Australian citizens of Mid Eastern Muslim origins, cancel their citizenship.

These people would not give anyone any chance if they are not in line with their beliefs they will behead with impunity, and persuade weak minded followers to strap on a bomb and self explode, most likey in a crowded sports arena. whistling.gif

Perhaps the Australian government should apply the same penalties to religions other than Islam who send young Australians to fight in foreign terrorist wars. One rule for one religion, one for another it would seem.

If you are Australian you are an Australian...keep your ancestral and religious garbage out of it.

If it is an offence to fight in a foreign army then it’s an offence. Make the laws universal for all, not cherry pick your terrorist armies.

If one is Australian presumably one owes one’s allegiance to Australia and should not fight for a foreign army. Period. No double standards.

You continue to conflate issues. The problem is less that any one fought in war. The problem is the war this group fought in is built upon exporting their horrific ideology elsewhere, everywhere. Indeed, a cursory look around the globe shows what happens when you do not stop ebola at the... I mean, radical islam at the borders (6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other).

Again- the problem is not the where they were, so much. The problem is they are inculcated and empowered to return home in furtherance of the same goals as the war they left. And no, numerous millions of us are not just presuming this is their intention. There is only so far you can go in suggesting we are all sharing some persecution delusion. This is a very real threat and I think had others been cutting off heads demanding you wear yarmulkes then it might be considered banning such a group as well. But this is not a threat to AU.

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Problem is: not one of the Jihadists/terrorists/Islamists/Muslims entering Australia are declaring their status.

When I go back home Customs are absolutely ruthless in not allowing any material items made of wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone etc.

Thus keeping Australia clean and safe.

I don't mind. Rules are rules.

Now what do you suggest?

I would suggest yours is a religionist false analogy fallacy.

What has wood, shell, meat, flowers, fruits, bone got to do with terrorist of any religion returning to Australia.

Other than that your post is pure religious vilification.

Actually, there is zero "religious vilification" in this post. This could hardly be percieved by you. It nearly seems you tossed it in their as a pejorative, like putting poison in a well, so future refreshment makes us ill. You really did not see the point regarding wood, fruits, etc. implying that the government can protect us from such benign things but fails to protect against existential threats?

You mentioned "religionist false analogy fallacy" (Huh?), and religious vilification. Lotta religious inference for a post that had none.

I suggest you educate yourself and improve your debating skills here
You wrote: Problem is: not one of the.....Muslims entering Australia are declaring their status.
I have been to Australia. You need not and should not have to declare your religious status.
That’s religious vilification. You are just part of the Islamophobic hate fest which this exclusive subject thread seems to have invited.
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1) Find out who they are.

2) Be as brutal as they will be

3) Expel them with no options.

4) If they have been fighting for Jihadists, jail them before deporting.

5) If they are Australian citizens of Mid Eastern Muslim origins, cancel their citizenship.

These people would not give anyone any chance if they are not in line with their beliefs they will behead with impunity, and persuade weak minded followers to strap on a bomb and self explode, most likey in a crowded sports arena. whistling.gif

Perhaps the Australian government should apply the same penalties to religions other than Islam who send young Australians to fight in foreign terrorist wars. One rule for one religion, one for another it would seem.

If you are Australian you are an Australian...keep your ancestral and religious garbage out of it.

If it is an offence to fight in a foreign army then it’s an offence. Make the laws universal for all, not cherry pick your terrorist armies.

If one is Australian presumably one owes one’s allegiance to Australia and should not fight for a foreign army. Period. No double standards.

You continue to conflate issues. The problem is less that any one fought in war. The problem is the war this group fought in is built upon exporting their horrific ideology elsewhere, everywhere. Indeed, a cursory look around the globe shows what happens when you do not stop ebola at the... I mean, radical islam at the borders (6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other).

Again- the problem is not the where they were, so much. The problem is they are inculcated and empowered to return home in furtherance of the same goals as the war they left. And no, numerous millions of us are not just presuming this is their intention. There is only so far you can go in suggesting we are all sharing some persecution delusion. This is a very real threat and I think had others been cutting off heads demanding you wear yarmulkes then it might be considered banning such a group as well. But this is not a threat to AU.

As I mentioned earlier but was deleted because I made reference to another fanatical religious group in Australia. Who knows what deranged minds they also may bring back to Australia from a foreign terrorist war.

All I am saying is no double standards. If it’s illegal for Australians to fight in foreign wars, apply the same standards to all religions and all citizens.

Maybe also Australia’s similar lack of even handedness is responsible for creating the terrorist problem in the first place. I won’t elaborate.

Edited by dexterm
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I have been to Australia. You need not and should not have to declare your religious status.

He is referring to their status as terrorists, not their religion.

Well, he shouldn't write "/" Muslim then should he.

Maybe a Freudian slip because we all know in this Islamophobic hate fest that is exactly what he meant.

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So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

other Western-style democracies - have to figure out what to do about the criminals that fight for them and then try to help export their hateful ideology to our countries.

You could be writing about yourself, UG.

Bye...Happy Hour in Thailand.

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