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Ken who? Ohhhh...that dude...

Hah...I stopped reading his site a long time ago mainly because....item one...

When he reviews a camera body he makes a statement right at the beginning:

"When I bought my" (insert camera being reviewed)....

Item two...Lens Reviews...

Same thing applies..."When I bought my" (insert name of lens)...

Now I don't give a hoot where he bought the camera body or the lens or how

much he paid for it neither do I care that he plugs Adorama, Amazon etc to no


According to Ken Rockwell...Ken Rockwell must own every camera that has

ever been manufactured and perhaps...some still on drawing boards.


What I wonder about is this....Where does he store all of this gear he states he

owns? One would need a warehouse larger than Amazon's to store it all & since

he also plugs for donations to "keep his site going" or similar wording to that effect

does anybody really donate to Ken Rockwell?

Pic of Amazon.com warehouse for reference from a simple Google search....


Lastly...Has anyone oher than me noticed that when Rockwell reviews a lens and

includes a pic of a subject supposedly taken with the lens under review that the

same pic has been used for other reviews also? Hmmmmm....

BTW...I love Polin's rant too!!!!

Cheers all...

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You can actually bring yourself to watch Jared Polin? I get a few seconds in and have to close it.

I dunno, you have to be in the right mood I guess. He's got a confident energy about him.

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You can actually bring yourself to watch Jared Polin? I get a few seconds in and have to close it.

I dunno, you have to be in the right mood I guess. He's got a confident energy about him.

I agree he is a tad bit arrogant...then again...how many youngun's these days are not?

I'd like to see some self effacing vdo's by Mr Rockwell but alas...I seem to understand

he only blogs in words with numerous repeat pix.


You can actually bring yourself to watch Jared Polin? I get a few seconds in and have to close it.

I dunno, you have to be in the right mood I guess. He's got a confident energy about him.

I agree he is a tad bit arrogant...then again...how many youngun's these days are not?

I'd like to see some self effacing vdo's by Mr Rockwell but alas...I seem to understand

he only blogs in words with numerous repeat pix.

I struggle to read Rockwell. Cameralabs' Gordon Laing is a much better read.

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I do read Rockwells site occasionally when looking at lenses along with other sites like Thom Hogan, cameralabs, dp review etc...

I always take kens opinions with a pinch of salt.

Just 1 minute ago I was looking up macro's and there is one comment I notice he says on many of his reviews.

"I use mine daily" who uses 200mm macro daily?

Why doesn't he post one of his many thousands of photos he's took in the review?

Guess he uses it as a door stop.

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^^^ I reckon we all read Rockwell occasionally but give it no real substance in any decision making.

IMO he's just somebody who checks ot specs, tries desperately to personalise his spiel and get people

to send him money. As for buying on ebay...personally I would never send a stranger who resides on

the other side of the world...or in a neighbouring country for that matter...even in another city...one

satang for any item on ebay as there are so many ripoffs daily. You'll never read about that because

ebay & the resellers clean up the bad press quickly. Anybody can open a paypal account..whether the

person is legitimate or not is the question. And when your money leaves your hands...well...could be

your loss. Another thing....pictures of items for sale on ebay are not always the actual item. Be warned.

Last personal note...I would never spend any amount of money on any item that I have never held in my

hands and checked out before the cash changed hands. This has worked for me for well over 50 years &

I'm in my 60's now.

End of rant.


I do read Rockwells site occasionally when looking at lenses along with other sites like Thom Hogan, cameralabs, dp review etc...

I always take kens opinions with a pinch of salt.

Just 1 minute ago I was looking up macro's and there is one comment I notice he says on many of his reviews.

"I use mine daily" who uses 200mm macro daily?

Why doesn't he post one of his many thousands of photos he's took in the review?

Guess he uses it as a door stop.

RW...who uses a 200mm macro daily? I have no idea but if Anguid had one I bet he'd use it daily

since his macro work is brilliant! Anguid where are U?!

As for KR's posting one of his many photos....well....he does. Sadly it's the same photo's over

& over adnauseum!

And when he states he " I use mine daily"....I'd like to see how big his gear bag is...even more so

since he must have storage space akin to an Amazon Inc warehouse....he must have a fleet of

road trains to follow him around on his daily hikes. Just sayin...hah!!!


I've been an Ebay member since 2002. I've bought stuff from all over the world cheap to expensive. I've only ever had one problem and I claimed with Ebay and got my money back. All my other purchases went OK.


@ MJP & Sustento....Lads....that's great for you...however I'm just old fashiomed.

6 years back a good friend was badly burned in an ebay deal and he's a leader

in the anti ebay society these days...even with ebay's policies of refunds etc.

Simply put...I prefer to hold whatever I may be buying in my hand(s) and check it

out rather than read somebody's words & hope for the best.

Now here's an example...there is...perhaps was by now...a Leica KE-7A up for

grabs on ebay for 45K USD. I own a KE-7A & know how valuable they are these

days & why they're so valuable. However...

I'll be damned if I'd ever buy the thing via ebay regardless of ebay's policies.

Why not fly to the sellers location and buy the camera instead? I mean..if

I'm gonna spend 45K USD on an old camera I would surely hope to be able to

afford the return airfare...Biz Class at least.

FYI...the KE-7A was on sale in Hong Kong & I know the place who was

advertising the sale...yes I would trust them because I know them and

also I would still fly into HK to close the deal. That's just me. Other folks

are different I'm sure.

Plus I would never sell anything via ebay...I need to meet the person who

wants to buy my gear...I'm a bit particular about that.

End of my rant on ebay.

Vive La Difference!!!

NB...Edit to change an "a" to an "e"...


Sunshine, I'm talking about £1 step rings and lens wipes.

I just ran outta likes M...I see your point. I can also order the same from a

local non pro camera store in Ranong and wait a week with no probs.

For other stuff...well re-read my rant if you so desire! If someone likes

buying from ebay for whatever their reasons...OK by me. I'm just one of

those anti-ebay types and that's that.


Sunshine, I'm talking about £1 step rings and lens wipes.

I just ran outta likes M...I see your point. I can also order the same from a

local non pro camera store in Ranong and wait a week with no probs.

For other stuff...well re-read my rant if you so desire! If someone likes

buying from ebay for whatever their reasons...OK by me. I'm just one of

those anti-ebay types and that's that.

Because of you location I don't think Ebay is viable for you. But as soon (sometimes before) I'm back in the UK I order all the necessary bits 'n pieces without hassle via Ebay. Clothes, camera stuff the lot.

I've bought lenses on Ebay, recently a Pentax-FA 43mm f/1.9 Limited. South Korea, perfect condition as described, got delivered within 4 days (!). Cost: £265 and no customs charges. Those lenses were nearly £700 new in the UK.

Got a Samyang 14mm out of Hong Kong, but cancelled when the vendor said none were in stock in the mount I wanted, got immediate refund.

For very high end stuff and lots of money, sure, possibly too much of a gamble.

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