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Manhunt for East Pattaya double dog murder suspect begins


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Manhunt for East Pattaya double dog murder suspect begins


PATTAYA: -- Police have named the man wanted in connection with Tuesday’s double dog murder which occurred in a car park behind an NGV Gas Station off Highway 36 in East Pattaya.

The suspect was named as Khun Mana aged 44, a construction worker who rents a room close to the car park. He is currently thought to be in Hua Hin after he returned to Pattaya briefly to find one of the dogs sleeping close to his car.

For some reason this triggered an angry response by Khun Mana who then hanged both dogs, the pregnant mother and her child.

Social Media responses have been predictably strong with a group calling themselves “A call for Animal Rights Thailand” posting a picture of the suspect and offering a 20,000 Baht reward for anyone who can help Police arrest the man.

Full story: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/145603/manhunt-for-east-pattaya-double-dog-murder-suspect-begins/

-- Pattaya One 2014-09-18

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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.


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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

I do have a dog, but yes packs of unruly soi -dogs shall be removed.

Need an example, then I shall provide one : In my village there is one with all the sign of the rabbie (at least those I am aware off), so yes it shall be removed and all the others of the hord.

Do not confuse btw a pet, that is groomed and often a member of the familly, and the soi-dogs who sometimes behave like rabbit foxes do in my own country.

On the other hand, I do strongly condem such behavior as the guy did in the OP post. That is sickening, who do that to an animal can do it without remorse to a human. REmove soi dogs from the street (even if it is with extrem prejudice) shall be similar to the way we remove homeless people from the streets (provide a shelter where they can became usefull again).

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we have some annoying dogs that some stupid owner kickes out at night and barks all day & specially at night

i could understand you get fed up with the howlig all night and take matters in own hands as the owner is never responsible

you go to jail to kill a stray dog these days ?

do you appear in animal court ? and go to doggy prison ?

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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.

With you 100% glasswort & bill014. We humans need to take back control of our streets from the stray dogs. Accidents, deaths, sickness, injuries every day to the tax paying human population caused by stray dogs. If the doggie do-gooders are so much in love with these mutts let them remove them from PUBLIC land & take care of them all TOMORROW. Otherwise shut up and let the cull begin.

I do not wish to see any animal suffer but the human suffering has gone on long enough.

Tax paying ???

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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.

With you 100% glasswort & bill014. We humans need to take back control of our streets from the stray dogs. Accidents, deaths, sickness, injuries every day to the tax paying human population caused by stray dogs. If the doggie do-gooders are so much in love with these mutts let them remove them from PUBLIC land & take care of them all TOMORROW. Otherwise shut up and let the cull begin.

I do not wish to see any animal suffer but the human suffering has gone on long enough.

Tax paying ???

Yes. You never heard of VAT or road tax among the many taxes people pay. When did a stray dog ever pay tax?

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Packs of unruly owners should be removed. All those people who get puppies, refuse to spay or neuter them & then get fed up with them & dump them. It' s first & foremost a people problem. The problem of indifference, apathy & neglect. What are these poor dogs supposed to do to survive? Why always blame the dogs? !!

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Yes. You never heard of VAT or road tax among the many taxes people pay. When did a stray dog ever pay tax?

Oh I see, so because one pays road tax on his car he is entitled to not only pollute for the rest but also kill any and all living beings ?

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you go to jail to kill a stray dog these days?

Maybe because it is not just the killing it is the cruel method of killing used here that can only have inflicted much pain and suffering on the animals.

***Alfredo*** you see I do have a :wub: . It's just that I don't :wub: dog poop etc. from all the strays.

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Yes. You never heard of VAT or road tax among the many taxes people pay. When did a stray dog ever pay tax?

Oh I see, so because one pays road tax on his car he is entitled to not only pollute for the rest but also kill any and all living beings ?

Never said that. Please be sensible. How many times have you served to miss hitting a stray dog in the street? More than once I'll bet if you're honest. Wait till you then accidentally hit, possibly kill, an innocent bystander, perhaps a child. Who you gonna blame, yourself or the dog?

It is accidents like I've described that give full reason to remove all the strays from our public streets. Cull or shelter them elsewhere, I'm easy each way as long as it is humane.

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They have a "Mug-shot" of this Thai.........

So I assume that he has "History"

Sorry, but that would be a wrong assumption. This is one of the standard forms the RTP and other organizations can print out on anyone with a Thai ID number. ••••••••• deleted•••••••••••

"Anyone", if you care, is a nebulous concept. There are an additional two protected levels in this database. One is available only to police majors (or equivalent rank) or higher. And the other is even harder to qualify for access to and if you're looking in there you'd better have a lot of weight or a very powerful patron. For reasons of national security, VIPs, etc. of course.

Edited by petercool
removed derogatory remark
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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.

Course you are sunshine, much like a vegetarian that loves nothing more than a lamb roast on a Sunday. See people that bleat about soi dogs are like anyone that complains about things Thai. They existed long before you got here and will exist long after you have shuffled off. No use putting the cart before the horse. It is the irresponsible owners that should be held responsible and of course in other more advanced places that would be the case. As would government sponsored spaying and neutering programs. Organisations like the RSPCA and animal control and you would have local by laws, animal shelters and pounds to deal with the problem. But TIT so it aint going to happen get over it. If any animal is seen to be human aggressive of course it should immediately be captured and put down. Strays if no one can be held accountable should be held in shelters and if after a certain amount of time can't be adopted out, should be put down as humanely as possible. Calling for a cull hardly makes you an animal lover in my book. On a side note in 20 years of living here I have seen many soi dogs but I am yet to see hundreds roaming in packs threatening humans and small children. The majority are the most spineless curs I have ever encountered. They may growl if you were to go near their territory but generally are scared of their own shadow, due to the years of beatings, abuse and neglect that has been heaped on them by the Thai's.

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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why is it sickening, he is speaking the truth

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Although I do not condone his actions, the do-gooders should see the problem we have over here. Hundreds of stray dogs roaming around in packs, many threatening adults and, worse of all, small children. A proper cull is needed urgently.

angry.gif Your response is sickening...

Why? I am a dog lover and have one of my own but a cull of all the stray dogs that roam the streets threatening both other dogs and the general public and overturning dustbins in search of food with the resultant mess being strewn everywhere, is long overdue.

It's the Thai's that need educating, they get a puppy because it's cute then when it grows it gets kicked out on the streets, they won't get them castrated. So what do we end up with millions of strays. I see it constantly a woman next to me gets a puppy/puppies the mother dog is here constantly but the evil woman beats the mother dog. As soon as the pups grow up she kicks them out and beats them, and we have the same over and over again.

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Since when should dogs pay taxes?! What a ridiculous comment. I have 7 street dogs already & spay & neuter those I can catch. So I do more than my fair share. I reiterate my earlier comment - it all starts with people- as long as people continue to refuse to neuter them & dump them, you can cull this lot but in a short while, back to square 1. Spaying & neutering is the only long term solution

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