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What Street Food Is The Most Profitable?


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I think Samran's advice of "do it well" is more important than the actual margins involved, as IMO they are comparable (that is, no one is making a killing).

Advice given to me in my early teens from elder family members regarding business.... 'don't do what everyone else is doing.'

(until you've made it.... then go ahead and 'do what everyone else is doing'...... kick back and live on rent and interest).


Edited by Heng
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Having a beer with my mate last night and we started talking about what street food has the biggest profit margins?

I personally think Noodles and those Pork Balls, he thinks Fruit.

Your opinions?

Oh yes they really make a fortune , the mercedes car is park few metres away !

What was the point of your post?

I was not asking how much street vendors earn.

My point is :

it is a lame business.

Working long hours selling sum tum / fruits / noodle or anything , charge from 10 baht to 25 baht.

your intro about profit margins sound to me ridiculous , why you do not ask to see a profit and lost statement and balance sheet !

I wouldnt write off these food vendors as a lame buisiness. Some make a profit of over 1000 baht per day for not too many hours work. Not a lot of money in the farlang economy , but for a Thai quite a good income.

As an example i went to the local chicken and pook pook stand at 1.00 pm the other day and she had sold out of BBQ chicken ,and when i suggested that she should have prepared more she told me that she had sold 80 that day.

Its surprising how many of these small businesses that seem to have very few custormers actually generate quite good profits.

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I have a friend that sells 'muu bping' (you know, grilled pork on a stick) for 5 baht a stick on the street on a normal road far away from any tourist areas (where everything gets marked up). He does quite well for himself. I'm not sure how much he sells in a day, or what the profit margin is exactly (maybe 1 baht/stick?)...but he does sell a lot. he always has money to go out, he travels very often, and even saved up enough to buy an tiny 'apartment' building (very ghetto, about 10 rooms...but thats some more income from the rent). Not to mention the land he buys in buriram for the family.

No mercedes yet, but he is very happy and his income is pretty good.

Edited by NguuMuu
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