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Work Permit Renewal Professional fees?

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Apart from the 3100THB government fee for a one year renewal, can you guy's please tell me what you are paying in professional fees to get a firm to renew your work permit?

I think that 15'000 THB + 3100 THB is excessive for what seems to be a simple form.

I am not a teacher.


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Why anyone should pay for something he can obtain without paying ?

I think you are quite right, I just think they are taking the mickey..

I like having people running around for me, it lets me get on with my work... but 15K.. I think it would be better to do it yourself.

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Just had mine done ,

Work Permit and 12 month extension on Non B Visa.

22k all told with official and "other" fees.

All handles by the accountant.

From the amount, that is possibly related to sham employment, no actual work.

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Just had mine done ,

Work Permit and 12 month extension on Non B Visa.

22k all told with official and "other" fees.

All handles by the accountant.

From the amount, that is possibly related to sham employment, no actual work.
Lol , sham employment ??

I own my company and have done so for over 10 years and its definately not a sham ! Ty.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by N47HAN
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Lol , sham employment ??

I own my company and have done so for over 10 years and its definately not a sham ! Ty.

My comment was motivated by your use of "other" in quotes when referring to fees,

Maybe the fee is something about more than just renewing a work permit and an extension, because $600 to attend two offices maybe one hour each seems a little steep.

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