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lets have a happy topic. Who all still loves living in Thailand?

Franky Bear

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i too love living in thailand,, yes love,

im the same when i land for my 35 days off, i do 35 /35, i cant wait to get home,

ive worked as many have in some bad places, i was in IRAQ earlier this year,, was a hell hole, was on stage 2 lock down on the camp after 4 days,( s££t myself,)

thailand isnt to bad when you think of some of the other places in this world and the trouble in these places,,

yes it has its problems, so do most countrys,

ill stick with thailand thank you,, i love it, and my family

I just knocked back a job in Iraq as it happens.

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Yep. It's awesome.

I seem to live in a different Thailand to many of the people who post here, though.

Same here mate. It's easy to block out the bad and embrace the good......very easy

I don't block out the bad. Well, I did when I first moved here, almost 25 years ago.

Every country has its bad and its good sides. And what is bad and what is good is for every individual to decide for himself.

So, I made the list, comparing Thailand to my home country and to some other countries I know. The bottom line was that Thailand is best for me.

That's the rational dimension, On the emotional dimension, I feel homesick for Thailand when I'm on a long trip overseas. "Long" means over two weeks. I love it here.

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It frustrates the hell out of me sometimes but generally speaking, I love living in Thailand.

The family are well and happy, I love my job and I get along with my neighbors.

Of course, I bitch and moan sometimes, don't we all (some more than others on this forum, it has to be said!) but there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

I hope others on this forum are as happy as I at this moment in time.

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I also work away but love coming back to my missus and the dogs. Living in the city (Sakon) I've been fortunate to have made a few new mates who I can have a bevy with or hang out out in the day time swimming or even hanging around the university coffee shop :-)

I still buzz getting off that plane at swampy, spending a few hours in Bangkok before making my way back home.

If the wifey and I want to go a bit mad we can always go down to Pattaya or Bangkok for a few nights.

Happy days really. I'm lucky.

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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country.

I would say that Thailand is growing wealthy country that is deceptive pictured as a 3rd world nation.

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Firstly you are dichotomising the situation, just because people criticise the place it doesn't mean they don't like living here, you also use the word "love" which again is exclusive of many people who are happy to stay here.

The other possibility is that you are one of those people so cut off from reality you have not the slightest realisation of what is going on around you........ whether irt is human rights, politics social depravation human trafficking etc etc...... things that any right-minded person would be at least concerned about.

These things i do shut off to as i cannot change them. I see it all the time, so used to it.

do you have any idea how lame that sounds??

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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country.

I would say that Thailand is growing wealthy country that is deceptive pictured as a 3rd world nation.

the only people who think Thailand is a "third world" nation don't know what "third world" means or don't know Thailand. By any definition it isn't.

thailand is a wealthy "developing" country......and it will soon be regarded as "developed".

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Thailand is a third world country masked by a prolific tourist industry that markets a deceptive picture of the country. The Thais that smile at you do so because you give them money, you make them uncomfortable or they think you are a white buffalo. They have no interest in you, where you come from or your culture. In fact they have no interest in anything other than their repetitive food. The question is, why are you so happy? The expat, semi expat or refugee population in Thailand is predominantly male and middle aged. Query what makes them happy. I understand why you love Thailand after spending 28 days in an oil rig, but having visited 100 countries I would expect that there would be at least 50 in the list that have more interesting things to offer than Thailand. I worked there for 3 years. I am happy to be away.

In a nutshell.....what a load of Rhino Dung

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Been here 16 years and have been scammed is so many ways. Many friends lost everything due to the cunning Thai's, and have retuned to their home country broke.

One thing they are good at is getting the money out of you, and then when you are broke they say, adios amigos.

If I had to do it over again I would chose Malaysia. My days here are numbered.

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