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Ceiling fan switch in Pattaya?

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I yanked on the chain to change the speed of a ceiling fan and the chain broke off inside the fan. It's an easy repair IF you can find a replacement switch. Easy to find back in the USA, but not sure where to find one here? I took the old one to Amorn in Tukcom today and they don't have them. Any idea where else to try? Preferably a place easily accessible without a car/bike, but I'll take what I can get.

A new fan would not be all that expensive, but it just seems wasteful to do so if I could just find a B100 switch. (Perhaps I'm dreaming on the price, but it should be way less than the cost of a new fan.)


Definetly available, try your local DIY store.

Take the part with you, and a picture of the fan.

By "local DIY store" do you mean places like HomePro and Thai Watsadu?


Depends where you are,

I bought one from my local store on Soi khow noi.

Also the electrical shop near the bus Station North Pattaya, has them.


errr... maybe I am saying something stupid, but why not just open the fan and switch and replace the chain?

Maybe a photo will be clearer:


The chain broke off inside the switch, and the switch can't be opened. Well, I probably could break it open, but then closing it again is another issue.

It is a simple, cheap repair to replace the switch. IF a switch can be found...


Depends where you are,

I bought one from my local store on Soi khow noi.

Also the electrical shop near the bus Station North Pattaya, has them.

What type of local store? A mom & pop hardware store? A ceiling fan store?

Where is the electrical shop on Pattaya Nua? Same side of street as bus station? East or west of it? I don't get to that part of town often, so not familiar with the area. But, if the Thai Watsadu near me doesn't have it, I might just hop on a baht bus up to Pattaya Nua, and since I'll be walking from Sukhumvit, directions would be welcome.


Yep a mom and pop DIY shop.

They sell the complete kit you show in picture.

The shop is East of the bus Station, towards Sukhumvit, same side as the bus Station.


errr... maybe I am saying something stupid, but why not just open the fan and switch and replace the chain?

Maybe a photo will be clearer:


The chain broke off inside the switch, and the switch can't be opened. Well, I probably could break it open, but then closing it again is another issue.

It is a simple, cheap repair to replace the switch. IF a switch can be found...

aah, inside the switch


Be careful as all fans don't use the same kind of switch. Electrically they switch between the wires differently.

For my fans, I've bought several that didn't work. Never found one that worked. Had to buy a new fan.

Good Luck!


I just got back from the electric store on Pattaya Nua. Thanks, Forkinhades! They knew what I wanted and had it in stock. The new switch, plus a new chain (my old one didn't match the new one,) was a whopping B150. thumbsup.gif

The wire colors on the new one don't match the old one so the guy pointed out that there are tiny numbers by the wires (#1, #2 and #3) on both switches so I know how to connect the wires.

What a great response in this thread. Thanks, everyone.

I decided to try the new GrabTaxi service on the way home, but I'll post that in the GrabTaxi thread.

(Thai Watsadu did not sell fan switches, so I just made a beeline to Pattaya Nua via baht bus.)

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