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Good Quality Thai Restaurant in Pattaya


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Go to a night market such as the one in Jomtien on 2nd road across from Soi 5 next to Kisses restaurant. There's another one on Thepprasit.

Good Thai food rarely costs much if you're willing to eat outside on cheap chairs and tables.

The title of the thread is: "Good Quality Thai Restaurant in Pattaya". Yes, it's possible to get good (tasting) Thai street food in Pattaya, but then you would have to forsake quality. You can't get dirt cheap, good quality food. It's just not economically possible.

I am sure the owners of these outside Thai restaurants would disagree with you as it is good quality food that's cooked right in front of you, not hidden away behind closed doors somewhere. My girlfriend is 100% Thai and she much prefers eating there versus some fancy restaurant.

There is a market that's open 24 hours right next door so I doubt product quality will ever be a problem. I see trucks continuously delivering products also, including live fish.

Yes I believe it is economically possible. Seeing is believing.

Yes, it's cooked right in front of me on the street, giving the food that lovely, rich flavor it gets from having been marinated in fly poo, exhaust and dust and lying unrefrigerated in the scorching heat all day.

And don't get me started on the quality of the of the meat etc they are using. Do you really believe they can sell a dish for 30 Baht and make money if they're using good quality stuff? Of course the owners would disagree with my assessment - what do you expect them to say; "what I serve is crap, but is sure is cheap"? Good for you if your 100% Thai girlfriend prefers the food stalls to the better eateries, if you like them too. I'm not slagging anyone that eats on the street. Just don't call it good quality. What you get is always cheap, sometimes edible but rarely healthy, and never of good quality.

And now that I write this I wonder why I occasionally eat at these food stalls myself...

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Edited by Woody1
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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

My apologies, no.

If you can't find the place from the directions I've given I'd just give up. Sorry

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

Here you go: Link

Haven't been myself, but looks interesting, will have to give it a try.

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Woody1, that place is famous for it's very hot "aharn baa", vension, boar, sand badger, you name it, nationwide...

The Katoey service staff is part of the program, they also have 1 or 2 annoying speaking parrots.

When they take your order they will ask which degree of spiciness you would like, most Thais will settle with 50%, a table

with mainly farangs who are assuring "gin pet dai! Give us 100%!" will get 20%, which is still hot as hell... never had 100%,

50 is already way to much...

Nowadays I only go there with guests from back home who bore me with their assimilation skills.

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Woody1, that place is famous for it's very hot "aharn baa", vension, boar, sand badger, you name it, nationwide...

The Katoey service staff is part of the program, they also have 1 or 2 annoying speaking parrots.

When they take your order they will ask which degree of spiciness you would like, most Thais will settle with 50%, a table

with mainly farangs who are assuring "gin pet dai! Give us 100%!" will get 20%, which is still hot as hell... never had 100%,

50 is already way to much...

Nowadays I only go there with guests from back home who bore me with their assimilation skills.

Thanks Chonburiram for your input, there aren't many people (apart from you, judging by the lack of comments) who have any experience of this restaurant it appears.....

If it's so famous, "nationwide" why does nobody go there??

Please also re-read the title of the thread, I think you'll see that I've tried (with my limited knowledge) to answer the OP with the best advice / information I have at hand.

Edited by Woody1
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Woddy, i praise you for knowing "This" place; it shows that you are deep in the matter...

Ironically, you were reluctant to divulge it ON TV, while some Thais presented it IN TV, nationwide.

This restaurant is packed every single day, with Thais (the "nobody's"?), farangs are also seen, that kind

which have a life and a TV post count lower than 1000...

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Bangkok food is Thai food and Isaan food is not?

Of course most major hotels are too internationally oriented to serve real Thai food.

Thai food is divided into four groups Bangkok or Royal Thai as it's sometimes called, Issan, Northern and Southern. They are each quite different.

In addition there are the Chinese/Thai mix of dishes noodle soup and red pork, crispy pork and baked duck being prime examples.

Believe it or not the average Thai has little knowledge of Bangkok Thai Food because it's the most expensive and time consuming to make and even most hotels find it too much hassle to have a broad menu. Mostly only specialty restaurants serve it.

Dishes such as river crab in coconut milk (Bho Lon) and Banana Flower Salad (Yam Hua Plee) are my favourites.


I too would love to know where to get good Royal Thai cuisine in Pattaya.

"Royal Thai" is not a different set of dishes (a handful are), but rather the taste and preparation.

For the taste, all spices are balanced, Royal Thai dishes, although basically the same as regular Thai dishes, will never be very spicy or very salty.

The second major distiction is the quality of preparation. In real Royal Thai cuisine, meat has no bones, fish has no fishbones, and vegetables and fruits have no pits/peel/seeds/stones.

The taste of dishes should also be much more the real thing because at that (supposed) quality level, they wioll not cut short by using only 5 spices for the gaeng khiow wan instead of dozen or so listed in the recipe.

I have been to various places including the Mum Arois, the place on second road behind Casa Pascal, Cabbages and Condoms, the Thai restaurant in Central Festival (I think the name is Tamnanthai)...

I found them all to be a bit "rustic", and of course none come even close.

I would really like to experience more elaborate Thai food.

I think my next station will be Rimpa Lapin, even if only to enjoy the view.


I just visited PIC Kitchen's website and they are prominently displaying what are supposedly their finest dishes:

american hot dog, potato salad, burger, chef salad, chicken burger, chicken sandwich, chicken steak and chili dog???

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Manarak there is a lot of debate about Royal Thai Food and whether it actually exists. In my opinion it's Bangkok or Central Thai food prepared and cooked to the highest standards, which includes a lot of old fashioned Thai dishes which are not easy to come by.

As I posted earlier there is a very good small cafe style restaurant on the 36 just past the turning for the Elephant Show in front of a housing estate which is under development, there's a large carpark in front, it's small but you could easily miss it. It's very clean and a nice place but not somewhere to go for a special night out because it's quite small.

Getting refined Thai Food in Pattaya is extremely difficult because mostly only Bangkok Thais will eat it and when they come to Patttaya they want seafood.

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Woddy, i praise you for knowing "This" place; it shows that you are deep in the matter...

Ironically, you were reluctant to divulge it ON TV, while some Thais presented it IN TV, nationwide.

This restaurant is packed every single day, with Thais (the "nobody's"?), farangs are also seen, that kind

which have a life and a TV post count lower than 1000...

Well, you're getting dangerously close to that limittongue.png

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

Here you go: Link

Haven't been myself, but looks interesting, will have to give it a try.

Thanks. Went there last night and the food was good, although very spicy - even for my Thai wife. The waiter warned us that the food they served was spicy so we ordered it medium spicy, but still it was hotter than we like it.

Having said that the food was good (and cheap). I saw several dishes on the menu I've never tried before and that's always something I'm looking for.

We had a sour soup with smoked chicken that was very nice. The wife had a kaeng som which she claimed was good (don't eat it as it's always sweet) as well as steamed egg with crab meat.

The total bill with two large Chang Export and a bottle of water was just over 500 Baht. They had quite a lot of costumers, both Thai and foreign. The decor is a bit to rustic for my taste but I will definitively go back at some point.

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Woody1, that place is famous for it's very hot "aharn baa", vension, boar, sand badger, you name it, nationwide...

The Katoey service staff is part of the program, they also have 1 or 2 annoying speaking parrots.

When they take your order they will ask which degree of spiciness you would like, most Thais will settle with 50%, a table

with mainly farangs who are assuring "gin pet dai! Give us 100%!" will get 20%, which is still hot as hell... never had 100%,

50 is already way to much...

Nowadays I only go there with guests from back home who bore me with their assimilation skills.

Aharn baa - crazy food? Never heard that expression before.

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Woody1, that place is famous for it's very hot "aharn baa", vension, boar, sand badger, you name it, nationwide...

The Katoey service staff is part of the program, they also have 1 or 2 annoying speaking parrots.

When they take your order they will ask which degree of spiciness you would like, most Thais will settle with 50%, a table

with mainly farangs who are assuring "gin pet dai! Give us 100%!" will get 20%, which is still hot as hell... never had 100%,

50 is already way to much...

Nowadays I only go there with guests from back home who bore me with their assimilation skills.

Aharn baa - crazy food? Never heard that expression before.

Aharn Baa would mean wild or forest food baa means forest, wild as in wild animals and crazy in Thai.

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Woody1, that place is famous for it's very hot "aharn baa", vension, boar, sand badger, you name it, nationwide...

The Katoey service staff is part of the program, they also have 1 or 2 annoying speaking parrots.

When they take your order they will ask which degree of spiciness you would like, most Thais will settle with 50%, a table

with mainly farangs who are assuring "gin pet dai! Give us 100%!" will get 20%, which is still hot as hell... never had 100%,

50 is already way to much...

Nowadays I only go there with guests from back home who bore me with their assimilation skills.

Aharn baa - crazy food? Never heard that expression before.

Aharn Baa would mean wild or forest food baa means forest, wild as in wild animals and crazy in Thai.

I take it he has never been to, lets say Chan or eaten wild boar meat, the Thai writing says moo baa on the packet, as is sold in Tesco/Lotus, along with crocodile meat and ostrich meat.

Boar meat (moo baa) is very common in Chan and the East Coast.

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

Here you go: Link

Haven't been myself, but looks interesting, will have to give it a try.

Thanks. Went there last night and the food was good, although very spicy - even for my Thai wife. The waiter warned us that the food they served was spicy so we ordered it medium spicy, but still it was hotter than we like it.

Having said that the food was good (and cheap). I saw several dishes on the menu I've never tried before and that's always something I'm looking for.

We had a sour soup with smoked chicken that was very nice. The wife had a kaeng som which she claimed was good (don't eat it as it's always sweet) as well as steamed egg with crab meat.

The total bill with two large Chang Export and a bottle of water was just over 500 Baht. They had quite a lot of costumers, both Thai and foreign. The decor is a bit to rustic for my taste but I will definitively go back at some point.

The wife had a kaeng som which she claimed was good (don't eat it as it's always sweet)

If you are talking about Kaeng som, Thai sour curry, its the first time I have ever heard of it being sweet, best get yourself to either a Muslim or Southern resto, for the real deal.

If it was some tourist trap in a tourist spot I can understand your frustration.

Next time ask for a gaeng luang.

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

Can you please provide a Google Earth placemark or Google Maps coordinates?

Here you go: Link

Haven't been myself, but looks interesting, will have to give it a try.

Thanks. Went there last night and the food was good, although very spicy - even for my Thai wife. The waiter warned us that the food they served was spicy so we ordered it medium spicy, but still it was hotter than we like it.

Having said that the food was good (and cheap). I saw several dishes on the menu I've never tried before and that's always something I'm looking for.

We had a sour soup with smoked chicken that was very nice. The wife had a kaeng som which she claimed was good (don't eat it as it's always sweet) as well as steamed egg with crab meat.

The total bill with two large Chang Export and a bottle of water was just over 500 Baht. They had quite a lot of costumers, both Thai and foreign. The decor is a bit to rustic for my taste but I will definitively go back at some point.

My pleasure. We ended up going there tonight to check the place out.

We ordered 3 dishes:

Pat Pong Gari Ruam a non-spicy dish that was quite tasty but a bit to oily.

Chuchi Pla pretty much prepared as a Geng Kiaw Wan alas to watery, however still very tasty and this dish ended up being my favorite of the three.

Tom Yum Ruam nam kon, the soup was good but it had mostly squid as a filler with just a few shrimps and mushrooms, additionally they’ve put a piece of a fish carcass in there without any meat on it. Bet the shrimp only version would have been a much better choice.

We ended up paying just shy of 600 Baht for these dishes, two plates of rice, one bottle of water, one large beer and a bucket of ice.

It was an interesting place and I’m happy to have tried it, but doubt that we’ll be back in the near future. Food was good but nothing special, for about the same price there are quite a few other restaurants I’d rather frequent. To name a few that would be, Mum Arroy on 3rd road, Leng Kee on klang, Bpoo Bpen at the south end of Jomtien beach and the sea food restaurant behind rompoo market.

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just came back from Rimpa Lapin

The place is nice, beautiful view on Jomtien bay.

Unfortunately it is not possible to directly see the sunset on the ocean from the restaurant.

I can recommend the place for very well prepared Thai food, ingredients were very fresh and the cook is skilled.

All dishes were very good.

Service is very polite, smiling and helpful.

The only slightly negative thing was that they brought the rice first, before any starter or other dish (we had ordered springrolls and raw seafood as starters).

The springrolls arrived when we were almost finished with eating already.

I'm used to that happening in Thailand, but still I'm surprised a place like that can't get that under better control.

I don't regret my visit there and I'll be back for the right occasion.

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The wife had a kaeng som which she claimed was good (don't eat it as it's always sweet)

If you are talking about Kaeng som, Thai sour curry, its the first time I have ever heard of it being sweet, best get yourself to either a Muslim or Southern resto, for the real deal.

If it was some tourist trap in a tourist spot I can understand your frustration.

Next time ask for a gaeng luang.

Yes, that's what I wrote; kaeng som. In all my years living in Thailand and eating in touristy and non-touristy restaurants I (or rather my wife) have only once been served it not sweet tasting so I wonder where you've been eating it - or maybe your perception of sweet differs (substantially) from mine.

For a great example of what I mean try the kaeng som in Poo Pen in Jomtien - a restaurant praised by many for it's authentic food. It's so sweet you think it was some kind of dessert.

I love southern Thai food but unfortunately the place we frequent does not serve any soups so if you have any tips on southern Thai restos that do so in Pattaya please let me know.

Edited by MZurf
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  • 1 year later...

There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

I took your advice and went with my g/f today. The place is very different, only one other farang there, but we had the best Thai meal I have had in 8 years.

No fancy stuff here, but who cares when the food is so good, that is what we are there for.

I quite liked all the 'thai antiques'. Will be returning very soon, thanks for the heads up, it has not been invaded by farangs thankfully, so you can rest easy.

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There is a hidden gem in terms of Thai restaurants to be found in South Pattaya. It is with some reluctance that I will divulge it on TV (as I want it to stay exactly as it is).

It's name is Jar Toi, and it is located on a small Soi (a dead end) off Soi 17, 3rd Road (the Soi from 3rd Road to Threppasit Road). If you were driving from 3rd Road up Soi 17, you come to the Lion Pub in front of you, follow the road around to the right, then approx 100m further on the road bends left, the restaurant is located at the end of the Soi to the right on this bend.

This restaurant serves IMHO the best Thai food in Pattaya. It is full every evening, and busy pretty much each afternoon, and it is very, very rare that you see anyone other than quite well to do Thais there (including a lot of off duty police officers, I'm told it's owned by a police officer but cannot confirm that).

It's an outdoor restaurant, and very rustic, in fact it's hard to believe that you're still in Pattaya (it's as if you've gone back in time!). There are large old wooden tables to cater for groups, and private small tables in wooden pagoda type settings to cater for couples or small groups.

The service staff comprise mainly of older katoey's (much older) who are very efficient and friendly (I don't know why so many work here but all I can presume is at their age their previous possible career options had become limited).

The food is aimed solely for the Thai palate and clientele, is excellent value, and in no way is the restaurant aimed at tourists, in fact you hardly ever see a farang there (until now I suppose).

I took your advice and went with my g/f today. The place is very different, only one other farang there, but we had the best Thai meal I have had in 8 years.

No fancy stuff here, but who cares when the food is so good, that is what we are there for.

I quite liked all the 'thai antiques'. Will be returning very soon, thanks for the heads up, it has not been invaded by farangs thankfully, so you can rest easy.

Glad you enjoyed it, and also glad to hear the place hasn't changed too much.

I'll have to make the effort to get there this week, haven't been for quite some time.

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