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Motorcycle Helmet


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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference :)

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference smile.png

Which is interesting, since the accident I had wearing a helmet which knocked me out and gave me fairly nasty concussion would've probably rendered me a vegetable had I been wearing nothing. I guess you're right, we all make our own choices.

Amazing how many westerners I see in Bangkok who've opted for shades instead of a helmet.

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference smile.png

"He is a vegetable now", is this the way real riders talk about people who have suffered brain damage? If not, why doing it here?

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference smile.png

"He is a vegetable now", is this the way real riders talk about people who have suffered brain damage? If not, why doing it here?


Considering vegetative state is a medical term, even lay people, where I come from, call them that. Can even get an organ donor sticker/living will if you'd rather not be a vegetable and drain on your loved ones.

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference smile.png

"He is a vegetable now", is this the way real riders talk about people who have suffered brain damage? If not, why doing it here?


Considering vegetative state is a medical term, even lay people, where I come from, call them that. Can even get an organ donor sticker/living will if you'd rather not be a vegetable and drain on your loved ones.

I am neither a native speaker nor a medic expert or an expert in plants, but isnt there a difference between "vegetative state" and "vegetable"?

I think the term "vegetable" is disrespectful for people who have serverage brain damage. Sure you and your family wouldnt like to hear this if it happened to you. Sadly it can happen to all of us, doesnt matter how expensive our helmet is.

But no big deal. Just wanted to express my dislike for this "term".

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vegetative state[/url]" and "vegetable"?

I think the term "vegetable" is disrespectful for people who have serverage brain damage. Sure you and your family wouldnt like to hear this if it happened to you. Sadly it can happen to all of us, doesnt matter how expensive our helmet is.

But no big deal. Just wanted to express my dislike for this "term".

I understand where you are coming from, but using Wikipedia for a definition is usually a bad idea. For instance looking up vegetative lets you know that it can be used many ways. All come from the same base. As far as the medical vs lay term...you aren't going to say "myocardial infarction" bit rather "heart attack".

I sure hope that my family let's me "go" if I am a vegetable (as a side note I think they will..after all this is a family that gives kids a penny...if you're going to learn not to stick your finger in an outlet...might as well learn right).

If you're religious, than it would seem to me once the lights are off the soul is on its way to wherever. If not religious, than I'd think the lights being off means the end of the line has been reached and it's time to close up shop.

Trying to be politically correct and not use terms that offend someone means we'll all be walking around saying "Aladeen" instead of anything else.

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Vegetative describes vegetation. Vegetative may also refer to:
- Persistent vegetative state, a condition of people with severe brain damage

So OK, generally "Vegetative describes vegetation" and also refers to brain damage. But "vegetable" describes "vegetables" and not humans with brain damage. Imo this has not much to do with being "politically correct" but more with being halfly matured and express yourself like this in the public.

But thanks for your thoghts, i am always willing to learn somethin new smile.png

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My advice would be to buy a helmet from a shop that specialises in them, not from a bike shop, and certainly not the rubbish they sell in Big C.

Go to Panda rider (link in a post above), they have a good selection there and I was really happy with my purchase. Also don't be fooled into thinking that having a small size bike or riding slow means you don't need good protection. Dealing with a serious head injury will be very expensive - really I'd have thought any foreigner here should be able to afford $300 for a decent helmet.

Ooh darkian, you don't know some of our resident biking experts. Some of them even advocate riding without helmets on the basis that they would rather die than be a vegetable. Some others are too good a rider to crash. And some will tell you that a 2,000 baht helmet offers as much protection and comfort as a 20,000 one.

Up to you to choose your preference smile.png

Which is interesting, since the accident I had wearing a helmet which knocked me out and gave me fairly nasty concussion would've probably rendered me a vegetable had I been wearing nothing. I guess you're right, we all make our own choices.

Amazing how many westerners I see in Bangkok who've opted for shades instead of a helmet.

I don't ever recall seeing a westerner without a helmet in Bangkok. See loads on the islands and Chiang Mai, but foreign riders in Bangkok tend to be experienced, on half decent bikes and with a helmet at least...

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interesting that Schumaker's injuries are being blamed on the helmet camera; something to think about if you mount one when riding.

back on topic. for pottering around town i think Real Helmets (full face) are adequate. Still can't find how they got the ECE rating (to get this rating it has to be tested while DOT is self-certified)


Can check if helmet is certified for UK


Edited by taichiplanet
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bought one from Big C.

I'm just going to use it when I take a motorcycle taxi everyday.

People I tell this too think I am paranoid.

No, you seem to be pretty clever. I avoid motorcycle taxis completely, thats paranoid thumbsup.gif

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