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When It Comes to Sex Partners, Men Prefer Younger Women: Study

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http://www.healthfinder.gov/News/Article.aspx?id=692142 So I guess now we know what attracts guys to Thailand

TUESDAY, Sept. 30, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- In books and movies, plots involving older men chasing much younger women abound.

Now, new research suggests that the stereotype may be grounded in fact.

In the study, psychologists looked at data on more than 12,000 people from Finland.

The researchers, led by Jan Antfolk of Abo Akademi in Turku, Finland, found that women typically preferred men who were the same age or somewhat older, and this remained consistent throughout their lives.

On the other hand, men tended to have a lifelong sexual preference for women in their mid-20s.

For example, men younger than 20 were typically attracted to older women, while men older than 30 began to prefer younger women.

According to the researchers this might be all part of Nature's plan: Men's heightened sexual interest in women in their mid-20s is probably because women are most fertile at this age, they said.

That kind of preference would have been an evolutionary advantage, because men who had sex with women in their mid-20s would have had more children than other men, Antfolk's team said.

For their part, women may be more selective than men about their sexual partners, which means they're more likely to have sex with partners who match their age preferences.

The bottom line? In the end, it may be women who most often get the upper hand in mate selection. According to the researchers, that's because men's actual sexual behavior is controlled more by women's selecting a mate based on her age preferences, rather than his own "age ideals."

The study was funded by the Academy of Finland and was published recently in the journal Evolutionary and Human Behavior.

More information

The U.S. National Library of Medicine offers resources about sexual health.


I suspect most men want women as close to post puberty as they can (legally) get.

Full compliment of eggs ready to be fertilized.

As for women being in control of the selection,

Only in countries that give them money, partner or not.


Most women would probably prefer a hot, sexy young man too. Instead of an old codger with a beer gut.

Most women I know would settle for a (any age) guy with enough money to buy them a house and car.

Then shag the young sexy but broke man on the side.

You should try being broke and working 12hr days for 300bht Patsy, the old codgers with beer guts might start to look more appealing.


I find as i get older i now also look at women in their 30s and 40s and think many of them attractive ,but yes i still like the hot younger ones as well ,


The survey failed to check we all look for more beautiful woman ( or man) so age has nothing to do with. Older people just are not as pretty as younger ones. In the other hand I would not mind to be Angelina Jolie at any age.


I find as i get older i now also look at women in their 30s and 40s and think many of them attractive ,but yes i still like the hot younger ones as well ,

30 is pretty much my upper limit for meaningless sex, but my "ideal" age range has gone up a few years since I first got here.


The survey failed to check we all look for more beautiful woman ( or man) so age has nothing to do with. Older people just are not as pretty as younger ones. In the other hand I would not mind to be Angelina Jolie at any age.

Even with the double mastectomy?


Most women would probably prefer a hot, sexy young man too. Instead of an old codger with a beer gut.

Most women I know would settle for a (any age) guy with enough money to buy them a house and car.

Then shag the young sexy but broke man on the side.

As you pointed out settle (need?) and want isn't necessarily same thing ... for either sex.

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