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US mandatory health coverage

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" I will gladly take out some health insurance in another country and just pay the fine for not having Obamacare."

If you don't live in the US, you are not required to be covered so there is no fine to pay.

"CA will consider you a resident for tax purposes even if you live abroad."

Not true.

"I know many people who had problems with CA."

My knowledge of this subject is from personal experience, not from others.

"Then if living abroad there is no need to file California taxes on social security benefits or IRA withdrawals?"

That is correct.

"If you live in Arizona, you will pay tax to Az even on a pention from another state. Move to NV and only pay federal. No state income tax in NV."

If you 'live in the state' is the key part of this message. You pay in the state you live in. If you don't live in any of the states you are not required to file / pay. That includes California.

It's a simple concept.


It does not matter where you earned it. It matters where you live.

Many tax experts say if you have significant income and plan to live abroad , it is best to establish residence in a state with no income tax before moving.

CA and VA are very agressive going after people who live abroad.

Add WI to that list also.

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" I will gladly take out some health insurance in another country and just pay the fine for not having Obamacare."

If you don't live in the US, you are not required to be covered so there is no fine to pay.

"CA will consider you a resident for tax purposes even if you live abroad."

Not true.

"I know many people who had problems with CA."

My knowledge of this subject is from personal experience, not from others.

"Then if living abroad there is no need to file California taxes on social security benefits or IRA withdrawals?"

That is correct.

"If you live in Arizona, you will pay tax to Az even on a pention from another state. Move to NV and only pay federal. No state income tax in NV."

If you 'live in the state' is the key part of this message. You pay in the state you live in. If you don't live in any of the states you are not required to file / pay. That includes California.

It's a simple concept.

Are you from California?

is your statement based on official documentation or you stopped filing and they have not pursued you or found you?

Must file US takes when living abroad but are given a large exemption. If over the exemption you would be paying US taxes.

California has no exemption. I filed my California taxes and had listed I lived outside the US 330 days and taxes were owed.

What is the basis for your information? opinion or documented fact.

Although I am not sure how much power or resources California has on pursuing people not filing tax returns.


" I will gladly take out some health insurance in another country and just pay the fine for not having Obamacare."

If you don't live in the US, you are not required to be covered so there is no fine to pay.

"CA will consider you a resident for tax purposes even if you live abroad."

Not true.

"I know many people who had problems with CA."

My knowledge of this subject is from personal experience, not from others.

"Then if living abroad there is no need to file California taxes on social security benefits or IRA withdrawals?"

That is correct.

"If you live in Arizona, you will pay tax to Az even on a pention from another state. Move to NV and only pay federal. No state income tax in NV."

If you 'live in the state' is the key part of this message. You pay in the state you live in. If you don't live in any of the states you are not required to file / pay. That includes California.

It's a simple concept.

Are you from California?

is your statement based on official documentation or you stopped filing and they have not pursued you or found you?

Must file US takes when living abroad but are given a large exemption. If over the exemption you would be paying US taxes.

California has no exemption. I filed my California taxes and had listed I lived outside the US 330 days and taxes were owed.

What is the basis for your information? opinion or documented fact.

Although I am not sure how much power or resources California has on pursuing people not filing tax returns.

There's nothing simple about the rules for tax domicile particularly for the more aggressive states like CA. For most states where you actually live is only one factor to be considered along with where you earn income. CA taxes the per game earnings of professional football players from other states who play a game in CA.

CA can claim that your tax domicile remains CA even if you haven't lived there for years, but that doesn't mean that they are correct. You can establish that your tax domicile is no longer the state of CA, but you have look up the tax domicile rules yourself. No discussion like this one is going to provide a reliable guide. Like many states CA considers what ties you retain such as: voting, driver's license, property, etc. But they also consider whether you have professional relationships, family or even friendships with CA residents as well as anything that could be construed to indicate an "intent to return" at some point in the future. That's not to say that the presence of your mother alone is sufficient to make you liable for continued tax payments. It depends on all the factors.

Nevertheless, based on what you have reported you should make every effort to get out from under this tax burden. The first step is to google "california tax domicile rules" and then take every necessary step meticulously.

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"Are you from California?"

Yes. Nowadays far from.

"is your statement based on official documentation or you stopped filing and they have not pursued you or found you?"

They know where I am. Until the law changes, I don't have to file in CA, and they have agreed.

"Must file US takes when living abroad but are given a large exemption. If over the exemption you would be paying US taxes."

All of my posting here has been related to not having to file for State taxes.

No special exemptions for pensions or SS when living abroad, only for earned income on salary earned here.

"Calif... has no exemption.I filed my California taxes and had listed I lived outside the US 330 days and taxes were owed."

A Calif 'exemption' would imply that you are still tied to Ca, which is not the case if you don't reside in California.

I'm not sure what else i can say, other than that the other Calif taxpayers are probably appreciative of your contributions.

"What is the basis for your information? opinion or documented fact."

Personal experience, knowing there is a law which says I'm right, and the fact that after discussion the California Franchise Tax Board agrees with me.


If you don't live in the USA now, you still have to file federal income tax forms for pensions and SS, but you do not have to file in any state.

This may well be true if you came from California, but is not true for all states.

Virginia is quite clear that if you are a resident of Virgina and move overseas, you are required to pay Virginia state income tax. They tell you that to avoid this you must establish a domicile in a different state before you move.

In my own case I established residency and domicile in Texas, which has no personal income tax, before I moved to Thailand. Others I know did the same.

Here is what their website says (emphasis mine)

Residency Issues for Persons Living Abroad

If you are a Virginia resident who accepts employment in another country or moves outside the United States for other reasons (including military orders), the fact that you are living abroad does not mean that you are no longer considered a Virginia resident for tax purposes. Unless you have established residency in another state, you will still be considered a domiciliary resident of Virginia, and will be required to file Virginia income tax returns.

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What did you do to establish domicile?

I think even if I move, California will want the tax on my tax deferred IRA. Right?

I went to Texas and obtained a physical address. I also opened a bank account and registered to vote and obtained a drivers license.

I severed as many ties as possible with Virgina, and wrote them a letter saying I would no longer be voting there.

The place I used in Texas was www.escapees.com

I really don't know about California.


For anyone who is maintaining a 'street' mailing address in the U.S. -- but not actually maintaining a home there... Then if you have that address in a state that wants to push you for paying income tax or other tax ... then there is a easy way to move to Texas or another state where there is no income tax and other taxes.

I have the web address if anyone who is interested of a firm that is a on line mail box house - mail forwarding -- actually they provide a street address without an apartment or box number, they will forward mail anywhere for an extra fee, they will scan the front and back of all mail envelopes - put the scans in your on line secure account area, You check box what you want forwarded or trashed or shredded, or they will open the mail upon request - scan it into a .PDF and send it to you by email attachment. Move your banking to Texas too and never be bothered with much of anything about taxes... Unless some state like California is trying to track you down... but your actions doing what I suggest ... could in some cases discourage such actions.



My mom and brothers live in California. I heard that is enough to claim I will return.

I could cancel my drivers license and chang my bank account address


My mom and brothers live in California. I heard that is enough to claim I will return.

I could cancel my drivers license and chang my bank account address

I am happy my 'home' is in Texas... and that I maintain an address where my motor home is parked at a friends home and shop.... I have a Texas DL and Texas Based Bank -- USAA (military and former military - great bank)...

I have been seriously considering the www.earthclassmail.com service and using a big city in Texas as a mailing address and the services they provide.

If I can ever remember to do it -- I am going to go on line and get an International Drivers License which works fairly well in Thailand I am told. I will use that to bridge to a Thailand DL.

Basically I have zero accountability for having a Texas address... I have my Texas residential address registered with the Social Security Admin and with the IRS...

Just some thought as to how I do things...


What did you do to establish domicile?

I think even if I move, California will want the tax on my tax deferred IRA. Right?

In the past CA has claimed a right to tax tax-deferred retirement accounts of state residents after they moved out of the state. However, there was a Supreme Court case that was decided against CA. Since then, they cannot tax your IRA after you move out, provided, that they can't catch you on any of their other provisions that mean you are still domiciled in CA, such as "intent to return", etc.


Related to some other posts, If you contribute to a 401k or a traditional IRA while a resident of a state that has income tax, those monies are tax deferred, i.e. you don't pay taxes on those monies until you withdraw the money. Your goal should be to establish residency in a state that has no State income tax. Then those monies withdrawn don't get state taxed. yes they will get Federal Taxed, but not state taxed. A decade or two ago, California tried to go after pensions and even retirement accounts of people that had moved out of California to other states, but the Supreme Court stopped that.

I am a contract engineer and my permanent home is in Florida. Every year when I work in some state such as California or Wisconsin or whatever, I contribute tax deferred money to my agencie's 401k. Typically I am able to put the entire $23,500 into the 401k (over 50 years old). When the job ends I roll over the monies to my own traditional Roll over IRA. Soon, as I near my retirement and I start withdrawing those monies they will of course be taxed by the Feds but NOT by Florida which has no state income tax.

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I am currently in trouble because I maintain a driver's license for the 2 weeks a year I visit my Mom on California. I also have a bank account for convenience.

I heard just having a mother living in California they claim shows intent to return.

Can I change my drivers license to an international license?

I heard there are now rules that people living overseas are not allowed to buy mutual funds or have managed accounts. Can only buy stocks.


I am currently in trouble because I maintain a driver's license for the 2 weeks a year I visit my Mom on California. I also have a bank account for convenience.

I heard just having a mother living in California they claim shows intent to return.

Can I change my drivers license to an international license?

I heard there are now rules that people living overseas are not allowed to buy mutual funds or have managed accounts. Can only buy stocks.

Brian -- I am not an Expert on the questions you ask...

- but yes -- you can get international drivers license -- but until you get a Thai drivers license with the International DL and your Calif DL as supporting documents for getting a Thai DL ... I would not cancel a Calif DL ... even if that is possible while it is still current.

-- "I heard there are now rules that people living overseas are not allowed to buy mutual funds or have managed accounts. Can only buy stocks."

I have never heard of this and I have read many many posts here with people discussing their Charles Schwabb accounts and many others discussing stocks and bonds - mutual funds and managed accounts... So personally I think that information you posted is just plain wrong. Stocks and Bond cannot directly be used to satisfied income/asset requirements for some categories of Visa and Extensions... as they are not liquid...

I suggest - go to a Forum thread on this subject and ask someone who knows for sure.

- Are you a veteran of U.S. Military Service? This is important - it can be of great assistance to you if the answer is yes ....

Or is/was your father a military veteran -- and was he a member of USAA - for car or auto insurance or any other service they offer. ?


Yes - by this Califfornia law OP --- I suppose they can use that vague inference that since your mother lives in California that you will return to live... 'intent to return'... Boy is that stretching things... I lived in Texas -- and my mother lived in Florida in the years before her death. I would have laughed if someone has thought I would move to Florida for that reason. Same thing when I lived in Texas and my Mom lived in Kentucky where I was born and had a residence at one time. This concept of 'intent to return' is nothing but brazen convoluted policy to grub money from producers while giving away billions to takers.

Anyway - As I have suggested and others have too... If you establish an address in a non taxable state - file your fed income tax return from that address, etc. California will no longer have a hold on your for 'intent to return' to Calif. because you have an address in another state.. You would return to visit or for medical matters concerning your mother.

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I am currently in trouble because I maintain a driver's license for the 2 weeks a year I visit my Mom on California. I also have a bank account for convenience.

I heard just having a mother living in California they claim shows intent to return.

Can I change my drivers license to an international license?

I heard there are now rules that people living overseas are not allowed to buy mutual funds or have managed accounts. Can only buy stocks.

Is there some reason that you steadfastly refuse to google up and read the tax domicile regulations which certainly appear on the website of the CA state govt? Is it anything more than laziness?

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I have read on internet that California considers Mother in California as intent to return. Visit. Yes. Live. No. Ridiculous.

I will start investigating changing official residence. It will save a lot when I start to use IRA money.

I was casually talking with my financial company and mentioned I was living in Thailand. He told me that he is not allowed to give advice and I am not allowed to buy mutual funds if living overseas. New rule this year.

I am not retired. I understand financial requirements for retirement visa is liquid assets.


I have read on internet that California considers Mother in California as intent to return. Visit. Yes. Live. No. Ridiculous.

I will start investigating changing official residence. It will save a lot when I start to use IRA money.

I was casually talking with my financial company and mentioned I was living in Thailand. He told me that he is not allowed to give advice and I am not allowed to buy mutual funds if living overseas. New rule this year.

I am not retired. I understand financial requirements for retirement visa is liquid assets.

You don't have to be 'retired' to get an Extension of Stay based on Retirement - just age 50 or over... of course you cannot work in Thailand on an EoS based on Retirement.... no W/P would be granted,

If by saying you are not retired that you are servicing customers outside Thailand or gaining income somehow outside Thailand -- it would not be unusual - although you would not want to advertise it.

I had not heard of this restriction on getting advice about buying mutual funds... Seems a bit counterproductive. But our U.S. Government is acting rather strange.

The reason I was asking if you had served in the U.S. Military is that it would qualify you for outstanding financial services from USAA... A huge company that services only U.S. Military and Veterans as clients. They have on line only checking, savings, credit card, car and home insurance - plus financial investment services. You just have to have an American street address and a Social Security number and proof of Military service. Many TV members use USAA..

If your father had served in the U.S. Military AND is / was a member of USAA - then you can have membership too. Or for that matter a son or daughter who is / or was a member of the U.S. Military AND a member of USAA - then you can have membership too.

In America one can deposit money - cash or check into your account at any UPS Store - just use a debit card. USAA Cards work great at any Thai bank for ATM use. Everything about USAA bank services is no fee, low fee, and reimbursed fee. You can also make deposits of checks with a Smartphone app.

The HQ of USAA is in Texas... a non employment income tax state.

Also, As I have said and others too - establishing a residence in another state non income tax state would stop the California money gouging.

Just some things to think about.


I am currently in trouble because I maintain a driver's license for the 2 weeks a year I visit my Mom on California. I also have a bank account for convenience.

I heard just having a mother living in California they claim shows intent to return.

Can I change my drivers license to an international license?


Brian -- I am not an Expert on the questions you ask...

- but yes -- you can get international drivers license -- but until you get a Thai drivers license with the International DL and your Calif DL as supporting documents for getting a Thai DL ... I would not cancel a Calif DL ... even if that is possible while it is still valid

I didn't like driving in California and less in Thailand but sometimes useful.

From your suggestion I think you suggested keeping my California drivers license for now, getting an international drivers license, then take both licenses to get my Thai license. Do I need to take additional tests?

After I get my Thai license I could drop my California license and use my international drivers license to drive legally and insured in California.

It would be nice to establish residency in another state.


I am currently in trouble because I maintain a driver's license for the 2 weeks a year I visit my Mom on California. I also have a bank account for convenience.

I heard just having a mother living in California they claim shows intent to return.

Can I change my drivers license to an international license?


Brian -- I am not an Expert on the questions you ask...

- but yes -- you can get international drivers license -- but until you get a Thai drivers license with the International DL and your Calif DL as supporting documents for getting a Thai DL ... I would not cancel a Calif DL ... even if that is possible while it is still valid

I didn't like driving in California and less in Thailand but sometimes useful.

From your suggestion I think you suggested keeping my California drivers license for now, getting an international drivers license, then take both licenses to get my Thai license. Do I need to take additional tests?

After I get my Thai license I could drop my California license and use my international drivers license to drive legally and insured in California.

It would be nice to establish residency in another state.

I am no expert on how to get a Thai Drivers License... but hanging on to your Calf DL (until you do) and getting an International DL is a good idea.... I suggest you go do a search on what is necessary to get a Thai DL here on TVF ... I just read over some threads the other day... Or post a topic thread on the subject... You will get plenty of answers...

I do believe that using the mailing service I posted a link too will work to show a change of address - it is not a box number. ( www.earthclassmail.com)

Pick an address city -- two I think in Texas are available. And there are other non income tax states, Florida .... Google it -- non income tax states....

Then after establishing that address -- make a change of address on line at the USPS web site - have ALL your California mail - That mail which is mailed to your Mom's address or where ever -- forwarded to the new address in the new state ...

Note: you have to pay a dollar to USPS with a credit/debit card to prove it is you... Also send an address change to the IRS at first chance and if you have any dealings with Social Security -- then send them one too. But they probably get the address change from the USPS address change that you do .... they got mine when I did it ... which is okay... actually would be good for you... another check box that you are not in Calif as far as the IRS is concerned...

After you get the change of address at the service - go on line and change your address for your credit cards, your bank account, for insurance - for everything ... You have then just moved from Calif.

Note: The service - www.earthclassmail.com requires you show your current address - which can be a Thailand address - but you have to supply a document or receipt -- electric bill - phone bill - or landlord letter or whatever... Their customer service staff will correspond with you and you can call them to get guidance. I would advise you to not discuss the full California issue relative to taxes... If they want a California address to show mail to be forwarded from -- sounds like that would be okay --- a check box to show you are exiting Calif actually... Discuss that part with the customer service folks.

And as far a getting rid of the Calif DL -- I believe that after you get a International DL and get a Thai DL --- you could just correspond with the Calif DL authority and see if they have a way to formally cancel it ... Just say Hey --- I am not coming back... and I do not want to risk that somehow my Calif DL number could be used as a part of a ID theft - as I will not be in Calif to monitor it ... or some B.S. ....

Eventually change to a Texas Bank or a Bank in whatever non income tax state you choose... then you will have next to nothing of residence or banking or insurance or business going on in Calif... There are many name brand banks that offer excellent on line services...

This will take a while - outline the steps for yourself -- check them off every time one gets done... if a few months -- most will be done... and then Goodbye Calif....

Just some Ideas for your consideration...

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Once I establish an address in another state then when I file my state and federal tax this April I can use this address.

How to open a bank account without unless physically going there.

Maybe a bank that is in both states and change addresses. I can check if Wells Fargo is in Texas.

Most everything is online now and the paper is redundant.

Not yet collecting social security so the don't care about my address yet.

The difference in taxes between my tax state being California and Texas when I use my IRA money might be worth a trip to Texas.


- Once I establish an address in another state then when I file my state and federal tax this April I can use this address.

I would think so .... you will owe some California state tax for 2014 yes? Then paying it with a new state address ought to put them on record -- you don't live in Calif anymore. And certainly the Fed Income Tax ... just file it under the new address -- Bottom line pay Calif and the Feds what you owe them for 2014 -- and point out -- here is my Calif address during 2014 -- And here is where your correspond with me now in .. Texas - Florida - Washington where ever.

Think about it a moment... in the past 5-7 years and more -- millions of people have moved out of California -- you will be a piece of straw in a haystack - not even remotely noticed ... The government bureaucracy of California can't keep count of the people moving out and few are moving in. So - join the crowd.

By the way ... here are the non income tax states: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming

I am going to recommend Washington state. Seattle/Tacoma is a major departure and landing point for trips to Thailand and Asia.... It would seem if you had to visit your family and return to Thailand -- then getting a short flight to / from Seattle/Tacoma to / from Calif. would allow you to make a presence in the state - even visit a Well Fargo Bank -- buy a small plot of land --- and you will have totally secured your presence in Washington state.

Just get on line and do some research about Washington or Texas .... etc.

How to open a bank account without unless physically going there?

Washington State and Texas have Wells Fargo Banks and most all other states do too ... so it should be easy - after you get an address.

The mail service - www.earthclassmail.com offers a street address in Seattle WA. but not cheap ... if timing was right you could even go to Seattle -- and set up a regular mail box rental at a business like Mail Boxes, Etc. or Wrap and Mail -- but they offer far less in service.

You might also want to check out the service provided by American Express - called Bluebird... An on line checking account with a AMEX stamped Pre-Paid Debit/ATM bluebird.com .... Bluebird has an amazing set of features and services --- just go there and take a look - https://www.bluebird.com/ This card and checking account has the potential of helping you deal with a lot of situations.. After your read about it -- all the features -- you will see what I mean. No initial funding to open -- and you can transfer money to the Bluebird pre-paid card using your current Debit/ATM card... it is also a GREAT backup card in case of misplaced or lost Wells Fargo card. I only have a 50 baht Bangkok Bank charge for ATM withdraws... Bluebird only charges $2.50 for the same withdraw... Other bank cards have to pay 150 to 180 baht to Thai banks -- plus your bank fee... And - I am getting top Baht/USD exchange rate... Last time about 32.67

Maybe a bank that is in both states and change addresses. I can check if Wells Fargo is in Texas.

No need as there is a Wells Fargo Bank in almost every state.

Most everything is online now and the paper is redundant.

Yes - most on line banks offer total Internet notification for statements, notices, etc. Mine do -- they do not want to mail anything.

Not yet collecting social security so the don't care about my address yet.


The difference in taxes between my tax state being California and Texas when I use my IRA money might be worth a trip to Texas

Or to Washington or Wyoming or where ever..


By the way --- I am quite familiar with how these private mail box rentals work out --- I had one for about 6-7 years and ALL my mail went to that box - even my land line phone, water, electric, bank statements, etc. for my home and business..

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You don't have to live in a state to be a resident.

The best bet is S. Dakota because they have no income tax and they actively encourage snowbirds and expats to register there as residents. They make a lot of money from vehicle registrations and returning motorhomes etc.

There is a mobile home park there which in particular specializes in giving you their physical address and then doing mail forwarding. They will scan mail and email it, forward it or trash it depending on what you want. You need to go there just once and get a driver's license and register to vote and they will walk you through all of that. You'll also want to open a bank account.

They are http://www.americas-mailbox.com/ and they are probably the best in the business.

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I am a US citizen and pay taxes to the US government.

I live in Thailand and pay income tax and VAT.

Many people when they stop working move to a state with lower income taxes. Some states have no income tax but higher sales tax or business tax. You pay taxes based on spending habits in the state. If travel a lot then your taxes in the state are low.

Since I have no resident in America I need to select a state to declare as my residence.

Mail services are great for people that travel a lot and don't have a permanent home in a state.

More difficult about registering to vote and getting a driver's license.


Brian ... This is the way to approach it... I just did several searches and found this which I explain in my own way ... You can do google searches and find the same thing.

1. - Living and working in Thailand for a consecutive 18 months - 546 days -- is a major step to severing your ties to California for tax purposes. A Forty-Five day visit within that 18 months will not violate the 18 month rule. You will only be liable for California taxes for the period you were considered a resident. And they may have passed already.

- Then to totally cut the California residency ties and nullify the 'intent to return', You must divest yourself of property, eventually the Calif. Drivers License, Professional Licenses, Social Club memberships, personal business ownership, banking within California, using investment brokerages in Calif - would be a good idea too. Cut everything you can think of. In short do all the things we talked about before... The only tie of any kind would be your family ... and I just do not see how that alone would be enough if everything else is done to cut California ties. I know of no law that says you have to go live where your mother lives or lived...

2. The above - being gone for 18 months and severing all ties with California is what nullifies your California residence status and tax liability.

3. Your act of establishing a mailing address, banking, and other things in Texas or Washington State or another non tax state is an effort to not re-establish a resident status in California. But along the way - if started soon ... then it would all converge at some point in the near future -- when all things are done and all conditions are met. These actions just described would be helping you to sever and keep severed your ties to California. Couple with your 18 consecutive months away from California - especially overseas -- I do not see how you would fail in being successful in getting away from California's Tax claws.

This has been an interesting exercise - but I think productive.

I think this is the best way to look at it.

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Lol. You need to actually live in the state in order to establish residency.

You cant just get a mailbox in a non tax state to avoid tax.

It is not just the mailbox ... it is all the other things being discussed...

And no you don't have to actually physically live in another state to establish residence.. there are numerous services that help that along... Look at Nevesure's post just posted above.


It's important to have a physical address, a driver's license, register to vote, register a vehicle if you have one...

Move into the new state and move out of the old one. A mailbox isn't enough. You need a physical address.

I don't know about other states but it's affirmatively legal to do this in S. Dakota as I linked above. That RV park, motel, campground becomes your permanent address and it's OK with S. Dakota.


It's important to have a physical address, a driver's license, register to vote, register a vehicle if you have one...

Move into the new state and move out of the old one. A mailbox isn't enough. You need a physical address.

I don't know about other states but it's affirmatively legal to do this in S. Dakota as I linked above. That RV park, motel, campground becomes your permanent address and it's OK with S. Dakota.

Many of the 'Mail Box companies offer far more than a numbered 'Mail Box'. For example this company ... www.earthclassmail.com offers a 'street address' with no number like #102 ... It is the same as any street address and unless researched one would not know it was anything but a place of residence.

I am not sure if that matters one way or another ... But if OP chose even Washington State and visited there for a short while -- a month or so or whatever is required... After taking all steps possible to sever California residence status - but not necessarily finished with it ... It would be easy enough to take steps to acquire a Washington DL, thus void the California one., register to vote - thus void the California voter registration - Both done using the Seattle earthclassmail provided street address,

Then OP - after having done everything he can to help bolster his address presence in Washington State -- he could go to Seattle / Tacoma airport and fly back to Thailand - having never setting foot in California ... thus no possible showing some 'intent to return' --- in fact quite the opposite would be shown.

I once had a Texas Drivers License registered to a mail box ... similar to ... 1268 Brown Trail #202, Arlington, TX 76006. And no one thought anything of it as being wrong to do that - not even the State of Texas... Also my Insurance company was able to detect that the address was a mail box company ... and they wanted to know where the car was garaged for their computation purposes ... so I told them the truth -- my car was garaged within 1/2 mile of that location ... they said 'Okay'.

And I believe that now, even if I didn't have a motor home parked at my friends house in Texas -- just using his address is good enough... It is good enough for the IRS and S.S. Administration and they do not even know I have a motor home parked there.

Agencies know what they know and if everything seems plausible and I am not doing anything illegal -- then as long as the business or government office accepts my address - then that is good enough for me...

I am glad Neversure that you added your comments ... what you provided in your posts -- just shows the evolving attitude about where one lives and how to get it on record is not what it once was... With a fluid society -- comes change to deal with it.

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