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2. that sex tourism contributes to AIDS.

You could be correct if you are talking about Boyztown and the Hershey highway crew.

:o You are such a sh!t-stirrer . . . so to speak . . . :D

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No self respect and deserve little respect in return, same goes for the farang who frequent them. :D

I'm sure they (Thai and farang) will all be very depressed to learn that you have no respect for them.

I go down tonight and do a survey, just to see how many really give a <deleted> what you think about them.

I'm pretty sure I already know the answer. Try not to be too disappointed when you hear it. :D

Well, I did go downtown tonight. Went to 3 different a-go-go's. Talked to a couple managers, one owner (another one was too drunk to understand), a couple of waitresses, about 7 dancers and 4 farangs.

NOT ONE of them gives a crap what you think about them, their jobs, the people they associate with or the people they make money from/spend money on !

The farangs I talked to in the bars all think you are a tosser, what ever that means (I'm not a Brit). Those were the polite ones. I can't type what the others said without getting a warning and having the post deleted.

Sorry I couldn't find anyone to support your view of the world. Judging from the most recent posts in this thread, not many here support it either.

Maybe it's one of those cases where you are right, and everyone else in every other place is wrong ? :o

What ever the case, have a great day eh ! :D

Well of course if you go out and get the opinions of bar owners or bar flies they are going to have opinions that support yours. Just as if you go and ask people at ascot who likes horse racing! How about asking people outside the confines of Pattaya then you may see a few more people that support the opinion that running a bar that charges customers to take the staff out of the bar (usually for the purpose of sex) is pimping. That is the original argument isn't it? It doesn't matter who agrees with it or not. How much beer you sell or not. If you run a bar where the staff work there as waiters and spend their entire shift working under those conditions then you are a bar manager. If you run a bar where the staff are using the bar as a saleroom for the sex trade then that makes the person a pimp. I think the people who do this know this deep down. The reason that you wont find anyone who does this that supports the other opinion is because it is a scummy thing to do.


1. That falang bar owners who collect barfines are Pimps or worse.

2. that sex tourism contributes to AIDS.

3. that sex is a dirty business.

4. that sex tourism is destroying the family life of Northern Thailand.

5. that many falang bar owners and customers don’t want to believe any of this.

I agree.

You are right.

Most on this board are perverts.

And attack people like me and you because of our high morals

Keep up the good work

2. that sex tourism contributes to AIDS.

You could be correct if you are talking about Boyztown and the Hershey highway crew.

:D You are such a sh!t-stirrer . . . so to speak . . . :D

Absolutely. If he weren't such a prolific contributor I might use the word "troll" as he seems to enjoy posting just for the sake of the reaction he gets, regardless of whether or not he agrees with his own statements. :o


And Moron Michael From England returns. :D

YES! I know that's a personal attack BUT calling most of us perverts is also a personal attack. :o

1. That falang bar owners who collect barfines are Pimps or worse.

2. that sex tourism contributes to AIDS.

3. that sex is a dirty business.

4. that sex tourism is destroying the family life of Northern Thailand.

5. that many falang bar owners and customers don’t want to believe any of this.

I agree.

You are right.

Most on this board are perverts.

And attack people like me and you because of our high morals

Keep up the good work

Most on this board are perverts.

And attack people like me and you because of our high morals

Keep up the good work

Nice one! Your high moral standpoint allows you to judge others on this board and conclude that most are perverts. I like it!


Do we have a TROLL family to feed?? :D:o


I would like to start a new topic on the subject of "Trolls"

I have been called that myself a number of times and would like to defend myself

but seems like this thread is a bit large to accomodate any new thoughts.

Well until that happens, I think calling people "trolls" is a cheap shot and amounts a flame

which should be deleted.

People have a right to express their opinion and people also have a right to post stories of

strange happenings in the LOS without being labeled trolls.

Some of you old farts, I don't know, I just picture you with a beer gut hanging out in front of an airconditoner and a computer and a bottle of Chang...day in and day out....and your darling brides have become fat old ladies who won't even let you go out and enjoy life.

My guess is that your measly retirement buys you less and less each year...and you can't afford anything except complaining on this board.

Incapable of thinking new thoughts...grasping new ideas...stuck in the past..when life was simple.

Your darling bride loved you because you were so handsome and rich...and look how that has all slipped away from you.

Now some of you are pathetic old farts just hanging around waiting to die.


Do we have a TROLL family to feed?? :D:o


I would like to start a new topic on the subject of "Trolls"

I have been called that myself a number of times and would like to defend myself

but seems like this thread is a bit large to accomodate any new thoughts.

Well until that happens, I think calling people "trolls" is a cheap shot and amounts a flame

which should be deleted.

People have a right to express their opinion and people also have a right to post stories of

strange happenings in the LOS without being labeled trolls.

Some of you old farts, I don't know, I just picture you with a beer gut hanging out in front of an airconditoner and a computer and a bottle of Chang...day in and day out....and your darling brides have become fat old ladies who won't even let you go out and enjoy life.

My guess is that your measly retirement buys you less and less each year...and you can't afford anything except complaining on this board.

Incapable of thinking new thoughts...grasping new ideas...stuck in the past..when life was simple.

Your darling bride loved you because you were so handsome and rich...and look how that has all slipped away from you.

Now some of you are pathetic old farts just hanging around waiting to die.

Mr Jringo. Up until now I have disagreed with others that have referred to you as a troll, but your last offering is pushing it a bit. What you started was an interesting and difficult subject born from your own unfortunate experiences. People like Michaelfromengland are making random, flaming comments that are jeopardising your debate, and could cause it to spiral into a slagfest which would ultimately lead to the topic being removed. Is that what you want? Reread his last post, tell me how are his comments constructive to the area you chose to discuss?

People may hold differing views to you, and anyone that makes a personal attack on you because of that is indeed a flamer or perhaps a troll. To slander members of this board because they express their opinions is wrong. To assume like you did that they all fit a profile that you have created in your mind is also wrong. We are just a random bunch of people who have chosen to offer their opinions on the subject of your choice. Don't ask people their opinions and then attack them for offering it up.

I am enjoying this topic Ringo, and don't want to see it removed. By calling Michaelofengland a troll I am attempting to make him aware that his comments are out of order, and could lead to the cessation of the discussion. He is like a kid with a penknife on the playground. He doesn't like the game that we are playing so he is repeatedly trying to stab the ball. You seem like a reasonable man and we have exchanged valid points, I hope that you can understand that some of us would like that to continue without entering into a slanging match.



Do we have a TROLL family to feed?? :D:o


I would like to start a new topic on the subject of "Trolls"

I have been called that myself a number of times and would like to defend myself

but seems like this thread is a bit large to accomodate any new thoughts.

Well until that happens, I think calling people "trolls" is a cheap shot and amounts a flame

which should be deleted.

People have a right to express their opinion and people also have a right to post stories of

strange happenings in the LOS without being labeled trolls.

Some of you old farts, I don't know, I just picture you with a beer gut hanging out in front of an airconditoner and a computer and a bottle of Chang...day in and day out....and your darling brides have become fat old ladies who won't even let you go out and enjoy life.

My guess is that your measly retirement buys you less and less each year...and you can't afford anything except complaining on this board.

Incapable of thinking new thoughts...grasping new ideas...stuck in the past..when life was simple.

Your darling bride loved you because you were so handsome and rich...and look how that has all slipped away from you.

Now some of you are pathetic old farts just hanging around waiting to die.

Mr Jringo. Up until now I have disagreed with others that have referred to you as a troll, but your last offering is pushing it a bit. What you started was an interesting and difficult subject born from your own unfortunate experiences. People like Michaelfromengland are making random, flaming comments that are jeopardising your debate, and could cause it to spiral into a slagfest which would ultimately lead to the topic being removed. Is that what you want? Reread his last post, tell me how are his comments constructive to the area you chose to discuss?

People may hold differing views to you, and anyone that makes a personal attack on you because of that is indeed a flamer or perhaps a troll. To slander members of this board because they express their opinions is wrong. To assume like you did that they all fit a profile that you have created in your mind is also wrong. We are just a random bunch of people who have chosen to offer their opinions on the subject of your choice. Don't ask people their opinions and then attack them for offering it up.

I am enjoying this topic Ringo, and don't want to see it removed. By calling Michaelofengland a troll I am attempting to make him aware that his comments are out of order, and could lead to the cessation of the discussion. He is like a kid with a penknife on the playground. He doesn't like the game that we are playing so he is repeatedly trying to stab the ball. You seem like a reasonable man and we have exchanged valid points, I hope that you can understand that some of us would like that to continue without entering into a slanging match.


I don't know Michael, but I do know that I have been a called a troll repeatedly and I consider it a flame and derogatory. I was also pointing out that that the definition of "troll" is a bit cloudy and I would like to shed some light on it. And if the regular crowd around here keeps putting me down by calling me a troll what is wrong with me calling them old farts?


One aspect that doesn't seem to have been mentioned yet is the practice of "buying out" women from the bar when they stop working there. I doubt that the employer of a waitress, receptionist or investment banker would expect compensation if she left the job to live with a farang, so why does it happen in a bar?

It reduces the woman to the level of a chattel (even if she gets a cut of the fee), and IMO this puts the bar owner firmly in the pimp category.

If you read through the thread you will find it's been discussed on a number of pages.

I agree with you though.

The prostitutes reduced themselves to chattel when they decided to whore themselves out though IMHO. No self respect and deserve little respect in return, same goes for the farang who frequent them. :o

Prostitutes. We could start with Mary Magdalene or Rahab or the Yellow Rose of Texas or Billie Holiday or Christine Keeler or Sally Stanford or Mata Hari how about Theodora. The list would not be complete without mentioning Aphrodite ,Lucrece of Borgia ,Madame de Chatelet, Isadora Duncan, Pamela Harriman, Malcolm X, Draga Masin, Eva Peron, Madame de Pompadour and Venus.

And should we add a category for mistresses of British Royality? Camilla Parker Bowles, Koo Stark, Arabella Chruchill, Jenny Churchill, Nell Gwynne, Lillie Langtry and many more. You might want to read “Sex with the King, 500 years of adultery.

Or would you like a list of famous men who had prostitutes and or kept mistresses? Did you know Sandeau, Liszt, Merimee, Leroux, Flaubert, Musset, and Chopin all slept with the same hooker?

So who were the customers of prostitutes? American Presidents, French prime ministers, famous doctors, lawyers, writers, painters and poets and Popes to name a few.

I base respect on accomplishments. Thomas Jefferson had a long running affair with one of his slaves who also bore him children. You can’t get much worse than that. Having sex with one of your slaves that has absolutely no choice in the matter. Do I respect Thomas Jefferson? Of course I do he was one of the most brilliant and courageous men of his time.

Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

...and he died of syphilus, the same as Napoleon


Mr. JRingo;

I resemble those remarks! :o EXCEPT, that I don't drink at home and at 178 pounds I have a beer gut but NOT a big one. My darling bride weighs 100 pounds and with my measly retirement, if I get tired of living in the boonies amusing myself with the likes of you, I'll move back to my condo in the city. YES! I'm waiting to die as we all are but I hope not for a while yet. If it ever comes to the point that I am no longer amused posting on topics of this nature written by the moral experts, I'll find some other way to waste my time. :D

SBK - I still love you even though you do manage to prod me a bit now and then. :D


Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

...and he died of syphilus, the same as Napoleon

Here is Napolean when he croaked:



I have mixed feelings about this topic. I think JRingo has a point, but his view that ALL bar-owners who charge a barfine are pimps and devoid of morals is well wide of the mark, and his constant focussing on farang bar owners, and stereotyping people who disagree with him as fat, old, bald guys who can't get a girl back home detracts from his arguments.

Legally speaking, bar owners who charge a barfine are not pimps, at least from a UK law perspective. The contractual agreement is that you are 'compensating' the bar for taking one of their staff away. The fact that it is more than the salary she earns that night is irrelevant, there is a premium added to the compensation. Sex is not part of the 'contract' that you make with the bar when you pay the barfine, so they are not, legally speaking, pimps. The girl is well within her rights to say no to sex at the end of the night, and the bar would not have to refund you (this happened to a friend of mine on Soi 33). In practice however they usually would.

When they start moving towards pimping is when they set quotas, ie you must get 8 barfines a month or I will cut your salary. I feel a little uncomfortable about that. I understand the argument that it is to stop 'lazy' girls sitting around doing nothing, but there must be a better way to motivate them to work. If the bar fines only make up a small percentage of a bars income, as some posters have suggested, then why set the quota?

The above only applies to gogos and beer bars though. The infamous bars of Soi 6 Pattaya, Star of Light in Patpong etc are simply brothels, and therefore the owners are pimps, IMHO.

For the record I go to bars fairly often so have a pretty good idea what goes on, but have only paid a barfine two or three times and that was a long time ago. Honestly don't see myself doing it again either. However, unlike some of the posters here, I do not look down my nose at those who do, or the girls who work bars.


After 10,000 views 478 replies I think we have established the following:

3. that sex is a dirty business.

errrrrr.....would have to disagree with you on this one.

maybe you should re-phrase that. :o:D

according to Oscar Wilde, sex is only dirty if performed correctly... :D

Mr. JRingo;

I resemble those remarks! :o EXCEPT, that I don't drink at home and at 178 pounds I have a beer gut but NOT a big one. My darling bride weighs 100 pounds and with my measly retirement, if I get tired of living in the boonies amusing myself with the likes of you, I'll move back to my condo in the city. YES! I'm waiting to die as we all are but I hope not for a while yet. If it ever comes to the point that I am no longer amused posting on topics of this nature written by the moral experts, I'll find some other way to waste my time. :D

SBK - I still love you even though you do manage to prod me a bit now and then. :D

And therein lies my point, Gary. Nice to see you confirming it. Cheers for that :D

BTW, you are the prodder, not me! :D

And JRingo, if you look again, I was the one who brought up "troll" and I wasn't referring to you at all. You are being too sensitive.

I agree with tourleadersi who makes an excellent point,

Mr Jringo. Up until now I have disagreed with others that have referred to you as a troll, but your last offering is pushing it a bit. What you started was an interesting and difficult subject born from your own unfortunate experiences. People like Michaelfromengland are making random, flaming comments that are jeopardising your debate, and could cause it to spiral into a slagfest which would ultimately lead to the topic being removed. Is that what you want? Reread his last post, tell me how are his comments constructive to the area you chose to discuss?

Just don't respond to the flames and this debate can continue. Also, if you feel you are being unfairly flamed feel free to use the report button to report to a moderator. We can't be everywhere all the time (some of us do have lives outside of ThaiVisa --well, only a few of us really :D )

1. That falang bar owners who collect barfines are Pimps or worse.

2. that sex tourism contributes to AIDS.

3. that sex is a dirty business.

4. that sex tourism is destroying the family life of Northern Thailand.

5. that many falang bar owners and customers don’t want to believe any of this.

I agree.

You are right.

Most on this board are perverts.

And attack people like me and you because of our high morals

Keep up the good work

Michael, you may follow this link instead:

http://www.biblethumpers.com/forum - I wish they would allow a pervert like me in... :o


Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

...and he died of syphilis, the same as Napoleon

:o . . . . touché . . . . no doubt keryk will come back with other waffle or go off on another tangent.

or we could discuss this screamer:

Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed

I'd agree with a few others here, Ringo, don't get caught up with the name-calling and derogatory comments. You have valid points, stick with them.


Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

...and he died of syphilus, the same as Napoleon

Here is Napolean when he croaked:


Patient: Benjamin Franklin

Cause of Death: Pleurisy, 1790

He’d done it all. Printer, publisher, inventor, and scientist, Benjamin Franklin had become one of the most admired men in the Western world during the late 18th century. He’d invented the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, and the lightning rod. He even proved electricity could flow. Still, he couldn’t cheat death.

After a fall in January 1788, Franklin fractured his right wrist and arm. As he convalescenced, he gobbled heavy doses of opium to ease the pain of recurrent kidney stones. Eventually, he became weak and bedridden.

On April 10, 1790, he contracted pleurisy, an inflammation of the pleura most often caused by pneumonia, tuberculosis, chest trauma, pulmonary infarction, or neoplasm. Pleurisy usually subsides when its underlying cause is treated, but in Franklin’s day, it was usually fatal.

Franklin’s physician wrote that an abscess in the lungs “suddenly burst, and discharged a quantity of matter, which he continued to throw up while he had power.” Seven days later, following a visit by Thomas Jefferson, Franklin slipped into a “calm, lethargic state,” dying at 11 PM.

It’s likely Franklin’s case was the serofibrinous, or wet, form of pleurisy. Today, he’d be treated with analgesics, and his nurses would encourage him to lie on or splint his affected side to relieve some of the pain. Had he complained enough, he might have been given an intercostal nerve block — that’s the least we could do for someone who helped breathe life into infusion pumps.

As far as I know the latest research based on hair samples attributes Napoleon’s death to Arsenic poisoning


Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.

...and he died of syphilis, the same as Napoleon

:o . . . . touché . . . . no doubt keryk will come back with other waffle or go off on another tangent.

or we could discuss this screamer:

Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed

I'd agree with a few others here, Ringo, don't get caught up with the name-calling and derogatory comments. You have valid points, stick with them.

If one knows anything about the American Revolutionary war than one knows it was the French that won it. Or another way of saying that is without the French a little backward country with a citizen soldier army could not have defeated the most powerful nation in the world in 1776. Franklin was single-handedly responsible for securing the French participation in the war.


Oh, Jacque I ran into that despicable old fart sex tourist Franklin again last night. He is disgusting.

He is bald and has long hair hanging down his age spotted face. He also has a large belly. I can’t believe he is only 74 years of age he looks 90.

He is truly without virtue. I understand he has 13 illegitimate children. He conducts his perverted romps at that four star hotel at the Champs Elysees and avenue Georges V.

Oh Jacque what is this world coming to when moral young men like us are losing women to this ancient decrepit pervert.

Last night I saw my fiancé Marie along with seven other young women hanging all over him. They call him Mr. Electricity while they tickle his pot belly and giggle. These backwoods Americans are totally without class.

What on earth can a young woman of Paris see in a 74 year old colonial.

I camped outside the hotel and heard raucous sounds of a party till dawn. Someone should pass a law against letting these old Americans in our civilized country.

But not to worry, Jacque with morally depraved men like this representing them I am sure the powerful British empire will crush this little uncivilized country and deport them all to Australia and we will have our women back again.

Benjamin Franklin has always been a personal hero of mine. Besides almost winning the Revolutionary war almost single handed and writing countless books and articles he invented the lightening rod, bifocals, the odometer, daylight savings time, the catheter, swim fins. He founded the University of Pennsylvania and many many more accomplishments. However Ben did carouse frequently with prostitutes both in America and France.


It is sometimes asserted that DST was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in a letter to the editors of the Journal of Paris. However, the article was humorous; Franklin was not proposing DST, but rather that people should get up and go to bed earlier.

It was first seriously proposed by William Willett in 1907, but he was unable to get the British government to adopt it, despite considerable lobbying.

The idea of DST was first put into practice by the German government during the First World War, between April 30 and October 1, 1916. Shortly afterward, the United Kingdom followed suit, first adopting it between May 21 and October 1, 1916. On March 19, 1918, the U.S. Congress established several time zones (which had been in use by railroads and most cities since 1883) and made DST official, effective March 31, for the remainder of World War I. It was observed for seven months in 1918 and 1919. The law, however, proved so unpopular (mostly because people rose and went to bed earlier than in current times) that it was later repealed. :o


Morals??? I think hypocrite, probably is a better choice of words. Same lads that are on a moral crusade are the ones shagging away.

I could care less what one does - whether be a bar patron or bar girl. All good people until proven otherwise - not whether they shag or not.

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