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Britain summons Thai envoy over Koh Tao tourist murder probe


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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

It's going to take a little more that words from envoys to get this mess cleared up, Action from Thai's = MONEY, threaten to take away income and see what happens.

JeremyBowskill, Really how so? Much as I enjoy Top Gear and Jeremy Clarkson, Seems he didn't do much thinking before acting accordingly huh?

Not so long ago on Samui the cops tried one on, trying to blame a motor cycle death of a woman on her partner when clear CCTV footage showed a speeding motor bike smash into them killing the female passenger and the cop's tried fitting him up and wanted cash for his passport back and to make things go away, The Aussies came in hard and the BIB had to back down.

Much like the Pom's and bodyline tactic in the cricket, that didn't work out to good for the Pom's huh? So what was that about thinking first and act accordingly?

GO THE DON!!!w00t.gif

So how's the humble pie today?

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz has he finished?

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I fully agree. And whilr they are at it, appoiny a spokesman for the pm as well, he really needs one. Perhaps organise a think tank of a dozen bright and intelligent nerds to feed them the correct verbatim might help a lot too...

No the PM can speak for himself, it helps the world to understand Thainess, anyway think of the spin doctors from TAT and other agencies. The spokesperson has not fully evolved in Thailand yet.

Edited by Oziex1
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And who exactly are u ? and what exactly do you know what aussies do..u probably wear a burqa by the sounds of it..

Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

What do you expect from a bunch of convicts?

After all these comments (I've enjoyed them all) I didn't realize how sensitive Aussies were.

Who exactly am I? Have a closer look mate. Note my first comment "finally the poms are showing some backbone". Now ask yourself, who would make a comment like that? A pom? I don't think so. The response "unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly", likely from an Englishman, so my response "what do you expect from a bunch of convicts" has gone over everyone's head (sensitive Aussies) was a pisstake cos all poms come up with the little chestnut so I threw it in before they could. Now all you little sensitive Aussies are getting riled over nothing. Must be the Y generation. Soft!

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Finally the poms are showing some backbone

Unlike our Aussie counterparts, we tend to think first and act accordingly.

What do you expect from a bunch of convicts?

Aussie's have nothing to do with this. As for convicts remember they were genetically pom's first.. The criminals sent to Australia are laughing at you and always have. No one returned to dreary England they were fortunate to make a fortune which they all did.

Perfect weather, surrounded by the worlds best beaches, housing (unlike your dismal bungalow's and your lace curtains) always keeping up with the Jones's

Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane v London.

You didn't think first when you allowed migrants to overtake your country. Too late to act accordingly now.

Your lot are moving there in droves. Our neighbours are all Aussies, not foreigners..

I have dual citizenship with the UK and Australia, so without any bias i would prefer to live in London rather than either Melbourne or Perth, not sure about Sydney not having lived there. Weather is good in Australia, not perfect, certainly better than the UK, but as for housing i found Australia to lack any character whatsoever, London stands out by far, plus the transportation in the UK is far superior, that is something Australia does lack. But on balance both are great countries to live in and we should be happy we have that choice.... anyway off topic i guess

Edited by Expat Girl
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Why does Britain wait till now ? The British Embassy and British government should have been in at the beginning . Britain had a right to insist on British police helping Thai police and for British Forensic scientists to simultaneously examine the evidence and test the DNA . In view of Two British people being horrifically murdered in Thailand , even the Coup Military Government should soften to permit a British participation from the beginning . A skilled British Forensic Police team could have worked alongside the Thai police and have been a great help to them , in what has been a very difficult task .

Britain nor any other country has no diplomatic right to intervene in the internal affairs of another country regardless of whether one of its citizens is either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of a crime.

The colonial attitude has yet to be laid to rest even with regards to countries that never were the unfortunate victims of often brutal British exploitation.

what an idiotic moronic statement - Kenya, Malaysia, Hong Kong and MANY others including Scotland wanted to STAY as members of the common wealth - only pric*s like you think the British exploited members of the Commonwealth - Thailand would be 1000 times better had it been part of the Empire - you sir are an A*S!!

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What time period was there between when the suspects were DNA tested and access to D+H's body was still possible? Does anybody think that they somehow managed to plant any kind of DNA on the victims from the result of the 1st round of DNA tests? Even the wound patterns don't line up with what the Thai's officially claimed was the weapon so the Thais will look pretty culpable of a cover up.

Basically Thailand has to decide if it's worth protecting the special interests if it means the UK going hostile.

Funny how fast the 2 sons of the headsman/mafia of the island were let off as soon as 1 million baht showed up????? w00t.gif

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The Brits did not get far with Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai. 14 years ago, still not solved.!

if I am right did they not prove who it was, but the Thai government just pushed it aside because it involved influential people, that's Thailand and this case will be no different, because it needs actions and voices to move and change things, which unfortunately the UK lacks compared to most other countries, we are more of a quiet nation and do not stick up for our own people enough, worrying to much about what others will say or do, so if anyone is spineless as much as it pains me to say it, but it is the UK, take a look around you and you will see

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I mentioned this bit of news to my Thai wife and her response was that she heard as well, but it may have been due to the petition that was making it's way around. She said that their was a requirement of 50,000 signatures for the UK to get involved. She also stated that many Thai's had signed that petition since they all thought this was also a farce. Hearing her view made me think...I do know that there was a petition going around and prior to this petition the UK never once did anything to help this matter. Now that the petition met the required 50,000 signatures, the UK seems to have no choice but to get involved. If this has no truth to it, then what other reason can you come up with why the UK never once got involved until now.

In any case, I for one am very happy that they are finally getting involved. This tragedy needs closure and the real culprits need to be brought to justice.

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There are countless cases of bungling by the British police, countless scandals, countless fit ups, countless miscarriages of justice. Some admitted, even posthumous pardons issued, many still wickedly denied. The Thais will be polite but hopefully will say thanks for the offers of help but i think we can manage our own affairs quite well enough thank you.


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The Brits did not get far with Kirsty Jones murder in Chiang Mai. 14 years ago, still not solved.!

if I am right did they not prove who it was, but the Thai government just pushed it aside because it involved influential people, that's Thailand and this case will be no different, because it needs actions and voices to move and change things, which unfortunately the UK lacks compared to most other countries, we are more of a quiet nation and do not stick up for our own people enough, worrying to much about what others will say or do, so if anyone is spineless as much as it pains me to say it, but it is the UK, take a look around you and you will see

Britain the quiet nation? Well you made some noise when the Argentinians took the Falklands, when the IRA bombs went off in London the Iran embassy siege to name a few.

How am I going Pommies, can I feel the love returning?

I think the wheels are in motion for, if not a just end to this disaster at least an international humiliation of the Thai leadership and RTP.

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Seems like this guy has some problem with his left arm.

He does swing his left arm normally but seems to pull up to his chest as if he has a problem

Regardless -where is the missing two minutes of CCTV footage that is NOT being shown here.

I am hopeful that Mr Ambassador will request THIS- PRONTO!

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Long overdue , Britain is now voicing concern over the handling, due process, diligence, corruption, and gangstering.

But the national police chief stated publicly that there can't be any mafia on Koh Tao or his police would have informed him.

We are back to the old days of military government where people in authority make outrageously untrue public statements in the belief that common people have to bow down and lap whatever they say without question, however absurd it may be.

Chalerm would never have done this?

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Does anyone really think Thailand and the RTP really care about what Briton thinks and does? The ONLY thing that makes them concerned is lack of tourists and the money that follows.

It's Britain, not Briton. Great Britain, moreover.

Little Britain on one TV show I watched.

The other show involved some Sheila....a swimmer I think....Ruby was her name...Ruby Tanya if I remember correctly. Apparently she ruled the waves at some time in the past.

Yes I'm Ozzie and seriously I do feel for the old country and the pain this has and is still causing. Would be a good outcome if there were some "special" tourists who happened to spread the lead disease on the island. I'm sure the symptoms would appear rapidly and the disease miraculously go away after a very short period..

Edited by Mudcrab
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I don't think the Aussies should chirp too much. Not so long ago their own Police informed Singapore Customs of Australian citizens Heroin mules about to leave Singapore and return to Australia, They were arrested in Singapore airport and subsequently hung

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Jesus, this thread would be so much more credible and useful if it stayed on topic, getting real boring reading posts about poms and aussies. So back to the matter in hand.

Looks like the Thai PM is completely contradicting the British statement and putting his own spin on it. I know which one I believe and its not the Thai version! http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/world/article/thai-pm-plays-down-concern-over-tourist-murder-investigation

Very pradictable

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i truly still believe that the UK aint got no real power to MAKE the Thai govt do as they please.

I don't believe another country has the power to make another country do according to its demands... (with the exception of the US maybe)

This case has been dragged for wayyyy too long. Dogged with multiple loopholes as well...

I think this will just lead to a not so happy ending, so that our hosts, Thailand, will be able to save face, as usual

Possible scenarios:

1) the 2 burmese men suddenly "commit suicide" in their cells from the immense "guilt" and stress.

2) the UK police actually sends a team to KT island, and they too are brutally and silently murdered by the Mafia in charge of the island.

3) the RTP suddenly comes up with some magical witnesses and evidence to link to other Burmese killers, saying that the initial 2 burmese guys were threatened by them to the scapegoats.

Of course foreign countries have influence over others. The poorer that country the more influence another country has over them.

Thailand relies hugely on Tourism, as simple change of the FCO website of advising people against all but essential travel will influence hundreds of thousands of UK tourists instantly. This would be sneaky and underhand, but easily justified if they wanted to do it.

You've seen the lengths Thailand goes too, to protect it's image, things like that would obviously give a country some influence over them.

It's not really about British politics/police in a power struggle against the Thai authorities it's about catching the correct people and making sure the guilty parties pay for their crimes. Additionally making sure that two other lives aren't ruined just to protect the tourist income.

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