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PM Prayut loses his cool


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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

" The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line." blink.png


Since when has the Press been his subordinate?


2014-05-22 ?

He wishes... wai2.gifwai.gif

2014-10-16 thumbsup.gif

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Speaking of pressure.

I don't know. It is everyone's responsibility. You cannot speak this way. You have to reform the media for me. How will you people regulate each other?

It would be interesting to hear the press response to that.clap2.gif

If he serves as PM for 20 years he won't make as many goofs as they do in one week of editions.cheesy.gif

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

When a "reporter" (and I use that term loosely) is not permitted to question someone in authority, your nation is truly, completely, doomed.

Questions must be asked, and asked again, and again if need be. The public has a right to know, those at the top of the ladder must be held responsible.

Otherwise, Thailand is no better than North Korea.

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I would extend the accurate statement to also point out generals are not educated or trained to rule or govern nation states. A military governor or ruler is exactly and precisely that, nothing more. Any such country is essentially a military installation under a commanding general that expects everyone around him to hop to.

No general or admiral accepts being questioned either in public or in his office which is another core reason military commanders make lousy rulers.

To bring the point closer to home, imagine your mother- in- law walking in as a general you can't question or argue with .....

....or your gf...wife.....

Mind you, somehow even PMs don't seem to be trained to 'rule' or 'govern'. Especially those who are simply positioned by a big brother and only bring having been the president of their families company as 'experience' with them.

It is clear from the OP that Prayut didn't need to be trained, since he considers himself a born leader.

Or superior?

It is a high and mighty response from the fellow, along with being arrogant aloof and showing his decisions are not to be questioned. But then again we are not talking about a democratic elected regime?

Absolutely, the bloody cheek of the chap.


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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

i 100% support coup but this is Thainess which mostly is about face and glengie mid penrie which is why this country is so good and so bad

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It would seem that, to this point, the general has failed to grasp that as the unelected leader of, what was, a democratic country, there are myriad expectations of him. Upon assuming leadership, the general made numerous promises to the people of Thailand; promises that, so far, are, in the minds of the people, slow in coming. The general promised reforms, including transparency in governance. The reporter was fully entitled to bring to the general's attention the perception that he is being evasive, and failing to provide full and complete disclosure...something that the people, following his promises, are expecting. The general is a life-long career army man, and is unaccustomed to having his word, or, in the role of commander, his performance questioned. My advice...get used to it. The people have extraordinarily high expectations, and, in my opinion, the general's performance to date has been middling. After an initial outburst of surface house cleaning, there does not seem to be a commitment to following through on the difficult tasks that are necessary to seeing Thailand emerge from a decades long rule by corrupt, incompetent "big shots" who are loathe to give up the status quo, and are doing, and will do, whatever they can to maintain the perks they have become accustomed to. Reform was promised...the people are waiting, and waiting for crystal clear transparency from their leaders, elected or otherwise. I strongly believe that the general wants the best for Thailand. I have no doubt that there are those in high positions that are doing their dead-level best to undermine him. He has the highly unenviable task of keeping God only knows how many balls in the air. But this was the job he took on. So now it's time to take on the powerful interests, kick butt when and where necessary, and get the job done.

Yep,... you hit the nail in the coffin, dude, I couldn't have said it any better.... You know, the PM's stance for the Koh Tao murder case has more or less exposed a major part of the general's true colors,.... if you know what I mean.

So, therefore, the peeps who got more or less blinded by the former general's surface house cleanings on the Shinawatras, be careful what you wish for, or it may really backfire, ESPECIALLY regarding our favorite media of communication expression....

OR would you want your future kids to sing military propaganda songs BEYOND the modern 22nd century onwards for the rest of their lives at any education institutes???

because PAD kissing the military's behinds, will never guarantee them any wins in any elections, never ever.... the Shinawatra will just be winning election-collections again and things will be back to normal sooner or later....

nothing better, nor any worse,.... just two parties full of crap and corruption, just amazing Thailand....

Edited by MaxLee
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The comments on here beggar belief. 100% behind the coup? It's for the best?

Who the hell are you lot to decide what's best? It seems to me that the population continually know what's best for them at the ballot box. Despite what any of us may think of them (I don't like 'em either).

Mind you, the current situation of keeping the poor stupid and erm.... poor, will maintain a nice supply of cheap, young hookers for the tattooed, vest wearing, elderly Pattaya barflies. There's the rub, eh?

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The certainly is full of himself and plastered tickets on himself. He seems to think he is the only one who can run the country, the country he stole from the people. The world is laughing at him and he can't see it. Mirror, mirror on the wall who the brightest and greatest ruler in the world.

"the country he stole from the people."

Come off it "chooka",you know damn well it was the Country the General stole back from Thaksin and his mob! to prevent a massive thai bloodbath! who primes you up to write this nonsense?

Edited by MAJIC
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The real story here is that whenever the Army get into power, they quickly show they are political amateurs.

They have no more power to achieve things outside Bangkok than any others. Their power doesn't reach anywhere, hence why they can't solve stuff. They are useless at achieving any more than politicians.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

holy crap, did you just say the free press for the people, are to be subordinate to any PM?

ok, Kim Jung Il

even Bashar Assad has never lost his cool with the press and I have seen the US foreign press, ask him some very uncomfortable things

apparently, the new PM isn't up to the Thask(in)

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The certainly is full of himself and plastered tickets on himself. He seems to think he is the only one who can run the country, the country he stole from the people. The world is laughing at him and he can't see it. Mirror, mirror on the wall who the brightest and greatest ruler in the world.

"the country he stole from the people."

Come off it "chooka",you know damn well it was the Country the General stole back from Thaksin and his mob! to prevent a massive thai bloodbath! who primes you up to write this nonsense?

mr that "mob" won the elections if you have problem with democracy just admit it

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He will explain it all in the three minutes he has been given to speak in Italy.

I miss Mohmar Khaddafy

However his name was spelled,

when he spoke, it was with real purpose,

and what he built for his people was truly splendid

This leader should watch some of the films of Khaddafy speaking to his people,

they truly loved him

That, was a dictator for the people

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The certainly is full of himself and plastered tickets on himself. He seems to think he is the only one who can run the country, the country he stole from the people. The world is laughing at him and he can't see it. Mirror, mirror on the wall who the brightest and greatest ruler in the world.

"the country he stole from the people."

Come off it "chooka",you know damn well it was the Country the General stole back from Thaksin and his mob! to prevent a massive thai bloodbath! who primes you up to write this nonsense?

mr that "mob" won the elections if you have problem with democracy just admit it

Won or bought? and trying to pass a law to give Thaksin an Amnesty at 4-0 am in the morning! some Democracy eh!

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The certainly is full of himself and plastered tickets on himself. He seems to think he is the only one who can run the country, the country he stole from the people. The world is laughing at him and he can't see it. Mirror, mirror on the wall who the brightest and greatest ruler in the world.

"the country he stole from the people."

Come off it "chooka",you know damn well it was the Country the General stole back from Thaksin and his mob! to prevent a massive thai bloodbath! who primes you up to write this nonsense?

mr that "mob" won the elections if you have problem with democracy just admit it

Won or bought? and trying to pass a law to give Thaksin an Amnesty at 4-0 am in the morning! some Democracy eh!

any proof?is Yingluck charged for buying elections?no! be quiet

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Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

The most popular PM in the last decade?

Remind how many votes he received again, because I was under the impression that he received exactly ZERO votes.

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Maybe the most popular PM in the last decade needs to take advice from yingluck on how to deal with reporters.

By ignoring them or replying with the usual "No comment" or "I was not aware of this" or "I cannot comment at this time"

Unfortunately the most popular PM in the last decade is not a puppet so is unable to get away with this.

The most popular PM in the last decade?

Remind how many votes he received again, because I was under the impression that he received exactly ZERO votes.

this people dont even get the idea that many thais in the secret of the polling booth voted Yingluck,and they are not red shirt activists

Edited by kaobang
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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

Would be interesting to know what questions was asked by the journalist?whistling.gif

I think the question was" Prime Minister Prayuth, Sir, why are you wearing a brown shoe on your left foot and a black one on your right foot?"

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

This is a fallacy. The reporter DOES NOT have to show respect!

This is why this country will never prosper or come out of the dark ages. The current bully does not respect anyone and DEMANDS people respect him. What a world these oppressed Thais live in? So sad....

Personally I think you are wrong, I was taught to always show respect when you disagreed with a person even when 100% opposed - you can agree to disagree in a respectful manner, it's called class and unfortunately it is becoming a rare commodity. Of course this applies to BOTH side equally, whether PM or peasant.

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

This is a fallacy. The reporter DOES NOT have to show respect!

This is why this country will never prosper or come out of the dark ages. The current bully does not respect anyone and DEMANDS people respect him. What a world these oppressed Thais live in? So sad....

Personally I think you are wrong, I was taught to always show respect when you disagreed with a person even when 100% opposed - you can agree to disagree in a respectful manner, it's called class and unfortunately it is becoming a rare commodity. Of course this applies to BOTH side equally, whether PM or peasant.

if journalist are classy,interviewed people will easily run when embarassing questions are questioned....its part of that job not to be classy..it should be..

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

This is a fallacy. The reporter DOES NOT have to show respect!

This is why this country will never prosper or come out of the dark ages. The current bully does not respect anyone and DEMANDS people respect him. What a world these oppressed Thais live in? So sad....

Personally I think you are wrong, I was taught to always show respect when you disagreed with a person even when 100% opposed - you can agree to disagree in a respectful manner, it's called class and unfortunately it is becoming a rare commodity. Of course this applies to BOTH side equally, whether PM or peasant.

if journalist are classy,interviewed people will easily run when embarassing questions are questioned....its part of that job not to be classy..it should be..

Disagree, you can be extremely respectful but hard as nails when it comes to asking and following up on difficult questions, being respectful has nothing to do with being soft, manipulated or cowering from authority when pursuing your objective.

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if journalist are classy,interviewed people will easily run when embarassing questions are questioned....its part of that job not to be classy..it should be..

Disagree, you can be extremely respectful but hard as nails when it comes to asking and following up on difficult questions, being respectful has nothing to do with being soft, manipulated or cowering from authority when pursuing your objective.

this way then... often politicians are the ones who dont care about class

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The ageneral is a good and respectful man.

The reporter failed to show respect for the man and the position of PM.

This is a fallacy. The reporter DOES NOT have to show respect!

This is why this country will never prosper or come out of the dark ages. The current bully does not respect anyone and DEMANDS people respect him. What a world these oppressed Thais live in? So sad....

Personally I think you are wrong, I was taught to always show respect when you disagreed with a person even when 100% opposed - you can agree to disagree in a respectful manner, it's called class and unfortunately it is becoming a rare commodity. Of course this applies to BOTH side equally, whether PM or peasant.

He's a bully period. It is him and him alone who is bullying people into doing only what HE wants. Dont believe me, oppose him in public and you will be sent to an " education center", his education center so you can see what HE wants you do do. This country has NO CHOICE. Do you not remember there was a military coup by HIS BULLY. JUST A WHILE BACK. This country is under his and he military control right now. HE is his own SELF APPOINTED PM. This country has NO FREEDOM. NONE.

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if journalist are classy,interviewed people will easily run when embarassing questions are questioned....its part of that job not to be classy..it should be..

Disagree, you can be extremely respectful but hard as nails when it comes to asking and following up on difficult questions, being respectful has nothing to do with being soft, manipulated or cowering from authority when pursuing your objective.

this way then... often politicians are the ones who dont care about class

Unfortunately yes, but many don't survive as politicians - although seems Thailand is an exception.

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He seems to forget he is not a general anymore. Let someone else runs the country if he can't handle a little pressure from the press.

Its unfortunate that you can't comprehend there is privilege that comes with the position of being a leader of a country.

That is one of respect.

Do you think the US President would even allow a reporter like this in? No, part of being granted a Press Pass is to be respectful.

The PM raised his voice. That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line.

Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth.

There are a number of problems with your response to Mango Bob. First, you are correct in that there are numerous privileges that come with being in the position of leader of a country. However, evasiveness is not one of them. A leader's first, and primary, responsibility is to be forthright with his people, and that is accomplished via the press. It is the responsibility of a free press to hold its country's leadership accountable. The only disrespect that was shown in this encounter was the total lack of respect shown by the Prime Minister to the press, and by disrespecting the press he is indirectly disrespecting the people. The purpose of any leader is to represent his or her people. The purpose of a free press is to represent the people to those in power. This is how a balance is maintained, and how leadership is held accountable. The only lack of respect that was shown in this encounter is the lack of respect that the Prime Minister showed to the press in practically demanding that they turn a blind eye, and NOT hold him, or his administration, accountable. He expects the press to permit him to gloss over any problems, and ignore them. Cue the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" music.

Second is your assertion that by raising his voice, "That is how you remind a subordinate that they are stepping out of line". What you most obviously fail to grasp is that the subordinate is NOT the press, but the Prime Minister. Anyone in a position of leadership is superior in title only. A true leader recognizes that they are a servant of the people, and last I looked, a servant is always in an inferior position. The Prime Minister is NOT a monarch. In fact, he is not even an elected representative. He is, for lack of a better term, a self-appointed administrator, and administrators are never superiors.

Finally, you malign Mango Bob by making the self important claim that, "Obviously you have always been an underling to not grasp even that simple truth", which would seem to indicate that you feel yourself to be superior. I would ask...superior to what? Thailand is a constitutional monarchy, meaning that the monarch is a monarch in title only, and that the people are ruled by elected representatives. I have unlimited respect and admiration for His Majesty, the King, and for the boundless good that he has brought the people of Thailand. But the Prime Minister is not the King. As I have already illustrated, representatives are servants of the people, and as such are inferior to those they represent. The single biggest problem facing Thailand, and in fact the rest of the free world, is that the elected representatives have forgotten this basic truth. Elected representatives are there to SERVE the people, not the other way around. You have obviously spent your life feeling somehow superior to everyone around you, when the truth for you is far more bleak. As Jesus said, "...whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant". One of the more entrenched problems that prevent Thailand from becoming a first world country is the attitude that you evidenced in your response; an attitude of entitlement by those who are in positions of authority, or who have been fortunate enough to achieve some measure of success. They, for some unknown reason, seem to feel that their position, or their success makes them somehow better than anyone else. Not so. Position in Thailand is frequently due to patronage, and business success often entails corruption. It is that rare individual, in Thailand or anywhere, who is willing to be humble in their position and/or success who is the true leader. Arrogance and conceit are traits of small minded, little people.

Oh, and by the way, these are pretty much the ONLY types of reporters who get into the White House to confront the President. I know...I'm American, and have watched more White House press conferences than your leaders have ever had.

Good article with exception of the reference to Jesus, however I accept you were trying to make a point but you could have quoted a dozen others to make the same point leaving the religion aspect well out of it.

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