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DSI urged to act against foreign scammers who prey on Thai women


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If you are going with a bar girl and expect a real relationship you are dumb ass stupid. Likely you can,t speak Thai either.


It's hardly just Bar Girls...wai2.gifwai.gif



Only ever happens in Thailand

Are you trying to justify some thing?

Not at all if you have comprehension skills read my other post.

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I know of some gullible women who have been duped out of small sums of money by a sweet talking falang, and usually they are obvious con-artists. But only out of a couple of thousand (which I suppose is a big sum for a Thai). But 6 million ???? If she's got that sum of money either she's duped someone else or knocked off a 7/11. If not and it took brains to get it (a shop owner ?), she should have more sense.

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I have personal experience of this scam, twice over the past few months a complete stranger (female in both cases) approached my wife (obviously because they see she is with a foreigner) and asked her to translate some SMS messages. A little background, both ladies in question were a little older (mid to late 30's) and not what you would traditionally call beautiful.

In the most recent incident my wife gave me the phone to read the messages, the lady in question told me the guy claimed to be English and she had a picture of someone who looked like they could well be English. The picture of course proves nothing.

The story is something like this: They met on the internet and the guy increasingly became what the Thais would call 'sweet mouth' over a period of a number of weeks. Then he starts mentioning about his father who died and left him a large sum of money (£3.? million) but he needs to pay the lawyer fees before the money can be released. ding ding ding, anyone hear alarm bells?

He started off asking for quite a large sum (around £6,000) then clearly she has told him she does not have that much and he gradually reduced the sum by saying he had managed to borrow money from friends so he just needs the balance to release the funds and then they can be together etc. etc.

What stood out to me (as a native English speaker) was that although the English was quite good and the guy was quite eloquent, he made some glaring mistakes which made him stand out as being of African origin, probably Nigerian. The errors? The one that stood out the most to me was the use of 'd' instead of 'the'. Having met and interacted with people from parts of Africa in the past, and of course being a native English speaker this was quite obvious to me, but for a Thai with limited English, there is no way they would pick up on this.

I scanned the sms's very fast and told her immediately that he is a scammer and she should cease all contact. I don't think she believed me at first as I read the messages so quickly. English is very easy to speed read, I think due to the nature of Thai writing speed reading is not possible so I understand her reservations.

I did have to explain, through my wife the reasons behind my conclusion and she turned out to be grateful for the advice, whether she followed it or not, I have no idea, but I hope she did. She did not look like she was wealthy and I see no reason why I should allow this woman to be scammed by some unworthy scumbag if I have it within my power to prevent it.

I know there are many scams by Thai women on unsuspecting gullible foreigners, but that does not make it right for others prey on innocent lonely women here. Yes the women who have scammed foreigners do deserve all they get, but they are a small minority, so I do not think we should seek pleasure in the misfortune of these ladies that are scammed just because some, of the same gender and nationality have scammed foreigners.

If I took this attitude, I would hate all Brits. I have met some serious a-hole Brits here, but I accept that not all are the same based on nationality, colour, religion etc.

In case anyone thinks I am singling out Brits for a bashing, I have 2 points to note. 1. I am British myself. 2. There are a-holes everywhere in every country, it is just unfortunate that Thailand tends to attract a disproportionately high percentage of them.

And that's all i've got to say about that.

Excuse any basic grammatical errors, I simply cannot be bothered to proofread my post.

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Do I die laughing now or later. This is really funny, it is definitely the other way around. I personally know of countless people I have talked to, and have known, that have been scammed out of life savings and everything they had by the lying smiling Thai ladies.

One young English guy even married my cousin, and while he was sleeping she withdrew all the money from his saving account. eventually he almost wound up dying, an finally left Thailand with nothing. She is sitting pretty in the house he build for them, waiting for the next sucker. Now she has a new bloke, aussie, who she is slowly draining money from.

It goes on and on.

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Oh sweet irony. .

In Thai they say: kham sanong kham. The khamma you create is the khamma you get. I believe in group khamma.

And yes, mostly its the other way around. Still sad for the ladies who fall prey now.

Is that really all it is in Thai? Khan sanong Kham? That's quite w good one to remember. Is this the same as saying som nam na.

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So ALL Thai women are scam artists ? right ! How many millions of foreign sex tourists yearly promising the world just to get into a woman's pants? Besides the millions of foreign criminals and HIV spreaders . If you got scammed by a bar girl you deserve everything you get.

I agree 100%, I am still looking for my Thai 40 year old tee rak with her 2 teenage children from different partners so that I can build the house for her on her parents land next to the rice paddy. I plan to move in with her (at least until the ex shows up) and sit there drinking Archer beer while contemplating the dogs, ducks and chickens running around while waiting for the Som Tam for lunch and fried crickets for dinner. Ahhh the paradise and sheer bliss of meeting a "good Thai woman", I can't wait......

Getting scammed by bar girls, only idiots.....

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Thailand, hub of self consumed priorities... After Thais managed to scam thousands of billions of dollars out of foreign investors and lovers with their 49/51% business and "Waterbuffalo fell down stairs and need hip replacement, send 150.000 Baht darling, pleaaaaase!" scams over the past 4, 5 decades, they feel the need to crack down on a clever bloke who managed to scam 20.000 Baht out of a greedy Thai ("jewelry coming in package, babe - all for you, if you just lend me the 20k") woman? Come on, there are more pressing tasks ahead, such as rooting out the mafia, cleaning up the deep south, rooting out the corrupt RTP figures, sorting out the corrupt government officials and government employees in land departments, immigration, etc. who scam millions out of foreigners on a daily basis. Shall I continue or is this enough? What a sick joke this country is... sad.png

Edited by catweazle
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Majority of those scamming Thai women are black, so unless your Black your ok Maybe. I'm doctor I send medical equipment to Thailand to be used for the poor no cost but ran out of money to pay customs there. My contacts there have no money to pay the 20,000 Baht I can't get there till next month So I a can pay What should I do? Thailady: you can send western Union. Scammer I can't nearest office 6 hours away and car not running in shop waiting for part to come. Thailady: Ok ok I can pay you pay me when you get here. Scammer : you do that for me? I pay you extra 5,000 baht for your trouble. Thailady: ok ok you good man. Scammer : I send contact to pick up. Then scammer goes over gets money heads to Soi cowboy picks up a couple spinners and finds another to scam. ROFLMAO.

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It's a well-known fact that scamming is a form of employment protected by the labour office in Thailand. Foreigners cannot get a work permit to do that.

But seriously, It's pretty clear that the Thai women who are giving foreigners money over the internet aren't doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. They expect an unrealistic rate of return on it, probably in the form of a rich foreign husband. Perhaps the DSI should focus on teaching them not to be so stupid and greedy.

It gets even better. The money they lose was money they got by scamming farangs in the first place.

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I walked into my local store a few months back and before I got to the door the woman was saying "hey, come translate!" I was lead into a room with a computer and another woman (fro the shop across the road) showed me an email form a man in the West. There was a scan of a UK passport, a receipt of a transfer for well over a million pounds and a letter. The letter was in pretty bad English, which didn't match the profile. Plus, who is going to wire a million pounds to a random woman to build a house, etc.?

It was all pretty ridiculous and I told the woman as much. She didn't want to hear it (I think she was pretty embarrassed as she had been talking to the scammer for months). Of course, yeah, it was driven by her greed, but she also had no idea how much 1 million pounds was!!!

Thailand is an emerging market for these guys.

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Ever heard the words (Loo mak mai dee ?) Because the majority of dodgy Thai women will avoid you. Learn Thai !!! 99.999 percent of foreigners can,t count to five in Thai. No wonder they get taken advantage of.

I wonder where you learned your Thai, which bar or an uneducated woman?

Loo???? It is Roo รู้

Rorua, not Lo Ling

Well said. You can obviously count to more than five. I wonder if Jungle Jim can ...?

Only low class or (most often) lazy Thais use 'L' instead of 'R' - puut lor ling, mai raw rua. (it isn't Rorua)

Without getting into a useless argument, It is not lor ling, but lo ling and NOT raw but Ro,

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I can count to a million in Thai is that good enough ? Writing none, reading a little bit. I taught myself and am learning more everyday. Can speak enough to get by just fine and can understand most everything as long as Thais don,t mumble or speak quickly. The point is many don,t even bother. BIG mistake. If you want to avoid getting ripped off or scammed it really helps besides the (good) Thais will respect you more. The majority of my friends are Thai. Met my wife in a shop NOT a bar nor massage shop. When we met she spoke very little English. I rarely if ever encounter nor speak with foreigners i prefer it that way for numerous reasons. I get around without the wife just fine.

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smile.png when I first noticed this story the biggest smile came across my face that I just could not resist reading the article. I think maybe there has been a mix up in the translation by whoever wrote it and they may actually meant it the other way around ___ FOREIGNERS URGE THE DSI TO ACT AGAINST THAI SCAMMERS WHO PREY ON FOREIGNERS. But of course we all are well aware that we as foreigners have no such redress under Thai law as it stands at present.

just another day at the circus _____ enuff said giggle.gif

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Jungle Jim, on 17 Oct 2014 - 19:44, said:Jungle Jim, on 17 Oct 2014 - 19:44, said:

So ALL Thai women are scam artists ? right ! How many millions of foreign sex tourists yearly promising the world just to get into a woman's pants? Besides the millions of foreign criminals and HIV spreaders . If you got scammed by a bar girl you deserve everything you get.

Basically something very wrong when someone seeing that foreigners are the problem, you seem to live in your own world, did a foreigner run off with your ladyboy/gf. So, show me where you get your facts, ie millions of foreign criminals and HIV spreaders. My personal opinion is that you are full of it and should seek medical intervention, or go live on an isolated island... oh wait, that's where your head already is. You're spending far too much time with Tamba ( Jungle Jim's chimpanzee in the TV series "Jungle Jim").

Edited by MediaWatcher
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konying, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:17, said:
Jungle Jim, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:22, said:

If you are going with a bar girl and expect a real relationship you are dumb ass stupid. Likely you can,t speak Thai either.

Why ? Does speaking thai get you real relationship ?

Is that from experience or a recent fiction novel you read ?

I also found that a very strange, in fact ridiculous comment... obviously been in the jungle, alone, far too long, he needs to be slowly and carefully reassimilated into society. Maybe at some time, in his past, someone ran of with his furry bed mate, Tamba, the chimp.

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RKASA, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:23, said:
iReason, on 17 Oct 2014 - 20:09, said:
Jungle Jim, on 17 Oct 2014 - 18:22, said:

If you are going with a bar girl and expect a real relationship you are dumb ass stupid. Likely you can,t speak Thai either.


It's hardly just Bar Girls...wai2.gifwai.gif



Only ever happens in Thailand

So, which one is he with, do you know for sure, or are you assuming?

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Sorry i hit a nerve guys. I know the truth really sucks! No i don,t live on an island. How many stupid foreigners go bareback with bar girls.? There are numerous articles on the subject. But hey continue your weirdness and sicken people no better than apes.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

And what about Thai women scammers who pray upon foreign men???

Too numerous to count let alone prosecute.

And it's also true that plenty of farang who come here and marry Thai women then give them, and their kids, a life of hell including physical abuse and mental abuse and more.

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