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Another little story about thai's (ill)logics...


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Our house is several meters away from the road, so, plenty of spaces even for the largest of the vehicles to "invade" the sides of the road in case of necessity.

One day, a neighbours located a few blocks away, decided to build up an extension to his house, a sort of closed up patio made of canes, complitely covering up the footpath fronting his house, with the new front door getting directly on the road (!).

One day, an old men driving an old trashed's pick-up truck, crashed slightly against this new structure, then he stop and start shouting something with an angry tune against that building.

The owner was there and came out, then he start pointing to my house, saying something like "do you see how big that foreigner's house is?! Go and talk with him!" (as to say that the fault of that accident was because he had to make bigger his home to not lose face or something, so, it was MY fault (!) ).

The old driver was somewhat satisfact with that explanation and agreed, he then went back into his old car and kept going to his own way.


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Just keeping up with the Jones'es Thai style!

I have no real idea but I would think the village head would make him take it down anyway right?

No they are not bothered, apparently, we have official's vehicles driving up and down this road ( from the village's headman office, the Bib, now even the army has increased their trips, no ones cares, me neither as it doesn't cause any problems to me).

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I adore my Thai wife and I do enjoy a very occasional visit to Thailand as a tourist, but why so many choose to live here is absolutely beyond me! And what's worse is how much such people complain about how they're treated there after voluntarily choosing to live there! That is Western illogic!

Nope my dear.

In my view, one of the major attracting points, it's a much more relaxed approach from Govs officials, but when it get wild and put you in danger it loose all it's attractiveness.

The other point to mention, is that initially, everyone's it's so gentle and welcoming, but as soon as they realize that they can't depredate you of all your belongings, their attitude radically changes, they feel they are entitled to what is yours, because this is their country and you are a foreigner, it doesn't make difference if you have legally acquired your things, according to their own laws, to them...does it make it sense now to you?

Oh and just to add some more points, you stated that you visit Thailand too, presumably of your own will, so, what if you get killed or something very unpleasant happens to you? Are you going to blame yourself by saying it was beyond you why did you made such a choice? cheesy.gif

Edited by SOMeTOM
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I adore my Thai wife and I do enjoy a very occasional visit to Thailand as a tourist, but why so many choose to live here is absolutely beyond me! And what's worse is how much such people complain about how they're treated there after voluntarily choosing to live there! That is Western illogic!

Great post.. but i love living here and contrary to believe not all Thais are illogical. People seem to forget we have idiot neighbors back in the old country too. For some all problems they encounter are typical Thai and they tar all Thais with the same brush. However back home they would just have said it was an idiot neighbor instead of saying all (insert your own nationality here) are illogical.

I also don't understand people living here if they don't like it here. I have my complaints, but had complaints back home too.

I didn't say "all thais are illogic", i just haven't met one that does the reasoning as i would expect back home, we have our exceptions too in there (as even this forum can demonstrate), but i have some sort of "statistical approach" to this particular issue, by denying this we are not resolving it for sure....

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I adore my Thai wife and I do enjoy a very occasional visit to Thailand as a tourist, but why so many choose to live here is absolutely beyond me! And what's worse is how much such people complain about how they're treated there after voluntarily choosing to live there! That is Western illogic!

Nope my dear.

In my view, one of the major attracting points, it's a much more relaxed approach from Govs officials, but when it get wild and put you in danger it loose all it's attractiveness.

The other point to mention, is that initially, everyone's it's so gentle and welcoming, but as soon as they realize that they can't depredate you of all your belongings, their attitude radically changes, they feel they are entitled to what is yours, because this is their country and you are a foreigner, it doesn't make difference if you have legally acquired your things, according to their own laws, to them...does it make it sense now to you?

Oh and just to add some more points, you stated that you visit Thailand too, presumably of your own will, so, what if you get killed or something very unpleasant happens to you? Are you going to blame yourself by saying it was beyond you why did you made such a choice? cheesy.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

He said he enjoys visiting as a tourist, so in all likeliness it would be of his own free will.

That last statement of yours would also be applicable to the xxx million tourists that visit Thailand every year.

Not a very logical thing to say given the OP is aimed at illogical actions of Thais.......................wink.png

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I adore my Thai wife and I do enjoy a very occasional visit to Thailand as a tourist, but why so many choose to live here is absolutely beyond me! And what's worse is how much such people complain about how they're treated there after voluntarily choosing to live there! That is Western illogic!

Great post.. but i love living here and contrary to believe not all Thais are illogical. People seem to forget we have idiot neighbors back in the old country too. For some all problems they encounter are typical Thai and they tar all Thais with the same brush. However back home they would just have said it was an idiot neighbor instead of saying all (insert your own nationality here) are illogical.

I also don't understand people living here if they don't like it here. I have my complaints, but had complaints back home too.

I agree,

But the difference is in my country, you can live next door to an idiot for 20 years and never really meet them!

You may nod to each other on occasion,, if you are forced to make eye contact......but probably don't even know his name!

It's good and it's bad, not knowing your neighbors.

Here in Thailand, everyone knows who I am for miles and miles and kilometers!

The idiot ratio is probably the same in both places, but it is easier when you don't know the idiots!

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Do you speak Thai?

I'm asking for several reasons.

First, your account of what was actually said between the neighbor and the driver is pretty vague. For example you used the phrase "he said something like" several times, and you seemed to have relied pretty heavily on hand gestures, body language and tone of voice to determine what was going on. Did you actually hear and understand everything that was said? You also mentioned that your neighbor's house was "several blocks" away from your house. Were you even close enough to hear what was being said? If you're feeling on edge in your new surroundings, it's easy to imagine people are saying things which they're really not.

Secondly, from your initial post and some of your follow-up comments, it sounds like your assimilation into your neighborhood and building of trust with your neighbors might not be going as you imagined it would. I think a lot of readers can relate to going through this adjustment process. If you make an effort to learn the language this would likely help you to adjust and understand your new surroundings better.

Just trying to be helpful.

Good luck.

Edited by Gecko123
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Do you speak Thai?

I'm asking for several reasons.

First, your account of what was actually said between the neighbor and the driver is pretty vague. For example you used the phrase "he said something like" several times, and you seemed to have relied pretty heavily on hand gestures, body language and tone of voice to determine what was going on. Did you actually hear and understand everything that was said? You also mentioned that your neighbor's house was "several blocks" away from your house. Were you even close enough to hear what was being said? If you're feeling on edge in your new surroundings, it's easy to imagine people are saying things which they're really not.

You don't need to be fluent in a language to understand some very basic conversation, for "blocks" i meant "buildings", referring to the average thai sizes of buildings in my area, not to be confused with the very large condos we might have back home. This is not Bangkok or Pattaya, environment is usually very quiet and you can clearly hear even at some fair distance, to this you have to add that the initial level was almost screaming, then the conversation evolved to a loud one, so, no problems there. Someone might try to deny facts as much as they can, that's it doesn't take the reality of the facts away. The surrounding it's not so new anymore and for sure it's not me whom is trying to imagine something different of what it was..

Secondly, from your initial post and some of your follow-up comments, it sounds like your assimilation into your neighborhood and building of trust with your neighbors might not be going as you imagined it would. I think a lot of readers can relate to going through this adjustment process. If you make an effort to learn the language this would likely help you to adjust and understand your new surroundings better.

Just trying to be helpful.

Good luck.

I have no will whatsoever to assimilate with scammers, freeloaders, cheaters and so on, as i wrote, their attitude changed and as soon as i realize what they really were up to, i just tuned up my responsiveness in an appropriate way.

About the language again, when during the years i reached a level to understand what they were really talking about in most of the occasions, that was really a big put off and i didn't really want to go any further, to each his own, and methink it would be much better if the locals would spend more time (if any at all), to learn the english language, i understand that this is Thailand and the official language is thai, but as not everyone in this world speak the thai language, it would play in their favour too just being able to communicate with everyone by using what is in fact the language being chosen by our planet, and as you can easily see, it's not my first language, yet we can fairly communicate with each others.

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your dead wrong about language.. i bet you want immigrants in your home country knowing the language.

English is not big here.. and for those few foreigners they don't need to learn it.. YOU and all of use are the ones that should learn or else not complain about it.

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your dead wrong about language.. i bet you want immigrants in your home country knowing the language.

English is not big here.. and for those few foreigners they don't need to learn it.. YOU and all of use are the ones that should learn or else not complain about it.

???.....well i am sorry but you've lost your bet, i see the language for what it really is, just a tool to enable us to communicate with each other, if it was for me, i would abolish all national's language as the main languages, give initially the chances to learn it as a secondary language to whom is interested on his own country traditions, but surely not making it compulsory.

I am also aware that not knowing the national language nowadays, will put any immigrant in disadvantage, but we have to see beyond that and try to evolve our civilization, that's it.

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Give peace a chance.

If by writing that, are you referring to the local habits of let the foreigners to "Rest In Peace" (forever)?.

I am afraid but i am not interested on those forms of assisted unwilling suicides, thanks.

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your dead wrong about language.. i bet you want immigrants in your home country knowing the language.

English is not big here.. and for those few foreigners they don't need to learn it.. YOU and all of use are the ones that should learn or else not complain about it.

???.....well i am sorry but you've lost your bet, i see the language for what it really is, just a tool to enable us to communicate with each other, if it was for me, i would abolish all national's language as the main languages, give initially the chances to learn it as a secondary language to whom is interested on his own country traditions, but surely not making it compulsory.

I am also aware that not knowing the national language nowadays, will put any immigrant in disadvantage, but we have to see beyond that and try to evolve our civilization, that's it.

your knowledge of what language really is , is very simplistic

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I have no will whatsoever to assimilate with scammers, freeloaders, cheaters and so on, as i wrote, their attitude changed and as soon as i realize what they really were up to, i just tuned up my responsiveness in an appropriate way.

Well that just about says it all right there. Time to take a long hard look in that mirror, son. If that's what you see when you look outside your window, well... time to move along then.

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your knowledge of what language really is , is very simplistic

By going deeper in many of our life's byzantinisms, you will easily find out that many things have been voluntarily over complicated for the sole wish to protect personal's interests which if stated in more easily understandable manner, would create a revolt, as more often than not, these are just cover ups for criminal activities and the likes....

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Time to take a long hard look in that mirror, son. If that's what you see when you look outside your window, well... time to move along then.

I look in the mirror everydays my dear, and if you find it that hard to look yourself, you might want to buy another one, or perhaps just change some of your habits might help.

Here on planet earth, many of us still prefer to confront issues rather than "move along" everytime, as an astronaut you might look at things from a different prospective though, be carefull with the asteroids up there and don't look out of the window again, or who knows where you might end up to next time biggrin.png

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your knowledge of what language really is , is very simplistic

By going deeper in many of our life's byzantinisms, you will easily find out that many things have been voluntarily over complicated for the sole wish to protect personal's interests which if stated in more easily understandable manner, would create a revolt, as more often than not, these are just cover ups for criminal activities and the likes....

like i said, very simplistic.

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and yet you complicate it by seeing all your neighbours as being out to scam you!! lol

Nooo, why? They love me to bits (but probably also sliced, minced, etc..) and are so serious about their religion that they just want me to dedicate more time to the spiritual's side of my life and take me away from all those material's distractions which i happen to owns, they really love my things, i mean, me, isn't the same?

Well, you knows how do they said around here anyways, don't you? "same same but different".....

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