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I've just seen a lady slap her husband


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There was me thinking Thai ladies are sweet and submissive when this illusion is shattered in one blow - literally!

At the market today, my attention was drawn to the loud voice of a lady, that unmistakeable sound of nagging. The poor husband sat in silence and took it all but then suddenly, she slapped him quite hard round the side of the head. They were stall holders; I couldn't believe it but nobody else took any notice. Is there something about Thai ladies I've yet to learn?

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Given that extensive research shows that at least one in three victims of domestic violence are male, this is not a shock at all (see, for example, the website www.oneinthreedotcomdotau). (Do I really have to put URLs in this ridiculous format to keep the Maters of ThaiVisa happy? I can only assume they must have a good reason, albeit one which is not shared by the millions of similar forums around the world).

The shock is realising that there has been so much BS over the years about domestic / partner violence that the reality has become obscured.

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Her brother's 25k must have been late this month.

No Thai man would ever take a slap to the face by a female in public.

Not unless they were greatly outnumbered by her relatives that also happened to be armed with homemade machetes and guns..... as they do.

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Given that extensive research shows that at least one in three victims of domestic violence are male, this is not a shock at all (see, for example, the website www.oneinthreedotcomdotau). (Do I really have to put URLs in this ridiculous format to keep the Maters of ThaiVisa happy? I can only assume they must have a good reason, albeit one which is not shared by the millions of similar forums around the world).

The shock is realising that there has been so much BS over the years about domestic / partner violence that the reality has become obscured.

No. Where did you get that idea?

Do it like this: http://www.oneinthree.com.au

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If I provoked a woman - which I try to not to then I suffer her provoked anger ... If a woman slaps me with no provocation -- I would slap her back - hard to the ground... Women - Thai and Western women have sometimes abused the principle to never slap a lady ... A woman who unprovoked slaps me is not lady and will be dealt with in a very few seconds ... Yes - there would be consequences for retaliating but that is the way it goes ... tolerate abuse and you will be abused.

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The only thing that surprises me about this is that it was in public. I understand domestic violence is quite common amongst the Thais here. I'm assuming the husband was Thai.

If any woman ever slapped me, the relationship would be over at that moment. I don't hit women and they don't hit me, though I would make an exception if she did hit me.

Edited by mesquite
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If I provoked a woman - which I try to not to then I suffer her provoked anger ... If a woman slaps me with no provocation -- I would slap her back - hard to the ground... Women - Thai and Western women have sometimes abused the principle to never slap a lady ... A woman who unprovoked slaps me is not lady and will be dealt with in a very few seconds ... Yes - there would be consequences for retaliating but that is the way it goes ... tolerate abuse and you will be abused.

Maybe sit down with a therapist?

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If I provoked a woman - which I try to not to then I suffer her provoked anger ... If a woman slaps me with no provocation -- I would slap her back - hard to the ground... Women - Thai and Western women have sometimes abused the principle to never slap a lady ... A woman who unprovoked slaps me is not lady and will be dealt with in a very few seconds ... Yes - there would be consequences for retaliating but that is the way it goes ... tolerate abuse and you will be abused.

Maybe sit down with a therapist?

No you need to sit down and get real ... people in general - women included who just slap someone out of their pent up emotion when unprovoked just risk getting slapped back -- whether man or woman ... they have no right to express physical anger towards another person just because they are upset - just because they are a women ... you need to get a reality check ... I have no right to slap another person man or woman just because I am angry at them -- and I do not do it ... what you are saying is counter intuitive -- a person - a woman can just slap any other person simply because they are angry and be immune to physical consequence in return --- you live in the 1950s and in other fantasy periods where non reality was played in movies.

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Whilst my experience with Thai women may be limited, my experience with South East Asian women is not so I was rather surprised.

Yes, he was a Thai and this happened in public at a crowded market where they sell mostly second hand stuff; I never see another Farang there. My GF saw it too and laughed it off as no big deal.

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If I provoked a woman - which I try to not to then I suffer her provoked anger ... If a woman slaps me with no provocation -- I would slap her back - hard to the ground... Women - Thai and Western women have sometimes abused the principle to never slap a lady ... A woman who unprovoked slaps me is not lady and will be dealt with in a very few seconds ... Yes - there would be consequences for retaliating but that is the way it goes ... tolerate abuse and you will be abused.

Maybe sit down with a therapist?

No you need to sit down and get real ... people in general - women included who just slap someone out of their pent up emotion when unprovoked just risk getting slapped back -- whether man or woman ... they have no right to express physical anger towards another person just because they are upset - just because they are a women ... you need to get a reality check ... I have no right to slap another person man or woman just because I am angry at them -- and I do not do it ... what you are saying is counter intuitive -- a person - a woman can just slap any other person simply because they are angry and be immune to physical consequence in return --- you live in the 1950s and in other fantasy periods where non reality was played in movies.

Never been slapped before but if I was I would think i probably deserved it. Either way, I'd like to think I could take a slap without getting emotional and resorting to violence towards a spouse/girl friend.

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That was no lady that was referred to.

I have never struck a lady in anger or otherwise, but there have been a couple of times when I have obserrved women get to drinking too much and they have made threats of physical violence over relative minor happenings. As this was disruptive to business I could normally talk them into taking it outside, or finish their drink and go home, especially the married couples. Of course I made my approach and little talk with a heavy weight cue stick in hand.

My response to a threat made towards me by a woman ( I was actually an observer) was, you act like a man expect to be treated like one, and I had every intention of using physical force if it would have come to it. Watch their eyes and body language, you can normally see the explosion coming before hand, and that is the best time to try to bring things to a peaceful conclusion or get the hell out of harms way, especially with married/dating couples.

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Whilst my experience with Thai women may be limited, my experience with South East Asian women is not so I was rather surprised.

Yes, he was a Thai and this happened in public at a crowded market where they sell mostly second hand stuff; I never see another Farang there. My GF saw it too and laughed it off as no big deal.

You mean to say that you have never witnessed a domestic argument before? And you were taken by surprise that such things can actually happen in Thailand? And decided that it warranted a thread on the subject.

You must have lead an extremely sheltered life if these sorts of events come as a shock to you. I have lost count of how many domestics I have witnessed in my lifetime, in many countries, going right back to the 1950s, both in homes and in public places.

At one time in New York, my father saw a man beating up on a woman in the street. My Dad decided to jump in and rescue the lady, then suddenly the couple both turned on him and my poor old Dad had to run for his life. Since that time we learned never to get involved in domestic disputes.

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haha! dear me, i guess you havent been in thailand long. thai girls love to give their guys a good slapping now and then.

was sitting outside a coffee shop one afternoon watching the world go by when a thai girl walks past a thai couple then suddenly turned round and started shouting at and slapping the thai guy then starts doing the same to the girl. i gathered it was her bf caught out with another girl. quite scene. made me smile as the guy got his comeuppance very publicly.

OP; underestimate thai women at your peril.

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