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18 hours ago, mrbojangles said:

Even if we mention his name you lot will pounce saying we are making excuses.


The thing is, although we have options, non are KdB and it will be a loss. Not an excuse but merely a fact

Mahrez did achieve the accolade of player of the season though didn't he and that really ain't bad back up.  My point being, there are losses and then there are losses.

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44 minutes ago, carmine said:

Mahrez did achieve the accolade of player of the season though didn't he and that really ain't bad back up.  My point being, there are losses and then there are losses.

Yes, I'm not denying we have a strong squad. But KdB was absolutely instrumental in us winning the league last year. He is a MASSIVE loss, irrespective of who we have as back up

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5 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Yes, I'm not denying we have a strong squad. But KdB was absolutely instrumental in us winning the league last year. He is a MASSIVE loss, irrespective of who we have as back up

Nice to have Mahrez around, but he's not half the player KDB is. If he inches up to 3/4 I'll be thrilled.

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19 minutes ago, carmine said:

Oh honestly!!!  You guys do take the p*ss sometimes!!?

I'd have preferred a DM to Mahrez. If he keeps his on head on straight for the entire season it'll be a plus.:wink:


He'll score some goals no question, but he won't general the attack like KDB.



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13 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Oh sorry. I thought that's what you were donig

Hardly, i was pointing out the reality of things as opposed to the land of the fairies that City fans seem to descend into when discussing the strength of their squad compared to others!!  Thats not taking the p*ss its trying in some small way to remind you lot of the real situation.


And the absolute horseshit about blaming owners for not spending simply sums it up in that you have to have clearly lost track of basic financial restraints since money arrived on tap.

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19 minutes ago, jellydog said:

I'd have preferred a DM to Mahrez. If he keeps his on head on straight for the entire season it'll be a plus.:wink:


He'll score some goals no question, but he won't general the attack like KDB.



Were it not for Sarri getting the chav job you would have signed Jorginho too.  ?

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26 minutes ago, carmine said:

Hardly, i was pointing out the reality of things as opposed to the land of the fairies that City fans seem to descend into when discussing the strength of their squad compared to others!!  Thats not taking the p*ss its trying in some small way to remind you lot of the real situation.

To be answered in 2 parts


Part 1


No City fan has denied the strength of our squad. In fact, only this morning I said there is no denying it but to lose KdB is a massive loss. And it is. Particularly if we want to progress in the CL, every key player needs to be available. If you say otherwise, I'm not talking to you again ? as there is no reasoning with you 

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1 minute ago, mrbojangles said:

To be answered in 2 parts


Part 1


No City fan has denied the strength of our squad. In fact, only this morning I said there is no denying it but to lose KdB is a massive loss. And it is. Particularly if we want to progress in the CL, every key player needs to be available. If you say otherwise, I'm not talking to you again ? as there is no reasoning with you 


I'm absolutely delighted as the removal of KDB does in fact weaken your team since in my view he is your best player.


Hopefully Mahrez will take a season or two to settle. :biggrin:

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31 minutes ago, carmine said:

And the absolute horseshit about blaming owners for not spending simply sums it up in that you have to have clearly lost track of basic financial restraints since money arrived on tap.

Sorry for having the cheek to say what everyone without blinkers already knows.


For info. You, yourself said there was a transfer kitty and you, yourself said that Poch had identified 3, yes 3 targets. Therefore, money was available but you didn't get your guys. Who the bladdy hell else is there to blame. Oh wait a minute. Yeah, let's blame City again cos Spurs didn't make a single transfer. Absolute nonsense 

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16 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:


Sorry for having the cheek to say what everyone without blinkers already knows.


For info. You, yourself said there was a transfer kitty and you, yourself said that Poch had identified 3, yes 3 targets. Therefore, money was available but you didn't get your guys. Who the bladdy hell else is there to blame. Oh wait a minute. Yeah, let's blame City again cos Spurs didn't make a single transfer. Absolute nonsense 


I'll just say that if there were indeed three targets for Levy not to have secured any of them is piss poor.


The only mitigating factor in this could be astronomical demands from club and player.


Mind you I'd have liked Mbappe, Pulisic and Bale too I suppose......Poch has the same idea as me really. :biggrin: 

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4 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Think somebody mentioned KdB has the same injury as in 2016. Not yet been announced exactly what injury he has except it's to his knee. In 2016 KDB missed 10 weeks and 12 games of the season due torn ligaments in his knee AND ANKLE.


Let's hope its just as serious an injury. ??:licklips:

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1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Think somebody mentioned KdB has the same injury as in 2016. Not yet been announced exactly what injury he has except it's to his knee. In 2016 KDB missed 10 weeks and 12 games of the season due torn ligaments in his knee AND ANKLE.

I mentioned it’s his same knee that he injured previous, no mention of the SAME INJURY. 

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4 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

There are about 4 weeks of International breaks througb Sept and Oct, best time for KDB  to injured, if there is one. 

Yeah, plus City have a pretty weak fixture list for awhile.:smile:

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1 hour ago, alfieconn said:

Anyone want to have a guess on how many post's we will get about De Bruyne's knee ? ??

Kevin De Bruyne's agent:


"I spoke to Kevin, he confirmed that he had injured his knee in training. It's the same one as previously and he felt the same way. On that occasion no ligaments were torn, and that is the main thing.” 

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