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thailand the best country in ASEAN

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An interesting way to define what is best.

Personally, I'd put Thailand around 3rd on that list after Singapore and Malaysia, but I'm not just going on the basis of booze and women. Singapore beats Thailand's hands down on food, infrastructure, accommodation and business.

Again though, it's different being on holiday as opposed to living somewhere.

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Depends on what u want.

If u have a family, for education it may as well be bottom unless u can afford international school.

Beyond that, which direction is it going relative to the rest?

the direction its going is its own direction i dont know if its backwards or forwards but i say los is way more forward than all its neighbours bar malaysia.

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Thailand I would put near to bottom due to the potential for violence & the lack of any justice

This is a deeper and more controversial issue that is highly unlikely to effect your person.

what is likely however to affect you is quality food ,rooms , cheap beer and many other vices that in the rest of asian you would have to search for and resources would be limited.

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I seem to recall, this year at least, more foreigners being killed/murdered, in Thailand then in the Philippines. It seems the OP is being, for reasons only known to him/her, biased towards Thailand. Choosing to live here some people tend to try and justify that they may have made a mistake...lol

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Eating quality restaurant food and drinking alcohol is way cheaper in Cambodia (Phnom Penh) than Thailand (Bangkok, anyway). I've lived in both countries for a considerable time.

but say a good happy hour in pattaya you might find 50 baht beers and possibly a nice air con room 500 baht then theres the 50 baht ribs just of soi buakhao then goto a gogo for 60 baht two for one spirits from 6 o'clock

sorry im goin on a bit my point being to get any of these things within walking distance for the equivelant quality is almost near impossible on the rest of asean

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lol ASEAN is an absolute joke. they have accomplished absolutely nothing but photo ops and empty rhetoric since its inception. it is a collection of weak states that are loosely "allied". the ASEAN way means standing by uselessly and essentially doing nothing.

anyway to answer the question...Singapore is by far the best and is the only advanced economy in ASEAN...

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Flipguy, on 20 Oct 2014 - 18:45, said:

You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

And you are making assumptions about people you don't know...rather foolish don't you think. You obviously have a problem accepting peoples opinions that differ from yours, oh well, there are idiotic bigots every where.

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You're the kind of expat or tourist who never assimilate and understand the culture and the people of the places you are visiting. Judging by your comparison with Thailand and it's ASEAN neighbours, you immediately conclude what that country and it's peope is like without delving into their culture and living capacity. You're a perfect example of a cheap sex tourist who's only main goal in coming to a South East Asian nation is BOOZE, SEX, and WOMEN!!

He hasn't tried to pretend otherwise and if he's a single farang and not an avid outdoors type, then there's not much else to be concerned with; like the many thousands of others who visit and enjoy Thailand. And he won't worry about politics or law and order until it affects him personally. Then his opinion might change ... But that would go for the other Asean countries too.

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The Philippines is not Thailand and I have lived in both. Its no more dangerous than anywhere else, you just use your common sense. I got mugged in the center of Madrid.

But for quality of life Thailand is probably better, but as with everything else quality doesn't come cheap, and Thailand is no longer a cheap place.

The Philippines is cheap, and of course they speak English.

So for me the Philippines wins.

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What rating for Thailand, if just for brains?

Tied for last with an Asean Monkey throwing poo poo at a zoo patron.

The EU...UK...USA are way ahead when it comes to THINKING and PROBLEM SOLVING.

all hail the great western world with obesity and economic reccession yay.
Wow, you've been a forum member under this name for two days and 20 some posts and already you are a Thailand apologist and western basher.

The question was asked and we are answering our opinions.

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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The Philippines is not Thailand and I have lived in both. Its no more dangerous than anywhere else, you just use your common sense. I got mugged in the center of Madrid.

But for quality of life Thailand is probably better, but as with everything else quality doesn't come cheap, and Thailand is no longer a cheap place.

The Philippines is cheap, and of course they speak English.

So for me the Philippines wins.

i feel your a little bias towards the philippines as the peso is in your favour if you an american as im an australian my dollar is weaker than say 3 years ago .

also the quality of the guesthouses there is dismall for the prices but i will compliment them with having a good brew san miguel light with the lime is unbeatable for quality and price all over asia.

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