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Thai Post


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I'm just wondering how many people around Thailand have the same problem I have with missing mail.

I've lived in various locations on Phuket over the years, and in each, letters posted both in Thailand and from europe fail to arrive. :o

I've long since given up asking at the the local post office as the reply is always the same - it's missing in Bangkok or europe, not here.... blah blah blah!

Anyone have any theories as to where all this missing mail goes ? :D

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Does the mail man know that there is a falang living at that address?

Perhaps at the sorting office in Bangers, they see a small letter resembling a birthday card addressed to a falang and posted from England. "Could there be some money inside? Lets find out? Oops no, but we can't send it on now can we? What to do? Noi, pass me my rolling tobacco would you. Thanks...."

I have lost about 50% of my mail since coming out here. Strange but they seem to have an 'important mail' filter somewhere, as only the gumf gets through.


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Mine doesn't go missing, I just received two M bags full of books that came surface. Bags weren't even opened.

Have you tried opening a PO box instead? Alot of people find that works better.

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Mine doesn't go missing, I just received two M bags full of books that came surface. Bags weren't even opened.

Have you tried opening a PO box instead? Alot of people find that works better.

Yeah, tried that one too as I had a very important package. And yes you've guessed it, nada, niet, nothing. Sadly the poster forgot to put tracking on it so it cost me a lot of extra hassle.

Really don't know what to do.... :o

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Mine doesn't go missing, I just received two M bags full of books that came surface. Bags weren't even opened.

Have you tried opening a PO box instead? Alot of people find that works better.

Yeah, tried that one too as I had a very important package. And yes you've guessed it, nada, niet, nothing. Sadly the poster forgot to put tracking on it so it cost me a lot of extra hassle.

Really don't know what to do.... :o

I've some friends who live on Samui that opened a PO box but It made no difference at all ! That put me off.

It's strange that it's not just limited to 'Farang' mail, even things like telephone bills don't arrive - or if they do, several days late of the pay by date.

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I’ve heard about this problem over the years and I’ve always considered myself lucky to never having to experience this first hand. Well, over the last month 4 parcels from the US have mysteriously disappeared (all containing valuable product returns from my customers – however nothing stated on the envelopes). All customers have received the return delivery receipt which means that the parcels were delivered somewhere (just not to me). There was however no actual signatures on the receipts which leads me to believe that someone at the local post office simply stole the parcels.

What’s strange is that I have also not received numerous bills including credit card bills and phone bills. These always arrive around the 20th each month and so far nothing. I have complained to deaf ears at the local post office and they offer the same lame excuse over and over (it’s the senders fault :o ). I now stand to loose about 40,000 baht not to mention pissed off customers who have to wait for their refunds while I try to track down the parcels.

I’m at a loss of what to do but I will keep hassling the local post master for answers.


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I’ve heard about this problem over the years and I’ve always considered myself lucky to never having to experience this first hand. Well, over the last month 4 parcels from the US have mysteriously disappeared (all containing valuable product returns from my customers – however nothing stated on the envelopes). All customers have received the return delivery receipt which means that the parcels were delivered somewhere (just not to me). There was however no actual signatures on the receipts which leads me to believe that someone at the local post office simply stole the parcels.

What’s strange is that I have also not received numerous bills including credit card bills and phone bills. These always arrive around the 20th each month and so far nothing. I have complained to deaf ears at the local post office and they offer the same lame excuse over and over (it’s the senders fault :o ). I now stand to loose about 40,000 baht not to mention pissed off customers who have to wait for their refunds while I try to track down the parcels.

I’m at a loss of what to do but I will keep hassling the local post master for answers.


If its important to your business, perhaps an offer of 10 baht per correctly delivered piece payable at the end of the month might get the post master to pay attention? I know its not ideal, but if you stand to loose 40K, maybe a little lateral thinking and financial persuasion is in order. Of course that will then ruin it for the rest of us, so perhaps I should just shut up? :D

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I'm just wondering how many people around Thailand have the same problem I have with missing mail.

I've lived in various locations on Phuket over the years, and in each, letters posted both in Thailand and from europe fail to arrive. :o

I've long since given up asking at the the local post office as the reply is always the same - it's missing in Bangkok or europe, not here.... blah blah blah!

Anyone have any theories as to where all this missing mail goes ? :D

Live in Nai Harn Phuket since 2000 , had in the first years most of the mail missing, ATM and credit cards from Holland were always intercepted and had to brought to me by visiting family.

After a change from mail delevering from Karon to Rawai postoffice there was no longer missing mail and no more frustation to :D .

There are honest and service minded people here working in Rawai postoffice.

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I have received enough mis-delivered mail over the years that I know this is also one culprit (addresses not even close to mine). I'm always good about putting the errant mail back in the post, but I'm sure not everybody who receives such mail does so.

Edited by ovenman
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I can speak only of my experience. I filled out my new address not completely.

Forget to addition "Moo #" or "M. #" with the road number. Otherwise everything was correctly written. TOT company wanted me to call because of the pending bills, but I was always online with my computer - they have closed the line after 4 months.

Result, no mail arrived - all my mails was missing including EMS. They sent everything back to the sender.

IMO it is very importantly that the whole address is correct written.

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I've lived in various locations on Phuket over the years, and in each, letters posted both in Thailand and from europe fail to arrive. :o

I've long since given up asking at the the local post office as the reply is always the same - it's missing in Bangkok or europe, not here.... blah blah blah!

To me, it looks very much like a problem at your local post office.

I have sent a lot of mail over the past 25 years from Switzerland to many different addresses in Bangkok and Chiangmai and none has ever been lost.



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I have received enough mis-delivered mail over the years that I know this is also one culprit (addresses not even close to mine). I'm always good about putting the errant mail back in the post, but I'm sure not everybody who receives such mail does so.

I suspect you're right. The postman is probably just too lazy to deliver it correctly, so to empty his bag as quickly as possible, pushes it into any letter box he can.

ITV tv channel about two years ago, set up a hidden camera in the sorting office of Patong (Phuket) Post office. The resulting footage clearly showed a senior member of staff opening selected envelopes and putting them into a draw under his desk. When tackled by the film crew waiting for him outside, he just laughed and walked away....but apparenty he didn't show up for work again. As I understand it, no further action was taken and the police were not even informed or involved, which really surprised me.

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I have received enough mis-delivered mail over the years that I know this is also one culprit (addresses not even close to mine). I'm always good about putting the errant mail back in the post, but I'm sure not everybody who receives such mail does so.

I suspect you're right. The postman is probably just too lazy to deliver it correctly, so to empty his bag as quickly as possible, pushes it into any letter box he can.

While this theory doesn't explain everything that goes missing, I think it covers much of the mundane stuff that would be of absolutely no interest to anyone other than the intended recipient, like misplaced utility bills.

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I live in Bangkok and have had no problems at all. I think the person blaming the post in Bangkok is simply not telling the truth. Perhaps going down to the local post office with a basket of goodies at holiday time will help with future deliveries.

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Sounds like your PO or postman delivering. Ours is a local guy and knows everybody on his beat. I get mail delivered to me at my home that just has my name and the island, country on it.

Try complaining further up the food chain of the Post Office and see if that gets an improvement in service

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I just email a word doc with address in both english & thai. everything sent with that arrived
In Phuket? Because that’s where the OP’s problem is.



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Have a similar problem here in Kathu,any bills or letters from thailand always arrive(anything with a window),but letters from overseas seem to go missing.Last 2 times there was $5 sent to my son from his grandmother,the letters actually arrived but with no money in them,the first time I thought she must have forgotten to put the money in,but now I think there is definately someone screening the mail.She is sending again this week as 1 final try,so will report back,but there is definately something going on.Problem is you can complain at the PO but the will just say it was'nt here.Another one I met last year was recieving no mail for 2-3 weeks then having 6-7 items all arrive on the same day!!!

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Have a similar problem here in Kathu,any bills or letters from thailand always arrive(anything with a window),but letters from overseas seem to go missing.Last 2 times there was $5 sent to my son from his grandmother,the letters actually arrived but with no money in them,the first time I thought she must have forgotten to put the money in,but now I think there is definately someone screening the mail.She is sending again this week as 1 final try,so will report back,but there is definately something going on.Problem is you can complain at the PO but the will just say it was'nt here.Another one I met last year was recieving no mail for 2-3 weeks then having 6-7 items all arrive on the same day!!!

Thanks Big Guy. Like you say, complaining just doesn't get you anywhere, so I guess we're stuck with the problem.

Did you read my earlier post about mail being opened at the Patong sorting office? - your Kathu mail might pass through there. Definitely not a good idea having money in the envelopes, regardless of how small the amount.

I'm still trying to establish if this is unique to Phuket or a nationwide problem. Seems the nearer you are to bangkok the better the service... lets hear from those 'up north' please.

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