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Koh Tao: Prosecutors unfazed by retraction of confession in British tourists' killing


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A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

What a joke.

Are you making a joke or are you really this uninformed. Nowhere that I can think of would a recanted confession not be allowed in as evidence since it is. If a judge believes the confession was obtained illegally then that is a different story but a recanted confession is and should be brought up at a trial.

Since it is usually difficult to prove if a confession was obtained illegally then it is up to the defense to explain why their suspected confessed to a crime they did not do ... such as being scared, beaten or threatened. This is all every day stuff in court rooms around the globe.


John I am on your side but they did not have a lawyer present, so really how con it be admissible?

Confessions generally do not have a lawyer present. If there was one present then there generally is no confession. Bottom line many if not most cases are solved because people talked to the police... something a lawyer would rarely ever allow their client to do while being interrogated.

Not having a lawyer present doesn't in any way make a confession illegal or inadmissible. Examples were a confession would thrown out would be if tortured and not telling the suspect they have certain rights such as requesting a lawyer (in countries were applicable). Even in the US police don't have to tell a suspect being questioned they have the right to a lawyer if police are not forcing them to stay ... you only have that right if you are not free to leave the interrogation.

I don't even know if Thailand has something similar to Miranda Rights as this was a US case decided in the 60's that forced police to tell suspects "in custody" they had a right to remain silent and didn't have to answer anything without a lawyer. Despite being read these rights many many people wave this right believing if they don't it will look bad and then the police end up getting a confession. Other times suspects admit to crimes while being questioned before they are in custody and they don't need to be told anything about having a right to a lawyer.

I would believe confession in the overwhelming vast majority of countries, unless can be shown to be obtained illegally, are admissible even if those confessions are retracted. I am also unaware of any country that forces a suspect to have a lawyer before police can ask them questions. The right to an attorney yes, to be compelled to have one is a different story. If compelled then police would never get confession and nobody would ever make an incriminating statement.

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How long can they keep these guys detained while they go ahead making their case.????????

If the evidence is insufficient to make a case, don't they have to release them?

No. Unfortunately not. TIT. They can be remanded in custody every 12 days indefinitely I understand.They are being kept in shackles 24/7, see Andy Hall.<link removed>

The process is to decide on the result wanted and then work/fabricate the evidence to suit.

Thai criminal justice system has a terrible record of this in tourist murder cases as this recent article documents. http://asiancorrespondent.com/127509/

Like most anywhere else, a judge needs to decide if their is sufficient evidence (usually called probable cause -- very low standard and nowhere near guilt) to hold them. Police cannot randomly hold people past a reasonable amount of time (probably 3 to 5 days) without a court order and why keyboard investigators where in an uproar and pointed to a conspiracy theory about police having to go before a judge to hold them longer before they were formally charged.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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The only reason this farce has continued without anyone in the current administration questioning it is because it goes way higher than a mob family.

The only question is why northernjohn, the bastion of pro-coup semantics and his fellow posters JTJ and jdinasia are against a new set of eyes looking into this mess. Surely we all after the truth, aren't we?

What are you on about now. You try to mislead and very successfully I might add the sheeple. I can only speak for myself but I have no problem with them looking in on it. Can you point out where I said I was against it?

You all remind me of the old time picture I saw of a circus with the elephants going around in a circle holding on to the tail of the one in front of them.

I have a problem with people who only know what the less than reliable papers print and are ready to release the prisoners and say sorry about that. What information do any of you have other than what the news papers print. I could care less if England and Miramar send people over. It will eliminate actions that are not conductive to getting to the truth. When it goes to court there will be no chicanery with them watching.

Now I will just ask you nicely to as I said earlier tell where I said I was against them and also I will ask you to tell us all of concrete proof you are in possession of to prove the two innocent. I know you can't answer the first one and I doubt that you can answer the second question. In short you have nothing other than an opinion based on news papers and fellow Thai Visa posters.

Great detective work Sherlock.

And your opinion is based on....... Contradictory police statements and the assurances of a MD (title as per Telegraph and Time). Uk, Myanmar,govts Amnesty, AHRC etc do not share your confidence in the Thai criminal justice system which has a terrible record in tourist murder cases, see link.Even Prosecutor, again, thinks case still not perfect/complete enough for filing. Why defend this indefensible travesty? http://asiancorrespondent.com/127509

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If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


This is old history. Did it ever cross your mind that this could also be a conspiracy orchestrated by the RTP? I ask this question because I want to know if you have ever watched the so-called re-enactment which was illegally directed by the RTP?

Regurgitated old news items like its some kind of proof means absolutely nothing.... It certainly dosnt make anything true

Its much simpler than that..... like so many other statements and quotes by RTP ... they are just flat out Lying.

There Isnt any mystery here why DNA isnt being allowed to be confirmed, its exactly as it seems.

Dont let the spammers distract and ruin every thread on this case by trying to get everyone bickering,

11 pages of which about half are the usual establishment sycophant shills,

its pathetic, just stick them on ignore. makes threads so much more worth following.

I hear what you are saying but if it is indeed true that the semen recovered from Hannah matches the DNA from the two Burmese guys, this is very, very damning indeed. Naturally, it would beg the question as to whether this could have been planted or manipulated in some way. This is where I guess we would have to depend on the UK forensic expert that is currently in Thailand to verify beyond any reasonable doubt.

The RTP has issued statements to the effect that a suspect has fled to Bkk only to backtrack on it's own statements. This declaration (about the DNA match of the semen) is an altogether different matter. The former is merely pursuing the lines of investigation. The second (if untrue) is an outright lie and would be totally unacceptable for a law enforcement officer - a lengthy jail sentence would be the minimum.

JTJ's links refer to a statement made on 03 Oct (don't know why the Samui Times had yesterday's date on this article - but hey, it's a Thai publication). 3 weeks have passed since this statement was made. Could be that some new evidence has surfaced since the date of the statement and that the British Police have uncovered something else. We'll just have to wait and see.

But let me say here and now - if the two Burmese suspects did rape the girl, then they deserve to hang and I would willingly volunteer to release the trapdoors. And if they raped and murdered the girl, then I would willingly volunteer to shaft a dildo into their you know where before I release the trapdoors.

But, if they are innocent, then let God (whoever that may be) have mercy and set them free.

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Of course there will not be any investigating allowed. What I read of that is the young kid Nomsod and co will never have to answer any questions ever. His alibis will never be looked into. As long as the 2 Burmese kids are released I'm OK with that now. Not much point fighting a losing argument. Just free the kids and let's all move on. Justice is never going to be served here. Its shameful, disgraceful corruption at its best. Our anger now needs to be pointed in other directions. If it is so that they rely on OUR tourist dollar so much simply stop giving it to them. At the very least avoid the islands that is absolutely one very messed up area of Thailand. You will never ever beat the judicial system that is Thailand. Kirsty Jones are her people couldn't and it won't be beaten in this case. Just educate yourselves on what these people are like and what they are capable of and arm yourself accordingly and pray you never get into a serious situation with the police n Thailand.

I have done the decent thing thai wife and property and refuse to go thailand anymore life sure is cheap, if these murderers can walk around scot free and the world can see it. i want no part of putting my money into that system boycott the country, plenty of cheaper surrounding country's to go to.

Moderator note: Potentially libellous paragraph removed.

Forum rule 6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand.

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How long can they keep these guys detained while they go ahead making their case.????????

If the evidence is insufficient to make a case, don't they have to release them?

No. Unfortunately not. TIT. They can be remanded in custody every 12 days indefinitely I understand.They are being kept in shackles 24/7, see Andy Hall.<link removed>

The process is to decide on the result wanted and then work/fabricate the evidence to suit.

Thai criminal justice system has a terrible record of this in tourist murder cases as this recent article documents. http://asiancorrespondent.com/127509/

Like most anywhere else, a judge needs to decide if their is sufficient evidence (usually called probable cause -- very low standard and nowhere near guilt) to hold them. Police cannot randomly hold people past a reasonable amount of time (probably 3 to 5 days) without a court order and why keyboard investigators where in an uproar and pointed to a conspiracy theory about police having to go before a judge to hold them longer before they were formally charged.

You mean `there`, not "their" , `were` not "where". Like Alice, you forgot your grammar so "Perfecter and perfecter." So, they can be remanded indefinitely in shackles 24/7, as long as police get judge to rubber stamp probable cause remand order which seems to be every 12 days in TH.

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Relax 26vinny, we all know who the guilty party is. Justice ain't gonna be served here. Just sit back and mourn the death of 2 more innocent victims in the name of the mighty dollar.... At best all your gonna get is a sideshow of how stupid the Thai powers that be think we really are. Even paid lawyers can't get alibis right. I mean what moron holds up a photo of an apartment building claiming it to be a university. You just have to look at the funny side...

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There will be no reply by jtj to this post

If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased, [/size]said [/size]Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/[/size]

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf[/size]

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.[/size]


Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

If you read the news or even this thread it is explained numerous times why their dna was never compared originally.

They collected hundreds of samples and had a very big back log and were moving the dna of those they suspected and were questioning to the top ... no conspiracy just a very logical explanation as had been reported in the news for those who didn't close their eyes to all but what is posted on Facebook.

I thought I had read everything, but obviously I must have missed that. Please excuse me.

Do you also know how the 3 suspects had dark shorts/pants but the man running on CCTV had not? Who is the man running on CCTV according to police now? One of the scapegoats? Or some random runner that never was identified and wasn't involved in the crime? Maybe i missed that explanation too.

Also I may have missed the explanation for the blonde hairs (asian hair dyed blonde) found on Hannahs body? None of the scapegoats captured on CCTV on a motorbike the same night had blonde hair.. Whats the official explanation for that?

Don't you remember? They said one of the boys had blonde hair, then dyed it back black. Rtp said they had proof. Until csi pointed out on the motorbike picture none of the boys had blonde hair.

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A post has been removed. The CSI LA Facebook page is not considered a source of news. The link CSI LA are using in this instance is The Manager newspaper and this is written in the Thai language. The News section of Thai Visa is an English language only forum.

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Perhaps our 'Dear Leader' should consult his fortune tellers for advice as to how to handle this monumental cock up.

He did not see it as a cock up in fact he congratulated and rewarded the investigators for thier extremely thorough and professional investigation and handling of the case. He is very proud in the way it has been handled.
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The translations should technically be invalid. Mr Bannana pancake did not have a working visa for his employment as a Translator. Therefore by deduction

an illegal translation and inadmissable!

True. I Australia all translators must be licenced and registered with the department of justice. The legal interpreter service is under the dept of justice umbrella. No other interpreter is permitted unless approved and screened by the courts.
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If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased, [/size]said [/size]Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/[/size]

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf[/size]

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.[/size]


This is old history. Did it ever cross your mind that this could also be a conspiracy orchestrated by the RTP? I ask this question because I want to know if you have ever watched the so-called re-enactment which was illegally directed by the RTP?

Regurgitated old news items like its some kind of proof means absolutely nothing.... It certainly dosnt make anything true

Its much simpler than that..... like so many other statements and quotes by RTP ... they are just flat out Lying.

There Isnt any mystery here why DNA isnt being allowed to be confirmed, its exactly as it seems.

Dont let the spammers distract and ruin every thread on this case by trying to get everyone bickering,

11 pages of which about half are the usual establishment sycophant shills,

its pathetic, just stick them on ignore. makes threads so much more worth following.

I hear what you are saying but if it is indeed true that the semen recovered from Hannah matches the DNA from the two Burmese guys, this is very, very damning indeed. Naturally, it would beg the question as to whether this could have been planted or manipulated in some way. This is where I guess we would have to depend on the UK forensic expert that is currently in Thailand to verify beyond any reasonable doubt.

The RTP has issued statements to the effect that a suspect has fled to Bkk only to backtrack on it's own statements. This declaration (about the DNA match of the semen) is an altogether different matter. The former is merely pursuing the lines of investigation. The second (if untrue) is an outright lie and would be totally unacceptable for a law enforcement officer - a lengthy jail sentence would be the minimum.

JTJ's links refer to a statement made on 03 Oct (don't know why the Samui Times had yesterday's date on this article - but hey, it's a Thai publication). 3 weeks have passed since this statement was made. Could be that some new evidence has surfaced since the date of the statement and that the British Police have uncovered something else. We'll just have to wait and see.

But let me say here and now - if the two Burmese suspects did rape the girl, then they deserve to hang and I would willingly volunteer to release the trapdoors. And if they raped and murdered the girl, then I would willingly volunteer to shaft a dildo into their you know where before I release the trapdoors.

But, if they are innocent, then let God (whoever that may be) have mercy and set them free.

Re: Suspect fleeing to Bangkok. They did have a suspect and was told he fled to Bangkok the following morning after the murders (why he was a suspect. They investigated and it turned out the person was in Bangkok the entire time ... so, obviously no longer a suspect. Sames as the farang friend with the cut was a suspect in the first days after the murders but then was cleared. I think you are nitpicking a bit on this one issue but wouldn't argue with you about the rest of your post, even if I have a different opinion on if the DNA confirmation is accurate.

I would love for the UK to confirm but I just know that is not the way things are done given a case like this and I don't mean Thailand but around the world. Allies do not do such a things and they respect sovereign states when it comes to their internal legal processes. Thailand (or any other country) would look foolish asking for another country to do what they already can and have done because some of the public doesn't trust them. It would set a horrible precedence to turn to the US, UK or other countries each time the public had doubt in a leader or institution or criminal case. Countries simply don't do that. Example, the US going through a big thing about a cop shooting an unarmed black kid, many are not trusting the process as the grand jury hearing the case is completely secret ... can you imagine the US turning to the more trusted Canada to investigate the incident to make the public happy?

So, my point is that wanting something to happen and it being realistic are two different things and we shouldn't believe this to be proof of a conspiracy because the unrealistic doesn't happen. Thailand has numerous times involved the FBI in investigations and have also allowed the UK to conduct investigation here. The difference being is the Thais needed help to solve the case. Not just Thailand but every other countries works the same, they ask for help when they need it (like possibly sending samples of DNA to Singapore to tell race) but they don't allow foreign countries to come in and second guess their police work when the police have the answers or don't need help. Keep in mind too that the UK would never do this behind Thailand's back not just because it would be illegal but it would also create problems with Thailand and other countries creating a political nightmare for the UK if they announced they had run a covert criminal investigation within Thailand against international law. Not to mention the UK is going to be highly motivated to not embarrass Thailand. What the UK will probably do regarding the observers report, as they have done in past working with the Thai police, is say how cooperative Thai police are and what a good job they have done. Sorry but that is just politics. Any issues will be handled behind closed doors, not in the public.

What I would not be surprised that comes out of the UK visit is an agreement to work together more and do joint police training (vacations) between the countries.

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How long can they keep these guys detained while they go ahead making their case.????????

If the evidence is insufficient to make a case, don't they have to release them?


They must get an extension to keep them every (12 days?)

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Relax 26vinny, we all know who the guilty party is. Justice ain't gonna be served here. Just sit back and mourn the death of 2 more innocent victims in the name of the mighty dollar.... At best all your gonna get is a sideshow of how stupid the Thai powers that be think we really are. Even paid lawyers can't get alibis right. I mean what moron holds up a photo of an apartment building claiming it to be a university. You just have to look at the funny side...

Perhaps you know who killed them.

If so you should immediately get on a plane to Thailand and present your evidence.

That isn't going to happen. Why? Because you are relying on social media to "know".

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Relax 26vinny, we all know who the guilty party is. Justice ain't gonna be served here. Just sit back and mourn the death of 2 more innocent victims in the name of the mighty dollar.... At best all your gonna get is a sideshow of how stupid the Thai powers that be think we really are. Even paid lawyers can't get alibis right. I mean what moron holds up a photo of an apartment building claiming it to be a university. You just have to look at the funny side...

Perhaps you know who killed them.

If so you should immediately get on a plane to Thailand and present your evidence.

That isn't going to happen. Why? Because you are relying on social media to "know".

So social media is to blame for this mess huh? Now where have we heard this before...?

Didn't the PM do just that a couple of weeks ago?

And you talk about sheeple when you blindly follow the current administration's statements without questioning.

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Relax 26vinny, we all know who the guilty party is. Justice ain't gonna be served here. Just sit back and mourn the death of 2 more innocent victims in the name of the mighty dollar.... At best all your gonna get is a sideshow of how stupid the Thai powers that be think we really are. Even paid lawyers can't get alibis right. I mean what moron holds up a photo of an apartment building claiming it to be a university. You just have to look at the funny side...

Perhaps you know who killed them.

If so you should immediately get on a plane to Thailand and present your evidence.

That isn't going to happen. Why? Because you are relying on social media to "know".

So social media is to blame for this mess huh? Now where have we heard this before...?

Didn't the PM do just that a couple of weeks ago?

And you talk about sheeple when you blindly follow the current administration's statements without questioning.

I didn't talk about "sheeple" nor did I blame social media. I stated that his claim of "we all know" is baseless and that rumors from social media are not facts.

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The only reason this farce has continued without anyone in the current administration questioning it is because it goes way higher than a mob family.

The only question is why northernjohn, the bastion of pro-coup semantics and his fellow posters JTJ and jdinasia are against a new set of eyes looking into this mess. Surely we all after the truth, aren't we?

What are you on about now. You try to mislead and very successfully I might add the sheeple. I can only speak for myself but I have no problem with them looking in on it. Can you point out where I said I was against it?

You all remind me of the old time picture I saw of a circus with the elephants going around in a circle holding on to the tail of the one in front of them.

I have a problem with people who only know what the less than reliable papers print and are ready to release the prisoners and say sorry about that. What information do any of you have other than what the news papers print. I could care less if England and Miramar send people over. It will eliminate actions that are not conductive to getting to the truth. When it goes to court there will be no chicanery with them watching.

Now I will just ask you nicely to as I said earlier tell where I said I was against them and also I will ask you to tell us all of concrete proof you are in possession of to prove the two innocent. I know you can't answer the first one and I doubt that you can answer the second question. In short you have nothing other than an opinion based on news papers and fellow Thai Visa posters.

Great detective work Sherlock.

Your cynical outbursts impress nobody. Tell me, are you and JTJ the same person or are you sub lieutenant to the infamous Thai Apologist Brigade. It seems to me, that you or your kind prefer we don't debate and just for want of a better word - let Thai justice take its course. If that's the case, why even have these topics since you/cynics have already shut the case.

If people relied upon your kind of Spanish inquisition Justice, innocent people around the world would be 'swinging high' from many a tree given that the true purpose of your sect remains somewhat obscure and can find no real reason behind your somewhat profound views....

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Mr. Thawatchai said that Thai police will be able to answer every doubt raised but no outside authorities can send their people to work on this case as Thai laws do not permit such a scenario.

Please help me understand this properly.

So the British police are coming here in Thailand to have a chat and a cup of tea with the Thai police?

Will not be allowed to get DNA samples?

Am I reading this right?

If the thai police do not cooperate, as we all suspect, that will be the main conclusion in the British police report.

So the upshot will be another nail in the coffin for the reputation of Thailand. I know many posters like to claim Thailand is such a strong and successful country that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of them. You are welcome to your opinions, everyone has opinions, just like everyone has certain bodily orifices. I have an opinion too, which is that reputation always matters and that Thailand needs the world a lot more than the world needs Thailand and the country will certainly pay a price for being considered backward, corrupt, disrespectful, dishonest, not deserving of trust and respect and not welcome within the circle of countries thought to be civilised and developed.

There are of course many countries that behave in a unacceptable manner. I am sure North Korea also thinks they are better than the rest of the world. The price they pay is misery. I am sure Putin thinks he is the master of the universe and Russia will be the number one world power....but just look at the Ruble and the plunging price of oil...both signs that his strategy of sending his Neanderthal thugs in to terrorize his neighbors is backfiring pretty badly. If Thailand wants to join the league of failed and disrespected nations then they will also pay a price.

Your secret plan for the foreign police to accumulate more DNA off the body is........................? Also you are probably new to Thailand and have absolutely not a single clue as to how difficult it is for them to translate Thai into English and maintain a neutral attitude to it.

The big question in my mind is why are most of the people so afraid to let it go to court? They have no proof either way other than what they have read in news papers that only print stuff that they will buy. To me that is a vicious circle. Like chasing their tail.


To NothernJohn, JohnThailandJohn, LongJohn and every other John on TV.

About the case going to Court. The outcome is predestined. Have you ever been to Thai court?

I have been. And seen. And heard. Still in bewilderment.

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Ok let's talk facts. Fact # 1 The suspect were DNA tested twice First they passed the second By some strange happening there DNA changed to fit DNA collected. fact # 2 An innocent man wouldn't fear having DNA tested But why did Headmen's son refuse to submit his? Fact # 3 The photo of Headmen's son in school on day of murders looks shall we say strange his shadow was on different wall than other person in picture yet the same light. If all this is shown to British police they in a heartbeat can tell it was doctored. But we all know the police won't dare test headmen's son cause a Thai couldn't do this but yet Thai's can chop up people and throw body in to Klong and lie saying they know nothing. But IMO I believe I know who done it. Either way in time justice will be served you reap what you sow.

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it;s not a slip up it;s a cover up, you know the sort RTP are renowned for

its all the things you have listed that make this even more so.

if the father has submitted DNA to clear his son, i ask this is he the REAL father and not a step father???

also why in the first place does his father give DNA ( son too busy with collage learning about thainess) when quite clearly with all the elledged evidence(i.e.) from the college, cheesy.gif the sons lawyer stating that his client is innocentcheesy.gif and the RTP ruling him out just because he said he wase'nt on the island, cheesy.gif


these procutors are just as bad stating "we not fazed by the withdrawel of the confessions" !!!!!

is that why they keep sending back the evidence for more evidence

deleated ting tong

What you are missing is that most disbelievers here will not believe it if it matches -- they will simply say the police here replaced it or gave bad samples or blah blah blah. Have you not seen that already? They simply ignore or say they don't believe whatever fact is out there if it means accepting the two guys in customdy ... who confessed to the police, their embassy, lawyers and a human rights group before reportedly now taking it back and whose DNA matches and who numerous witnesses and video put them in and around the scene at the time of the murders and who had an item belonging to a victim at their home ... are likely the ones guilty and should stand trial.

They would rather believe the some of a wealthy islander did this because airlines have not shared with them their manifests and the university has not come out publicly saying he was in Bangkok attending classes and that the video showing him Bangkok was faked and that the police are protecting him. Why do they suspect him ... no logical reason at all accept they think because his father (well not his actual father if his DNA cleared the son) is rich he could get away with it.

You have just hit the nail right on the head, all the Thai policeman slip up sometimes, revealing what they actually know about this case (and others before it), what a douchebag....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The only reason this farce has continued without anyone in the current administration questioning it is because it goes way higher than a mob family.

The only question is why northernjohn, the bastion of pro-coup semantics and his fellow posters JTJ and jdinasia are against a new set of eyes looking into this mess. Surely we all after the truth, aren't we?

What are you on about now. You try to mislead and very successfully I might add the sheeple. I can only speak for myself but I have no problem with them looking in on it. Can you point out where I said I was against it?

You all remind me of the old time picture I saw of a circus with the elephants going around in a circle holding on to the tail of the one in front of them.

I have a problem with people who only know what the less than reliable papers print and are ready to release the prisoners and say sorry about that. What information do any of you have other than what the news papers print. I could care less if England and Miramar send people over. It will eliminate actions that are not conductive to getting to the truth. When it goes to court there will be no chicanery with them watching.

Now I will just ask you nicely to as I said earlier tell where I said I was against them and also I will ask you to tell us all of concrete proof you are in possession of to prove the two innocent. I know you can't answer the first one and I doubt that you can answer the second question. In short you have nothing other than an opinion based on news papers and fellow Thai Visa posters.

Great detective work Sherlock.

And your opinion is based on....... Contradictory police statements and the assurances of a MD (title as per Telegraph and Time). Uk, Myanmar,govts Amnesty, AHRC etc do not share your confidence in the Thai criminal justice system which has a terrible record in tourist murder cases, see link.Even Prosecutor, again, thinks case still not perfect/complete enough for filing. Why defend this indefensible travesty? http://asiancorrespondent.com/127509

Who is defending it. All I am saying is keep the newspapers out of it and let it go it's course. Now with officials from

England and Miramar to watch it you may be sure there will be no chicanery involved. You as every one else in the elephant parade going round in circles holding the tail of the elephant in front of you are getting all your information from news papers. I don't know where you come from but here in Thailand as in most other countries selling news papers is their main concern not truth.

The courts will be the ones to judge the case not the newspapers.

Have you a problem with that? I don't. With the amount of other countries watching first hand I feel very confident that a honest decision will be made and it will not be based on news papers such as your decision is.

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