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Koh Tao: Prosecutors unfazed by retraction of confession in British tourists' killing


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I'm going to put my faith in the good retired general now PM. I believe he is waiting for the police to completely hang themselves so he can come in and make sweeping changes. All those involved in the investigation will be removed from their positions or jailed, some influential islanders will be jailed the Burmese boys will be released and the good general will be a hero to the Thai people and citizens all around the world...

Hope he takes advantage of this opportunity.

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And what about the conflicting statements about the scapegoats having lawyers present during the interigations,, first they clearly stated over and over again that the scapegoats did not want lawyers, so they did not have lawyers... Then they said clearly that they had lawyers present during all "interviews" ..

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DNA, confessions, CCTV, phone, etc.

However I am not certain of guilt. That is what a trial is for.

DNA A police story. confessions ? CCTV of some guys that looked Asian. phone (his, hers or whatever fits) etc, that will be the blond hair, the hoe, the CCTV of the guy who looked far more like someone else who might have been involved than the CCTV you are relying on, the wine bottle. The etc's go on and on.

However you are far more certain of guilt than the rest of us.

What first hand information do you have that they are innocent. Thai bashing does not count as first hand evidence. You like most of the people on this thread are just playing Polly want a cracker. Unwilling to see what a court says.

and what are they saying?

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If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased, [/size]said [/size]Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/[/size]

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf[/size]

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.[/size]


Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

If you read the news or even this thread it is explained numerous times why their dna was never compared originally.

They collected hundreds of samples and had a very big back log and were moving the dna of those they suspected and were questioning to the top ... no conspiracy just a very logical explanation as had been reported in the news for those who didn't close their eyes to all but what is posted on Facebook.

I thought I had read everything, but obviously I must have missed that. Please excuse me.

Do you also know how the 3 suspects had dark shorts/pants but the man running on CCTV had not? Who is the man running on CCTV according to police now? One of the scapegoats? Or some random runner that never was identified and wasn't involved in the crime? Maybe i missed that explanation too.

Also I may have missed the explanation for the blonde hairs (asian hair dyed blonde) found on Hannahs body? None of the scapegoats captured on CCTV on a motorbike the same night had blonde hair.. Whats the official explanation for that?

There where probably many other people on the video from the hour before and after that police either had already identified or they didn't have cause to believe they were involved like the 3 men on the motorcycle and they they released this part of the tape to the public early in the investigation ... to help identify them.

I am not going to play conspiracy games with you because you have no clue who somebody is and have no clue if the police interviewed and cleared that person. Being ignorant about things is not a reason to come up with conspiracy theories.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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Why they didn't match the first time they got tested before they got arrested...?

If you read the news or even this thread it is explained numerous times why their dna was never compared originally.

They collected hundreds of samples and had a very big back log and were moving the dna of those they suspected and were questioning to the top ... no conspiracy just a very logical explanation as had been reported in the news for those who didn't close their eyes to all but what is posted on Facebook.

I thought I had read everything, but obviously I must have missed that. Please excuse me.

Do you also know how the 3 suspects had dark shorts/pants but the man running on CCTV had not? Who is the man running on CCTV according to police now? One of the scapegoats? Or some random runner that never was identified and wasn't involved in the crime? Maybe i missed that explanation too.

Also I may have missed the explanation for the blonde hairs (asian hair dyed blonde) found on Hannahs body? None of the scapegoats captured on CCTV on a motorbike the same night had blonde hair.. Whats the official explanation for that?

There where probably many other people on the video from the hour before and after that police either had already identified or they didn't have cause to believe they were involved like the 3 men on the motorcycle and they they released this part of the tape to the public early in the investigation ... to help identify them.

I am not going to play conspiracy games with you because you have no clue who somebody is and have no clue if the police interviewed and cleared that person. Being ignorant about things is not a reason to come up with conspiracy theories.

I was just asking if you knew the official explanation,, I don't want to play games.. I'm searching frantically on google between posts trying to find the official explanation for the blonde hair .. and the color of the shorts .. I just want to know ..

I admitted I was wrong about them being DNA tested the first time .. What more do you want before you stop thinking i'm playing "conspiracy games" whatever that is..?

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And what about the conflicting statements about the scapegoats having lawyers present during the interigations,, first they clearly stated over and over again that the scapegoats did not want lawyers, so they did not have lawyers... Then they said clearly that they had lawyers present during all "interviews" ..

You are just making things up. First of all it was NEVER said they didn't want lawyers. The police said they didn't ask for one (big difference). And police never said they had lawyers present during the initial confession ... however later the two did confess privately (without police) to lawyers, embassy staff and a human rights group.

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Police said they had evidence of an LM Red cigarettes, a packet of which had been purchased at a convenience store earlier in the evening - on which, it is believed, had been found DNA similar to that of the killers. And one of the suspects had died his hair black again, having previously been dyed blond.

Why does the scapegoats not show hair dyed blonde in the picture where the 3 of them are on a motorbike?

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Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

There will be no reply by jtj to this post

If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


And google finds "About 87,400 results(0.51 seconds)" stating the likes of:

Officers had said there was "strong evidence" against Burmese suspects, but now say there are no DNA matches... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29249129

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

What a joke.

http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm. A very good read.

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

What a joke.

http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm. A very good read.

Link no worky . . .

Not Found

The requested URL /library/coerced.htm. was not found on this server.

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And what about the conflicting statements about the scapegoats having lawyers present during the interigations,, first they clearly stated over and over again that the scapegoats did not want lawyers, so they did not have lawyers... Then they said clearly that they had lawyers present during all "interviews" ..

You are just making things up. First of all it was NEVER said they didn't want lawyers. The police said they didn't ask for one (big difference). And police never said they had lawyers present during the initial confession ... however later the two did confess privately (without police) to lawyers, embassy staff and a human rights group.

I'm not making things up,, if i'm wrong it's because i'm mistaken, not because I made it up... I guess you can take my word on that or not,, I DONT MAKE STUFF UP ..

If it's true, then I was misinformed, not due to social media, but due to news ..

However, he admitted that the two men were not given access to lawyers during their interrogation. He said the suspects did not ask for lawyers because they decided to confess on their own.


So, stop accusing me of playing games and making stuff up and just answer the questions if you have answers, if not, dont.

I did not know that they confessed multiple times, with and without lawyers... That explains alot .. Wow,, Mass media should be way more clear when they report on this stuff.. I can see where alot of this speculation is coming from,.,.. There's so many seemingly contradicting statements and stories,, but in reality they are not contradicting they are just incomplete,, and incomplete with no reason,, there's no reason to hide that the suspects have confessed multiple times.. yet in media they seem to always talk about one confession .. and sometimes that one confession was with lawyers, and other times it was not ..

BUT there was a signed confession,, this signed confession, was it with or without lawyers?

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

What a joke.

http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm. A very good read.

Link no worky . . . Not Found

The requested URL /library/coerced.htm. was not found on this server.

Trying again.


Note -- no jury system here which makes the objections to this less important.

Edited by jdinasia
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Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

There will be no reply by jtj to this post

If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

“The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased,” said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


JohnThailandJohn: My hats off to you,, People mistake you for being a troll like jdinasia .. but you actually do what jdinasias avatar says ,, you stay informed .. This information you provide has given me a healthy perspective on this whole mess... Still highly doubt that the scapegoats are anything but scapegoats,, but you made me think again :) thanks .. and stay strong against the haters :)

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And what about the conflicting statements about the scapegoats having lawyers present during the interigations,, first they clearly stated over and over again that the scapegoats did not want lawyers, so they did not have lawyers... Then they said clearly that they had lawyers present during all "interviews" ..

You are just making things up. First of all it was NEVER said they didn't want lawyers. The police said they didn't ask for one (big difference). And police never said they had lawyers present during the initial confession ... however later the two did confess privately (without police) to lawyers, embassy staff and a human rights group.

This is funny stuff....a confession made through an interpreter who sells pancakes and you really think Burmese embassy staff are going to take the stand and say the two of them confessed to the crime?

Haha haha!

That's just about funny if it wasn't such a serious matter.

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They will not unofficially either.

I do expect them to see the DNA results. They will not be able to independently verify results.

I do expect them to meet the suspects.

Not much else they can do other than look at photos.

There is no way a 'JD' could be that naive. Those in the know are aware that the British police have been investigating on their own for weeks now. They keep a very low profile. They won't tip their hand so early on. There is a deliberate attempt by a certain group of posters to cast negativity on everything and everyone who dosen't see things their way (or their boss's way). wink.png

Hmmmm can you explain the ramifications of the Geneva convention governing consular relations? Or perhaps the UK policy on foreign murder, manslaughter and infanticide?

Can you? Or did you mean, the Vienna Convention?


Yes, pardon my error.

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Confessions are recanted in every country. It doesn't mean the confession is gone. It means the judges will weigh the confessions against the recantation.

Please see JLCrab's posts on what the UK police can do.

A recanted confession would be entirely inadmissible in any civilised justice system.

What a joke.

http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm. A very good read.

Link no worky . . .

Not Found

The requested URL /library/coerced.htm. was not found on this server.

Remove the ending . here ya go mate: http://www.ipt-forensics.com/library/coerced.htm

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DNA, confessions, CCTV, phone, etc.

However I am not certain of guilt. That is what a trial is for.

DNA A police story. confessions ? CCTV of some guys that looked Asian. phone (his, hers or whatever fits) etc, that will be the blond hair, the hoe, the CCTV of the guy who looked far more like someone else who might have been involved than the CCTV you are relying on, the wine bottle. The etc's go on and on.

However you are far more certain of guilt than the rest of us.

What first hand information do you have that they are innocent. Thai bashing does not count as first hand evidence. You like most of the people on this thread are just playing Polly want a cracker. Unwilling to see what a court says.

and what are they saying?

Messed up quotes in there. Not my post. The case has not been forwarded to court yet. That is what I am waiting for.

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You guys on the payroll are getting worse by the day.

You talk about evidence.

1) where is the rest of the cctv with the other characters out of shot?

2) why did the Burmese not test positive in the first round of tests?

3) the hoe which they used did not kill David, this has been shown by experts, not speculation.

4) why did cctv in bkk need to be doctored?

5) why did the investigation change course around the 25th from a local family?

You keep talking about evidence........ In my eyes this is evidence.

1. Where is the hour before and the hour after? The police released what they wanted in their effort to get the public to try to help identify those they could not identify and had reason to believe might be involved. You have no clue anything about the "characters out of shot" or if the police already had their identity.

2. As stated and reported numerous times, the collected hundreds of samples and most were not run because of the back log with all the samples. Police were pushing to the top the most likely suspects and/or people they were questioning.

3. Yes there is a hoe and yes it was reported to be a murder weapon. Obviously the case has not been presented in court nor have we seen the coroner or police report to know what other weapons may have been involved if any.

4. You have absolutely no proof what-so-ever any video was doctored.

5. As all investigations, police follow the leads.

I don't see any evidence except for you trying to take things you don't and that you have no reason to know and turn them into something.

Dear John......

To answer your points.

1) the hour before and after may or may not be relevant. What I as a man on the street would consider relevant would be the 1 or 2 people which were on cctv in front of the person which was widely being sought after. How could anyone in the same shot / on the same street at the same time nor be of interest?

2) that is such a convenient argument. They earlier stated that those test results had not offered any matches. It seems that was changed to not managed to complete the tests.

3) no it has not been presented in court, but the RTP have been adamant all along that the hoe was the murder weapon. Many real forensics experts have agreed that David was not killed by a hoe..... Categorical confirmation by professionals.

4) I don't have any proof, but I will give a few suggestions... The time stamp was not straight. It was a different color to the other one, the furniture was arrange differently to how it is now, and most significantly they could not show the actual video or any real evidence that he was in class.

5) as in some investigations, police will do anything they can NOT to follow leads.

Really looking forward to your response.

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26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.

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[quote name="JohnThailandJohn" post="8573949" timestamp=

Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene. So they are not being asked for DNA samples again by authorities but of course their lawyers are welcome to get new samples.

Yes, their DNA was already matched and confirmed to have been the same as the semen from the crime scene

I must have missed this very important point. I've only ever read that the BIB said they have a DNA match, not that it matches the semen from the crime scene (shouldn't it be the semen "recovered" from the victim's orifice?)

Could you kindly post a link to this, JTJ? I tried searching but in vain......

There will be no reply by jtj to this post

If you keep your eyese close hard enough, no conspiracy is impossible. And by the way since everyone knows the semen DNA matched that on the cigarette then a match to one is the same as a match to the other .... please use your brain.

The two [DNA] samples matched the semen found in the deceased, said Pol.Maj.Gen. Manu Mekmok, commander of Office of Police Forensic Science. He said the DNA test results were finalised at around 8 am this morning. http://www.samuitimes.com/police-say-forensic-tests-implicate-2-burmese-koh-tao-murder/

PHUKET: A police source has confirmed that DNA samples from two of three detained Myanmar workers matches the DNA extracted from semen found on the body of British tourist Hannah Witheridge http://www.phuketgazette.net/thailand-news/Myanmar-workers-DNA-matches-semen-found-Koh/36077#sthash.gzshsYMC.dpuf

On Friday, Police Commissioner Gen. Somyot Poompanmuang told CNN that DNA in semen taken from Witheridge matched samples taken from the two men.


JohnThailandJohn: My hats off to you,, People mistake you for being a troll like jdinasia .. but you actually do what jdinasias avatar says ,, you stay informed .. This information you provide has given me a healthy perspective on this whole mess... Still highly doubt that the scapegoats are anything but scapegoats,, but you made me think again :) thanks .. and stay strong against the haters :)

Funny though, that hogwash was not reported in anything which one could call a credible news source. As much as I dislike the press at times they all knew it is rubbish.

Reuters? BBC? guardian?

Even the main Thai press would not print such rubbish.

If they can prove that, then why the circus?

Why has the case been sent back twice?

That would prove beyond reasonable doubt.

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Are Bangkok Airways going to release the passanger manifest of the early morning flight from Koh Samui on the morning after the murders?

Are the same Bangkok Airways who I believe are the owner/operators of Koh Samui airport going to release CCTV footage inside the terminal of that morning?

I believe 3 members of the British Police force will be knocking at your door at any moment.

Are you going to refuse to give the information?....was the passenger manifest altered? was a passenger knowingly flying under a false name?

If you are withholding information, not only will this have serious consequences from the police investigation but also from the International Airline community.

Let's not forget the 7.30am Nok Air flight from Chumphon. Gets into DM at 08.45. No bags and met by a motorbike and he can be anywhere he wants by 09.30.

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They have been focusing on evidence? Really? The evidence disappeared not long after the cops found out who was behind the murder. So that means they have been focusing on nothing.

Oh please, give them a little credit, they've not been sitting back on their behinds, they've been very focused on covering up as much of the truth as possible and hiding the trail of vast amounts of money coming to them from from the family to keep things hidden.

Edited by thailandchilli
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