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Recycle Those Old Posts! Best Of Pud

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the gentleman Posted: Sat 2004-02-28, 17:21:16

I love the warts on society , you didnt have a post, so a flame will do again.

Let me spell it out to you Georgie as you seem to be getting your ambitions mixed up with your capabilities.

I am a millionaire, you are poor (trying to find teaching work at your age)

I am 36 years old, you are an old hasbeen

I was an elite soldier, you were a cook

I speak the Thai, you speak primary school bar Thai

I have a house on the beach, you have a rented condo in Bangkok

I own my houses, you hide, when the landlord approaches

I am building a 50 room resort, you are building friendships with other like minded septics

I look after my wife, you give your "partners" from the bar, there daily allowance or an IOU, to the end of the month

I dont take myself seriously as I know who I am, you are inferior as it shows in your banter

I am suspended from Thaivisa, you are not.

I would meet you, you would hide

I believe the world doesnt need unjust wars, you believe "kill em all"

I laugh at you, rip me to shreds - go and apologise to your family for being a failure, clock in, to your failure in life job, pay your hoars and keep posting crap.

Again Georgie, if you ever want to have a "chat" in person, I will gladly come to have a "quiet beer" and then you can "rip me to shreds".

You are trying to be something your not, carry on, I have met many of your type in my day, both as a civvy and in the forces - your all wind!

You havent a clue what happens in a war, except for how many loafs of bread to order for the mess hall - now go and dot your Is and cross your Ts, use your spell check and live under a rock - Ill be out sailing!

Todays Poll - Kerry 55%, Bush 40% - have a nice day

This post has been edited by ###### on Sat 2004-02-28, 18:48:47

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How about frantic lies and major B.S.?

shouldnt you be out looking for work?, if you cant find any, donate your time to the clean up in Iraq - I am guessing the "new America", will be looking for "American English" teachers over there, especially in Mc Donalds Baghdad - you could even have a George Bush "sad" meal - do you want lies with that? :D:D:o

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How about frantic lies and major B.S.?

shouldnt you be out looking for work?, if you cant find any, donate your time to the clean up in Iraq - I am guessing the "new America", will be looking for "American English" teachers over there, especially in Mc Donalds Baghdad - you could even have a George Bush "sad" meal - do you want lies with that? :D:D:o

Freedom lies. :D

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More like private Spud Tosser reporting sir. KP is my specialty. Have potato peeler; will travel!

Someone in Phuket, who says that he knows you, PM-ed me that you and your whole unit prepared mess for US Army basic Infantry in the first Gulf War. Those are pretty impressive credentials for the Australian version of the Missing Link! :o

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You guys should get a room...

What gets me is a thirty six year old millionaiire talking with the patronizing tone of a high school math teacher...

I'll be watching from the woodwork... nah, dinner's on. Yummo!

The pig...

PS: A sorrell is a type of mushroom. Oh no! There's a fungus among us. :o

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How about frantic lies and major B.S.?

shouldnt you be out looking for work?, if you cant find any, donate your time to the clean up in Iraq - I am guessing the "new America", will be looking for "American English" teachers over there, especially in Mc Donalds Baghdad - you could even have a George Bush "sad" meal - do you want lies with that? :D:D:o

Freedom lies. :D

LOVE your new Avatar Adjan jb!!! :D

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How about frantic lies and major B.S.?

shouldnt you be out looking for work?, if you cant find any, donate your time to the clean up in Iraq - I am guessing the "new America", will be looking for "American English" teachers over there, especially in Mc Donalds Baghdad - you could even have a George Bush "sad" meal - do you want lies with that? :D:D:o

Freedom lies. :D

LOVE your new Avatar Adjan jb!!! :D

Boon Mee, Merci.

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Regular readers know my opinions about the state of PUDs brain, or lack of one, however, I am nothing if not fair. PUD did write one good post, back in history sometime. Here it is:

the gentleman Posted on: Tue 2004

There were a total of 15 passengers boarding a small

plane on their way to Florida.

One black mother and her child were on their way to

visit relatives while the other passengers consisted

of the Ku Klux Klan on their way to a convention.

The plane took off and after flying for approximately

12 minutes an announcement came over the intercom from

the pilot saying: "We have overloaded this flight. We

are going to have to start throwing luggage out the

window so the plane won't go down."

Two minutes later you could see luggage being thrown

out the window. Five minutes after that, the pilot

made a second announcement.

"We are still experiencing problems. We're sorry, but

the plane is still overloaded and we're going to have

to get rid of some of the weight so the plane won't go


"We're going to have to ask some passengers to jump

out of the window when we call you by your name. To

make it fair, we'll go alphabetically. We'll start

with A. Will all the African Americans please jump


The black woman and her child continued to sit.

The pilot came over the intercom system. "Next is B.

Will all the Black people please jump now?" The Black

woman and child continued to sit.

The pilot came over the intercom system again. "Next

is C. Will all the colored people please jump now?"

All the KKK were now staring at the mother and child.

The black woman and child continued to sit. The child

then looked up at her mother and said: "Mom aren't we

all of those?"

The mother then replied to her daughter, "Baby, we're

niggers tonight and the K's come before the N's."

Ta Da!

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your in the teaching business :D  :D

grow up Georgie boy - Ill debate and post interesting topics - you just do what you do :o

You don't debate. You cut and paste other people's opinions, and then make illiterate attempts at supporting them.

As for teaching, I haven't done that for many years, but my nephew in kindergarten wants a stab at correcting your latest hodge-podge of mistakes:


your in the teaching business grow up Georgie boy - Ill debate and post interesting topics - you just do what you do
My nephew:
You are in the teaching business. Grow up Georgie boy. I will debate and post interesting topics. You just do what you do.

Did I mention that my nephew is only 5 years old? :D He's so cute. He just said, "Uncle PUD, dumb. dumb!

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adjan, dude, you don't have the slightest idea! I'm PMing you about this.

It sounds like your in for detention Adjarn - "dude" - you sound like snoop doggy dog - are you really a black rapper Georgie??

Please dont teach any more Thais "American English" Georgie, there is enough out there now with American accents/euphanisms - even with my spelling, I should replace you as an educator :o

ok homeboy, youve got bling bling - word!, thats what Im talkin about!

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Let's think about this. I have several businesses. I amuse myself when I work by giving you a hard time. When I'm not working, I don't get near the computer.

You, however, (supposedly) are retired, live on the beach in Phuket, are a millionaire, go sailing, yet, all you have to do all day, every day is rave at me on the Internet.

Who is more pathetic? :o

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That must of been a big swimming pool, you took ages :D

Yes I have been on the forum all day today - I also have been working all day, but my work, will never be finished - it is too bring the world up to speed on the real facts regarding war, George Bush and all your other nicks :o - your new job (vice captain) is to correct my spelling mistakes, to make sure people can understand what I am saying - ok dude? :D

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posted by Georgie-Porgie

Let's think about this. I have several businesses. I amuse myself while I work by giving you a hard time. When I'm not working, I don't get near the computer.

You, however, (supposedly) are retired, live on the beach in Phuket, are a millionaire, go sailing, yet, all you have to do all day, every day is rave at me on the Internet. Who is more pathetic?

Yes I have been on the forum all day today - I also have been working all day, but my work, will never be finished - it is too bring the world up to speed on the real facts regarding war, George Bush and all your other nicks  :o  - your new job (vice captain) is to correct my spelling mistakes, to make sure people can understand what I am saying - ok dude? :D

Well that was quite easy to answer. :D

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