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Can personal loan creditor prohibit me from leaving country?

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I remember such a case where a foreigner had a dispute with his former landlord about alleged damage to the property (compensation for damages).

The foreigner could not leave the country.

If I remember right, he even was imprisoned?

Edited by KhunBENQ
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As Ubonjoe said, first he has to file a report with police, and after that go to the court to get a hearning, which could/probably would result in you having to attend a court session, in the mean time not being allowed to leave the country. This will all take a while.

He can not take any direct action with immigration.

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I remember such a case where a foreigner had a dispute with his former landlord about alleged damage to the property (compensation for damages).

The foreigner could not leave the country.

If I remember right, he even was imprisoned?

If you are talking about the Singapore guy. I don't believe he was ever in jail but he was not allowed to leave because of the trial and appeals. It was also a criminal case as he was accused of stealing furniture from his landlord when he moved out. With appeals he was stuck here three years but sounded like he really didn't mind because he could have settled and just paid for the furniture. I forget all the details but he and I believe his boyfriend had a business here for years.

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If I were you, I would try to work out a settlement. If the the person you are obligated to believes you have money to pay, assume he/she will take steps to collect and the last thing you want is to wrapped up in a court case here, especially if there is any chance you are in the wrong. If there was any underhanded dealings you had with this person then you might also assume their will possibly be some non-legal attempts to get the money from you.

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I was sold shares in a company that boasted 9 million annual profit. In addition to considerable investment in millions of baht, part of the sales agreement was based on a considerable loan payment per month for a fixed period. Paying this loan was assuming the stated income was true. Gullible me fell for the presentation. The first month net was -30,000. I won't go into the long story, that's a novel. Bottom line, 'm not paying a loan based on a fraud. Fortunately, I have good lawyers, but it will probably suck my life for the next year or two.

And, this immigration threat is just one of many threats and intimidation tactics. It's pathetic how these types of people will seek more blood even after they already stabbed you in the back.

I sucks to be "that guy". I heard the horror stories my first two years in Thailand. I was confident I wouldn't let anything stupid like this happen to me. I still don't know how they did it. It's almost like I was hypnotised!

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I was sold shares in a company that boasted 9 million annual profit. In addition to considerable investment in millions of baht, part of the sales agreement was based on a considerable loan payment per month for a fixed period. Paying this loan was assuming the stated income was true. Gullible me fell for the presentation. The first month net was -30,000. I won't go into the long story, that's a novel. Bottom line, 'm not paying a loan based on a fraud. Fortunately, I have good lawyers, but it will probably suck my life for the next year or two.

And, this immigration threat is just one of many threats and intimidation tactics. It's pathetic how these types of people will seek more blood even after they already stabbed you in the back.

I sucks to be "that guy". I heard the horror stories my first two years in Thailand. I was confident I wouldn't let anything stupid like this happen to me. I still don't know how they did it. It's almost like I was hypnotised

Either way you still owe it, that being said I can see now why you may want to avoid it. Not sure what visa you are on but chances are you will need a border run at some point....... time it with that, and if you are stopped for whatever reason tell them you were just doing a visa run. If not stopped, go home and don't ever come back.

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Either way you still owe it, that being said I can see now why you may want to avoid it. Not sure what visa you are on but chances are you will need a border run at some point....... time it with that, and if you are stopped for whatever reason tell them you were just doing a visa run. If not stopped, go home and don't ever come back.

Clearly you have not read much above, so I'll summarize for you:

No court case or judgment == no travel restriction.

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If your debtor has connections, and has money, almost anything is possible here. But it will be the police that will cause the problems, not immigration. And they can hold your passport till things get sorted out, thus preventing you from leaving the country.

Here's an example of what somebody with connections and money can do:


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Either way you still owe it, that being said I can see now why you may want to avoid it. Not sure what visa you are on but chances are you will need a border run at some point....... time it with that, and if you are stopped for whatever reason tell them you were just doing a visa run. If not stopped, go home and don't ever come back.

Clearly you have not read much above, so I'll summarize for you:

No court case or judgment == no travel restriction.

How are you 100% sure of that? In a court case they just notify at last known address. If the guy has moved since he may not know if there has actually been proceedings!

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Either way you still owe it, that being said I can see now why you may want to avoid it. Not sure what visa you are on but chances are you will need a border run at some point....... time it with that, and if you are stopped for whatever reason tell them you were just doing a visa run. If not stopped, go home and don't ever come back.

Clearly you have not read much above, so I'll summarize for you:

No court case or judgment == no travel restriction.

This is not true. You can be stopped from leaving if there is an outstanding arrest warrant showing on the computer.

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I was told of a possible scenario whereby if the debt's collectors are serious and persistent they can go as far

as follow you to the airport and as you try to enter the departure hall they will start a commotion

with you and thus the airport police will get involved and you will be prevented from leaving until

the situation has cleared out, and being a farang, justice is not on your side in this country..

in this country, no one rally knows what are the local thinking and what they will do next...

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Either way you still owe it, that being said I can see now why you may want to avoid it. Not sure what visa you are on but chances are you will need a border run at some point....... time it with that, and if you are stopped for whatever reason tell them you were just doing a visa run. If not stopped, go home and don't ever come back.

Clearly you have not read much above, so I'll summarize for you:

No court case or judgment == no travel restriction.

Clearly you are following Western rules in your head, monied up Thais can put you in a world of trouble and use the law any way they see fit.

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It probably boils down to you having 2 options: 1) pay the money you owe 2) slip out of LOS and through one of the land borders (just popping over to Vientiane or Siem Reap for a weekend sightseeing) and do not return.

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I'm with Jeremy. RUN FOREST RUN.

Don't get me wrong I live off rentals in AU and had people doing runners and leaving with unpaid rent etc. Some of whom I have helped as assisted so much....So yes I hate the concept of not paying your debts. This seems to be case where you were duped . GET OUT .....you have my blessing son.

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Welshing on a debit is always the wrong thing to do. For they were there when you needed them and morally you have a responsibility to repay the loan.

However, the fact is that they can try to stop you from leaving the country, but as has been posted, it is not as easy as that for then to do it and will take time which is on your side. Just watch your back (!) and head for the airport or a land crossing and depart and do not come back in.

But if you want to live in Thailand then pay your debts and be done with it. Sounds to me like you went to an 'outside' source for your... 'loan'. Frankly, you should have known better. But now that you are in this situation, just pay up or at the very least arrange a payment plan or arrange a settlement amount.

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Investments have risk.

Was it fraud or bad luck?

Was the presented return on investment so great that you borrowed money to get rich?

If you borrowed large amount of money on an investment with out researching the company I would suspect you are a novice investor hoping to make a lot of money.

As others have stated you could probably flee your debt and the country without problems from immigration. But watch you back for less than legal tactics to recover their money. I have heard debt collectors can be aggressive and persuasive.

But seems you have a debt you should pay

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I may be missing something in the op post.....Or maybe not. Some members seem to be reading it as a simple loan. Perhaps the 30,000 was misunderstood.

Often say in AU. We can recommend a punter take out an investment loan. Let's say the monthly repayment is 60k.

But its pitched with rider that the shares will (meaning should) make 50k dividend per month. Easy least your out 10k and the shares are increasing. Happy days.

But in the small print they cover lower dividends and falling share prices.

Result an on going service debt with decreasing capital value. Its called the deal that keeps giving ....otherwise know as the never ending story. Prob in small print there will also be a non bail out clause meaning you get nothing for any investment and still liable for reoccurring debt. Simple example of above was USA real estate bubble pop.

As I said earlier. GET OUT SON and I mean now. Don't pack the pots and pans.

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I'm not running, It's a border run. I will be back to fight for my investment. Here's an analogy for the critics: You put money down on a taxi and make payments from the income from fares, but the taxi they sold you had no engine.

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Investments have risk.

Was it fraud or bad luck?

Was the presented return on investment so great that you borrowed money to get rich?

If you borrowed large amount of money on an investment with out researching the company I would suspect you are a novice investor hoping to make a lot of money.

As others have stated you could probably flee your debt and the country without problems from immigration. But watch you back for less than legal tactics to recover their money. I have heard debt collectors can be aggressive and persuasive.

But seems you have a debt you should pay

The only exchange of money was from me to the business owner.

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