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Top things Thai people don't like about Farang

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Logic...it's garlic to a vampire to Thai's

Logic...flipping Logic..water runs down hill...gravity...Thai's feel embarrassed in the truth..or question...they will politely reply "YES" even is two questions are asked in selecting one.

NOT KNOWING other countries customs or education levels...not knowing has kept Thailand that country we like...a grow'n up person who likes simple things...flashy color..loud noise...spend what ya have tomorrow never comes attitude..love it!

Saying this will no doubt bring the cream to the top "Thais Reading This"...OMG... he has said "WHAT WE DO NOT LIKE...him educated"

Not that is sarcasm...Oh Big Word..but knowing this annoys Thai's it is something THAI's have the choice in "walking around a sleeping dog...or step on it tails as it IN THE WAY...their choice...

We foreigners are like sunlight reflected from the moon just a reflection...a romantic and mystic power to Thai's but not fully understood.

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"Top things Thai people don't like about Farang"

For every "probrem" that cmcmangoman has EVER had in Thailand in 10 years time stems from one thing and one thing only. THAI JEALOUSY. If one was to really stop and analyze Thailands people and culture, one would find that most problems start with the trifecta of trouble. That is, jealousy, greed and selfishness. From these three things come all other actions, attitudes, and re-actions. These are the foundational root in fact, of ALL problems in the entire world. Not just Thailand. But for this post lets just focus on Thai specifics.

#1) Thais are jealous of my precieved monied lifestyle.

#2) Thais believe I must have inherited my money from a "litch" family back in falangland and this creates jealousy in them.

#3) Thais envy my formal education in engineering, my breadth of knowledge and my traveled world perspective on the rare occasion I actually give it.

#4) Finally,but not exhaustive by any means, Thai people are blatantly jealous of my Thai wife who must of somehow done SOMETHING to have fooled this obviously "supa litch" falang into marrying her and by extension made her "soooo litch"!!!

Say what you want gentlemen but I speak the truth and deep down we all know what I write here is truth. It's absolute human nature. No one is exempt, just forgiven. So be hard to offend and easy to forgive and enjoy what's left over. Best advice.

not sure what youre doing top provoke that but thankfully its never happened to me , my wife or my friends.

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It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

Just what we think.

Best regards,

Do Thais tip ?

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"Top things Thai people don't like about Farang"

For every "probrem" that cmcmangoman has EVER had in Thailand in 10 years time stems from one thing and one thing only. THAI JEALOUSY. If one was to really stop and analyze Thailands people and culture, one would find that most problems start with the trifecta of trouble. That is, jealousy, greed and selfishness. From these three things come all other actions, attitudes, and re-actions. These are the foundational root in fact, of ALL problems in the entire world. Not just Thailand. But for this post lets just focus on Thai specifics.

#1) Thais are jealous of my precieved monied lifestyle.

#2) Thais believe I must have inherited my money from a "litch" family back in falangland and this creates jealousy in them.

#3) Thais envy my formal education in engineering, my breadth of knowledge and my traveled world perspective on the rare occasion I actually give it.

#4) Finally,but not exhaustive by any means, Thai people are blatantly jealous of my Thai wife who must of somehow done SOMETHING to have fooled this obviously "supa litch" falang into marrying her and by extension made her "soooo litch"!!!

Say what you want gentlemen but I speak the truth and deep down we all know what I write here is truth. It's absolute human nature. No one is exempt, just forgiven. So be hard to offend and easy to forgive and enjoy what's left over. Best advice.

not sure what youre doing top provoke that but thankfully its never happened to me , my wife or my friends.

Jealousy does not require provocation of any sort. It starts within the heart and is self perpetuating. Have you never been the victim of undeserved jealousy and envy? Use your head man. Think!

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My wife seems to think that being "stinky" or "cheap charlie" is the worst thing about some falangs. But really, being cheap is just about the worst human trait in ALL areas of the world. People who are cheap with money are usually cheap with their feelings and their attitude to the world in general.

That depends on how you define "cheap"

When I see "Buy 1 get 1 free" I will take advantage if it is something that I use.

I don't believe in wasting money. If I did, I probably wouldn't have any now.

I don't call that being "cheap", I call that being sensible.

What I do call being "cheap" is constantly bumming cigarettes off of people, trying to get other people to buy your alcohol and rarely, if ever giving out ciggies or buying a drink for others. Tagging along with a group with no intention of paying your own way. Inviting someone somewhere and then expecting them to pay because you "have no money"

I have never experienced any of the above from any Farang in Thailand.

Guess who I have experienced it from! And it is attempted on a near daily basis.

I would experience it on a more regular basis, but most people know that they will be wasting their time. I'm not going to waste any generosity on people that don't know how to show appreciation for it

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It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

Just what we think.

Best regards,

And Irish???

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Ditto... are Thais reading this?

But here are my guesses:

  1. You thinking too much.
  2. Thinking that you know better.
  3. You like to press a point or an issue.
  4. Logic... what is that?
  5. Forgetting to take your shoes off when entering a store to spend money buying things.
  6. Being loud.
  7. Expecting that what is paid for is delivered.
  8. Not realizing that you are private ATMs.
  9. Not realizing that the yellow line down the middle of the road here is just a 'suggestion'.
  10. Why you worry about things, when you have all this money.
  11. Why get drunk on beer when Thai whiskey is available.
  12. Never getting stopped/questioned at check points.
  13. How can you get tired of rice?
  14. Why do you actually stop at Stop Signs?
  15. Fighting.
  16. Arguing.
  17. Public signs of affection.
  18. Not seeing yourself as a meal ticket.
  19. Why you "not understand" that the Thai skin color is not good and white is better.
  20. Why you "not understand" just about everything.
  21. Why you like Thai women? "Oh, I have friend that wants a Farang boy friend".
  22. Why you fat?
  23. Why you not learn to speak Thai?"

And so on and so on................................

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"Top things Thai people don't like about Farang"

For every "probrem" that cmcmangoman has EVER had in Thailand in 10 years time stems from one thing and one thing only. THAI JEALOUSY. If one was to really stop and analyze Thailands people and culture, one would find that most problems start with the trifecta of trouble. That is, jealousy, greed and selfishness. From these three things come all other actions, attitudes, and re-actions. These are the foundational root in fact, of ALL problems in the entire world. Not just Thailand. But for this post lets just focus on Thai specifics.

#1) Thais are jealous of my precieved monied lifestyle.

#2) Thais believe I must have inherited my money from a "litch" family back in falangland and this creates jealousy in them.

#3) Thais envy my formal education in engineering, my breadth of knowledge and my traveled world perspective on the rare occasion I actually give it.

#4) Finally,but not exhaustive by any means, Thai people are blatantly jealous of my Thai wife who must of somehow done SOMETHING to have fooled this obviously "supa litch" falang into marrying her and by extension made her "soooo litch"!!!

Say what you want gentlemen but I speak the truth and deep down we all know what I write here is truth. It's absolute human nature. No one is exempt, just forgiven. So be hard to offend and easy to forgive and enjoy what's left over. Best advice.

not sure what youre doing top provoke that but thankfully its never happened to me , my wife or my friends.

Jealousy does not require provocation of any sort. It starts within the heart and is self perpetuating. Have you never been the victim of undeserved jealousy and envy? Use your head man. Think!

not in thailand! you must be doing something wrong.

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some beer drinking/ barhopping sad farangs who hate anything thai.

The prejudice of Issan people by farangs

The intereference of thai politics by know all wannabees.

The disgust of thai driving, then farang do the same

The hatred of corruption by farangs, who then want to bribe police, and have the right to buy themselves out of trouble

The wannabee hi-so farangs, that think they are better than thais

What about "The prejudice of Issan people by many thai people" ?

I agree, but the thread was not about that, good idea start a thread about the racism from bk thais to issan thais

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Thais think:

1.Farangs love to much sex

2.Farangs stink

3.Farangs like confrontation

4.Farangs talk too much

5.Farangs don't like gossiping

6.Farangs are too intimidating

7.Farangs can not understand Thainess

8.Farangs don't know how to dress?

9. Farangs are heavy drinkers

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some beer drinking/ barhopping sad farangs who hate anything thai.

The prejudice of Issan people by farangs

The intereference of thai politics by know all wannabees.

The disgust of thai driving, then farang do the same

The hatred of corruption by farangs, who then want to bribe police, and have the right to buy themselves out of trouble

The wannabee hi-so farangs, that think they are better than thais

What about "The prejudice of Issan people by many Thai people" ?

Indeed, one of the reasons farangs are looked down on, sneered at and laughed at behind their backs, is because they are happy to marry a dark skinned northern lass! In fact I;ve been here a long time, and yet I have not ever heard a farang slagging of Isaan people as a group - although I have often heard Thais do exactly that. Farangs may comment on their lack of education, families being often happy with sending their young daughters off to the city brothels , and their aptness to take loans for silly things like mobile phones, parties and cars when they have no way of repaying it - however, this always seems more aimed towards the government for allowing the continuation of all that, than the people themselves.

To BF - what is a Hi-So Wannabe? If you mean the Nouveau riche, well the west has had them longer than Thailand has existed, so who is the wannabe? If you mean poor farangs trying to look wealthy when they are not - Thais have us beat here too - just check out the monks with their bling and tech; or just about any dirt farmer with their IPad and IPhone. I agree about the corruption and driving comment however. The rest is just drivel.

Drivel back to ye sir

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Farangs "think too much and talk too much". I tell my wife I don't want to stop talking because I fear if I do... she might start up.

A stand-up comedian came up with a similar sentiment:

"I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months. I don't like to interrupt her."

But this is true everywhere not just in Thailand. My Ex would not shut up!

Edited by iamariva1957
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You got lucky. No one gave my tips back in Australia and I have visited there a lot. The only place that has happened to me is Japan.

In Japan ... apparently, not uncommon to refuse tips (must drive the Yanks crazy).

Difficult to comment first hand as I only had a week there.

As for Australia ... UG ... we they saw you coming ... biggrin.png

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Do Thais tip ?

I have to say, in the majority, most times they do.

Not a lot.

Not to the level that a person from the States would.

That said, I've been in (Bangkok) taxis where the fare is Bt 42 and the driver motions to my Thai gf ... Bt 40 is OK.

So, everywhere is different, when referring to the Thai's in Thailand.


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otocheater, on 28 Oct 2014 - 11:14, said:

It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

Just what we think.

Best regards,

Are you sure this is what Thais hate, or is it more what YOU hate... seems a few posts have not understood the OP, but are expressing their own "hates."

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They dont like to hear the plain truth!

And/or read it.

what truths would you be referring to?

Wow, you opened Pandora's box there.

There's waaaaaaaaaaay too many stray dogs in Thailand.

There's waaaaaaaaay too many people standing around scratching their ass at Tesco/Big C etc that barely even know where the front door is, much less how to help a customer.

Soap dispenser in restaurants are supposed to have SOAP in them.

Rinsing your arse with your hand and a slop bucket is disgusting.

Motorcycle helmets are a good idea.

Riding around traffic with 4 people on your motorcycle is a bad (mad) idea.

The beach in Pattaya is sh!t because nobody cares.


I could go on for ages.........

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It depends on what type of farang. Farang kee nok or farang work in office or posh farang.

Base on Nationalities also. For example American talk too much. Over act , show off, too independent... (a bit crazy)

British too proud of acents even from Liverpool, Manchester or New castle and i never understood scottish.

French just pretend to be elegant but actually quite rude (resist)

Australian too thrifty, never gave any tips to servicers. (If Thais know this customers from Australia they dont wanna give good service)

Just what we think.

Best regards,

As there was no comment in your post about Greeks, I assume they are perfectthumbsup.gif

I think they've probably just never heard of them.

thumbsup.gif Years ago I knew a young-ish Brit fellow & he'd tell all the bar-girls he was from Greenland biggrin.png .

They'd never heard of that place! So, yeah, Greece is probably the same to them.

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They dont like to hear the plain truth!

And/or read it.

what truths would you be referring to?

Wow, you opened Pandora's box there.

There's waaaaaaaaaaay too many stray dogs in Thailand.

There's waaaaaaaaay too many people standing around scratching their ass at Tesco/Big C etc that barely even know where the front door is, much less how to help a customer.

Soap dispenser in restaurants are supposed to have SOAP in them.

Rinsing your arse with your hand and a slop bucket is disgusting.

Motorcycle helmets are a good idea.

Riding around traffic with 4 people on your motorcycle is a bad (mad) idea.

The beach in Pattaya is sh!t because nobody cares.


I could go on for ages.........

those are facts of thai life not truths. and you have the solution in your own hands

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