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Indian fugitive believed to be in Thailand: Immigration chief


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What on earth can make this believable that a most wanted criminal would use his own identity to fly in to another country with his actual name and passport?

How did he manage to fly out of India at the very first place??

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He's a Sikh separatist...no muslim

Typical racist comment on Muslims. A guy who bombed and wanted for assassination and for diggin out from so called high prison in India just because he is Sikh, can't be labeled as terrorist?!?!! What should the world call him? A spiritualist?!?!

A criminal is a criminal regardless of his religious faith and ethnicity.

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Thought I saw him on Pattaya Beach Road selling new suits (2 shirts and a tie) made to measure in 24hrs

yes i spoted him in a posey of 5 other indians (always hunt in packs) sweet talking a beach girl into a 6 for 1 deal. after that didnt work saw them order 3 dinners at a restaurant for the six of them. they then got booted out of a bar after ordering 3 drinks. hey they are easy to spot thou, they all have a big stamp on their backs says "unwanted entity"

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Thought I saw him on Pattaya Beach Road selling new suits (2 shirts and a tie) made to measure in 24hrs

yes i spoted him in a posey of 5 other indians (always hunt in packs) sweet talking a beach girl into a 6 for 1 deal. after that didnt work saw them order 3 dinners at a restaurant for the six of them. they then got booted out of a bar after ordering 3 drinks. hey they are easy to spot thou, they all have a big stamp on their backs says "unwanted entity"

Wow, could you guys be any more obvious about your malicious & racist regard for people of another race / faith by talking about a completely unrelated incident where you witnessed (or stalked :/) a bunch of poor guys who aren't as privileged as you to be able to order a meal each, and on top of that generalize an entire race by saying they "always hunt in packs" ? How bloody offensive, I have a number of lovely Indian friends who might not be from as poor or as uneducated a region as the folks you speak of, but they most certainly do not come across in the nasty way that you describe Indians as a whole. It's people like you who keep hate & intolerance alive with your poorly conceived notions of reality in a multicultural world / society. Pathetic, shame on you.

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If I was him Id lose the silly hat ,beard and gun ( dead giveaway) then he would never be recognised

Silly hat? Man what the hell, is this a bash anyone that isn't a farang forum or is it a place where we share ideas, and enhance each others existence through the transferal of information regardless ones race / culture / dress code?

He's a Sikh, that's his traditional headdress, the beard is also part of the religion, and lumping anyone who looks like him with what terrorists typically look like? Weak. You think you're smart with your witty science/religion caption, don't get me wrong I'm no fan of religion but I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people told you your parents looked stupid in their religious garments.

We really need to understand that so many of the ignorant things we say to Asians etc. if they said to us we'd be up in arms but we somehow thing it's okay to generalize and stereotype, well it's not.

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check out soi 4 a shed load of "suicide bombers" living there,(big hotel next to Hanrahans Bar).well i have given them a start,(police that is) or maybe him, a head start,-- i was on a flight back to india recently, a whole plane full of them i never felt so safe in all my life , lol !!

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I'm sure I've seen this guy skulking around a Tailor Shop somewhere in Bangkok or Pattaya.

You're just another dime a dozen, racist, stereotyping piece of filth just like the others with similar comments. It's intolerant and unacceptable, I do hope you get it handed to you when you finally find the balls to say this kind of stuff in public. If you're not a teenager with little to no life experience then you really need a reality check.

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Immigration thought thailand are a disgrace, I arrived at swampy after a 14 hour flight to be screamed at because I simply asked when does my 90 day reporting have to be made (first time I have entered on a re-entry permit) (no date stamp on the stamp in) (and it was on the fast track counters)

pathetic parasites

Wow... why don't you tell us how you really feel.......

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If I was him Id lose the silly hat ,beard and gun ( dead giveaway) then he would never be recognised

Silly hat? Man what the hell, is this a bash anyone that isn't a farang forum or is it a place where we share ideas, and enhance each others existence through the transferal of information regardless ones race / culture / dress code?

He's a Sikh, that's his traditional headdress, the beard is also part of the religion, and lumping anyone who looks like him with what terrorists typically look like? Weak. You think you're smart with your witty science/religion caption, don't get me wrong I'm no fan of religion but I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people told you your parents looked stupid in their religious garments.

We really need to understand that so many of the ignorant things we say to Asians etc. if they said to us we'd be up in arms but we somehow thing it's okay to generalize and stereotype, well it's not.

+++ Wow, could you guys be any more obvious about your malicious & racist regard for people of another race / faith by talking about a completely unrelated incident where you witnessed (or stalked :/) a bunch of poor guys who aren't as privileged as you to be able to order a meal each, and on top of that generalize an entire race by saying they "always hunt in packs" ? How bloody offensive, I have a number of lovely Indian friends who might not be from as poor or as uneducated a region as the folks you speak of, but they most certainly do not come across in the nasty way that you describe Indians as a whole. It's people like you who keep hate & intolerance alive with your poorly conceived notions of reality in a multicultural world / society. Pathetic, shame on you.

Will your next sermon, post #12, be delivered at next Sunday's service ? Ok, you've let us all know your feelings.... settle down.

An anonymous forum is a vehicle to vent one's views, feelings & opinions... be they right, wrong or somewhere in the middle.

A lot of what's posted here is tongue in cheek, sarcastic, attempted humor & often very witty.

If you're going to be an active member of the forum I suggest you calm down & not blow a valve before you get to post #20 There's moderators who will remove subject matter & replies if considered offensive. Take some of the posts as most do, halfheartedly. A lot of replies are just throw away lines from people who are bored & trying to fill in a few idle moments.

Anyway.... it's almost beer o'clock.

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I'm sure I've seen this guy skulking around a Tailor Shop somewhere in Bangkok or Pattaya.

You're just another dime a dozen, racist, stereotyping piece of filth just like the others with similar comments. It's intolerant and unacceptable, I do hope you get it handed to you when you finally find the balls to say this kind of stuff in public. If you're not a teenager with little to no life experience then you really need a reality check.

You can pretty much guarantee the racist comments when it comes to arabs, indians or africans on this forum.

And when a european gets caught it's.... innocent before prove guilty... it was a setup.... but she looked over 18....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A very safe place, for criminals!

do the Thai authorities really believe that criminals put their right address where they are staying on their entry card into the country

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I'm sure I've seen this guy skulking around a Tailor Shop somewhere in Bangkok or Pattaya.

You're just another dime a dozen, racist, stereotyping piece of filth just like the others with similar comments. It's intolerant and unacceptable, I do hope you get it handed to you when you finally find the balls to say this kind of stuff in public. If you're not a teenager with little to no life experience then you really need a reality check.

You can pretty much guarantee the racist comments when it comes to arabs, indians or africans on this forum.

And when a european gets caught it's.... innocent before prove guilty... it was a setup.... but she looked over 18....

how is that a racist remark, and what if he is stating a fact and what he says is true, after all he is in Thailand, or presumed to be here

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Most of you guys have no idea of the efficiency of the RTP in cases like this.....!!!

They are very efficient in catching foreign criminals...!

It's the rich Thais that can avoid to been caught and know how to buy there way out or use there contacts to pressure there way out.....

In cases like this I am convinced they will have him in a relatively fast time.....if he's still in Thailand !!!!....

The Police can count on a unbelievably very vast network of informants....You have no idea of...

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I'm sure I've seen this guy skulking around a Tailor Shop somewhere in Bangkok or Pattaya.

You're just another dime a dozen, racist, stereotyping piece of filth just like the others with similar comments. It's intolerant and unacceptable, I do hope you get it handed to you when you finally find the balls to say this kind of stuff in public. If you're not a teenager with little to no life experience then you really need a reality check.

You can pretty much guarantee the racist comments when it comes to arabs, indians or africans on this forum.

And when a european gets caught it's.... innocent before prove guilty... it was a setup.... but she looked over 18....

how is that a racist remark, and what if he is stating a fact and what he says is true, after all he is in Thailand, or presumed to be here

...... you're clearly joking..because if you aren't haha..well then, let's just not talk to eachother, I can't reason with the unreasonable. If you can't find offence in that remark then go do a survey or something because I feel like explaining it bit by bit won't do one thing with you. Thanks.

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If I was him Id lose the silly hat ,beard and gun ( dead giveaway) then he would never be recognised

Silly hat? Man what the hell, is this a bash anyone that isn't a farang forum or is it a place where we share ideas, and enhance each others existence through the transferal of information regardless ones race / culture / dress code?

He's a Sikh, that's his traditional headdress, the beard is also part of the religion, and lumping anyone who looks like him with what terrorists typically look like? Weak. You think you're smart with your witty science/religion caption, don't get me wrong I'm no fan of religion but I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people told you your parents looked stupid in their religious garments.

We really need to understand that so many of the ignorant things we say to Asians etc. if they said to us we'd be up in arms but we somehow thing it's okay to generalize and stereotype, well it's not.

+++ Wow, could you guys be any more obvious about your malicious & racist regard for people of another race / faith by talking about a completely unrelated incident where you witnessed (or stalked :/) a bunch of poor guys who aren't as privileged as you to be able to order a meal each, and on top of that generalize an entire race by saying they "always hunt in packs" ? How bloody offensive, I have a number of lovely Indian friends who might not be from as poor or as uneducated a region as the folks you speak of, but they most certainly do not come across in the nasty way that you describe Indians as a whole. It's people like you who keep hate & intolerance alive with your poorly conceived notions of reality in a multicultural world / society. Pathetic, shame on you.

Will your next sermon, post #12, be delivered at next Sunday's service ? Ok, you've let us all know your feelings.... settle down.

An anonymous forum is a vehicle to vent one's views, feelings & opinions... be they right, wrong or somewhere in the middle.

A lot of what's posted here is tongue in cheek, sarcastic, attempted humor & often very witty.

If you're going to be an active member of the forum I suggest you calm down & not blow a valve before you get to post #20 There's moderators who will remove subject matter & replies if considered offensive. Take some of the posts as most do, halfheartedly. A lot of replies are just throw away lines from people who are bored & trying to fill in a few idle moments.

Anyway.... it's almost beer o'clock.

"An anonymous forum is a vehicle to vent one's views, feelings & opinions" - Yes that's exactly what I did.

If you can't seem to find the seriousness of the implications of twisting language and perceptions in the way that he did then I'd have to assume you share his thoughts or at least sympathise with him in some way, because to be honest it just comes across as you defending his right to be intolerant. You don't see what you're doing do you, by undermining the seriousness of the issue, whether it be down to old age (no offence), or always trying to see the bright side, the reality is for some there is no bright side. While we may say things in jest, there are other cultures out there who are severely affected and impacted by these so called light hearted, joking (racist) remarks. You may accept it, I certainly won't. I see it every day, mostly from Aussies and Brits, and in recent years Americans are starting to hold prejudices due to politically biased media coverage demonizing and marginalizing minorities & other cultures. I am a product of an international schooling system, so you probably can't even relate, in which case don't bother replying. Enjoy the witty comments I've yet to come across.

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If I was him Id lose the silly hat ,beard and gun ( dead giveaway) then he would never be recognised

Silly hat? Man what the hell, is this a bash anyone that isn't a farang forum or is it a place where we share ideas, and enhance each others existence through the transferal of information regardless ones race / culture / dress code?

He's a Sikh, that's his traditional headdress, the beard is also part of the religion, and lumping anyone who looks like him with what terrorists typically look like? Weak. You think you're smart with your witty science/religion caption, don't get me wrong I'm no fan of religion but I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people told you your parents looked stupid in their religious garments.

We really need to understand that so many of the ignorant things we say to Asians etc. if they said to us we'd be up in arms but we somehow thing it's okay to generalize and stereotype, well it's not.

+++ Wow, could you guys be any more obvious about your malicious & racist regard for people of another race / faith by talking about a completely unrelated incident where you witnessed (or stalked :/) a bunch of poor guys who aren't as privileged as you to be able to order a meal each, and on top of that generalize an entire race by saying they "always hunt in packs" ? How bloody offensive, I have a number of lovely Indian friends who might not be from as poor or as uneducated a region as the folks you speak of, but they most certainly do not come across in the nasty way that you describe Indians as a whole. It's people like you who keep hate & intolerance alive with your poorly conceived notions of reality in a multicultural world / society. Pathetic, shame on you.

Will your next sermon, post #12, be delivered at next Sunday's service ? Ok, you've let us all know your feelings.... settle down.

An anonymous forum is a vehicle to vent one's views, feelings & opinions... be they right, wrong or somewhere in the middle.

A lot of what's posted here is tongue in cheek, sarcastic, attempted humor & often very witty.

If you're going to be an active member of the forum I suggest you calm down & not blow a valve before you get to post #20 There's moderators who will remove subject matter & replies if considered offensive. Take some of the posts as most do, halfheartedly. A lot of replies are just throw away lines from people who are bored & trying to fill in a few idle moments.

Anyway.... it's almost beer o'clock.

"An anonymous forum is a vehicle to vent one's views, feelings & opinions" - Yes that's exactly what I did.[/size]

If you can't seem to find the seriousness of the implications of twisting language and perceptions in the way that he did then I'd have to assume you share his thoughts or at least sympathise with him in some way, because to be honest it just comes across as you defending his right to be intolerant. You don't see what you're doing do you, by undermining the seriousness of the issue, whether it be down to old age (no offence), or always trying to see the bright side, the reality is for some there is no bright side. While we may say things in jest, there are other cultures out there who are severely affected and impacted by these so called light hearted, joking (racist) remarks. [/size]You may accept it, I certainly won't.[/size] I see it every day, mostly from Aussies and Brits, and in recent years Americans are starting to hold prejudices due to politically biased media coverage demonizing and marginalizing minorities & other cultures. I am a product of an international schooling system, so you probably can't even relate, in which case don't bother replying. Enjoy the witty comments I've yet to come across.[/size]

Wow,what a sanctimonious little trinket you are. Product of an international schooling system.... so, the point to that being ?

What is your agenda on here ? Going to rid this terrible world of all the racists, average members that sometimes post a tongue in cheek remark, atheists, agnostics or anyone that doesn't hold the same holier than thou attitude as you ? Best of luck.

Me thinks you need a hobby..... oh, I see you already have one. "The Cleansing of Thai Visa Forum"

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