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Thai women will be like a western women in 30 years


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I see the changes already happening women are glued to there phones waiting for the next message on facebook.

Girls are getting more rude and less friendly with each passing year.

There is more of a entitlement attitude the feeling that I shouldn't have to work and things they should just be given to me.

I feel that the way the world is coming together with technology Thai woman are copying the ways of western women.

They all are obsessed with looking white.

They all want the newest latest phone.

They have a I'm better than you attitude.

I am just worried that the bad traits of western woman will be adopted by Thai woman in the future.

Edited by flyingsaucersarereal
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I see the changes already happening women are glued to there phones waiting for the next message on facebook.

Girls are getting more rude and less friendly with each passing year.

There is more of a entitlement attitude the feeling that I shouldn't have to work and things they should just be given to me.

I feel that the way the world is coming together with technology Thai woman are copying the ways of western women.

They all are obsessed with looking white.

They all want the newest latest phone.

They have a I'm better than you attitude.

I am just worried that the bad traits of western woman will be adopted by Thai woman in the future.

Hi there as a western women who has a teenage girl I agree all westerners are obsessed with the above apart from looking white, they are obsessed with false tan and tanning salons.

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30 years? Its already taking place son. I think in 5 years the transformation will be complete. My girlfriend who is Thai has that attitude. Don't talk to her when she's on the phone. She won't talk to you because she thinks she is better.


Edited by benj005
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30 years? Its already taking place son. I think in 5 years the transformation will be complete. My girlfriend who is Thai has that attitude. Don't talk to her when she's on the phone. She won't talk to you because she thinks she is better.


then why is she your girlfriend?

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I have to agree that Thai women are changing. They are also watching their Thai shows and movies,

and they entertainment is more westernized as well. The phone thing and attitude are a bit of an issue, but women all

over the world are linked to their phones etc., more than in the past, just a sign of the times.

My Thai female relatives are still polite, friendly and less demanding than my Canadian female relatives. They are also

more feminine in their manners, and in what they expect from a man. I can not speak of the single

Thai women that I have seen during my visits, but even the ones I have met at my friends place still

attract me more than the women in Canada. P.S. the jokes with that Benj005 are funny. I hope you are still able

to go over to Thailand on visits and enjoy your time there away from the NJ Winters.

I am afraid that I have to spend this Winter in the frozen north of Canada. Maybe we will get a mild

Winter this year.


Edited by soundman
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Agree but think it will be a lot sooner than 30 years. I predict within 10 years Thailand will be in an economic position where poor rural women will not need to date/marry western rejects for financial benefits. As with what happened with Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia...

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30 years? Its already taking place son. I think in 5 years the transformation will be complete. My girlfriend who is Thai has that attitude. Don't talk to her when she's on the phone. She won't talk to you because she thinks she is better.


Boot ,arse, comes to mind

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I Agee but and I say but a thai woman will never ever be like a woman from the west because thai woman will never have the Same money as woman in the west so then a thai woman will still need to go and fine a rice western man to help them out .

Come to BKK mate, many thai women have much more money then a western woman. And also they have the same or even worse attitude, overweight (not all of them), big mouth, bad manners, loads of cosmetics from A-brands, gossip like crazy, are jealous, selfish, can't cook.

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