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Dog Meat Trade in Thailand Is Under Pressure and May Be Banned

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You said

Don't you know that vegetables have feelings also! Personally I only eat Vegetarians such as cows, pigs, rabbits and fowl, so dogs are safe as they eat meat.


Good for you.

Should warn you that pigs are omnivores and will eat most things.

Check on your supply eh, just to be sure you remain pure.

Now I think on it, given the practices of factory farming you might also want to investigate what your cattle had as part of their diet.

As I say, wouldn't want your diet to contain impurities.

I'll save Estrada the effort.

Prior to the outbreak of BSE (mad cow disease), cattle were routinely fed animal by-products in their feed.

BSE possibly originated as a result of feeding cattle meat-and-bone meal that contained BSE-infected products


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A neighbour was pressed by his Chiang Rai wife to attend an uncle's funeral some years back. He told me he was sickened and surprised to see one of the family call one of the family dogs and casually slit it's throat to throw on the barbecue. He hasn't been back since. Barbarians!bah.gif

Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

No I am not a veggie, I am a meat lover, I just don't sit in judgement of others.

Well an expected response from someone who uses that swivel eyed loon as his avatar.

Oh CULTURE! That hoary old chestnut dusted and put forward as a , haha, valid intelligent argument for the barbarism of tribal peoples from the truly ignorant. It used to be the culture to bind young girls' feet ensuring a lifetime's inability to walk. That okay with you? It still is the culture to marry pre pubescent girls in some countries, after they'd had their genitals mutilated. Ok with that? How about the breeding and slaughtering of tigers to enable some old man to get his dick up [sic]. There are just SIX White Rhinos left on the planet, - Chinese medicine. The Japanese are still defending their culture of slaughtering whales and dolphins under the guise of 'science'. How we doing so far? huh.png

As to my eating habits I am a lifelong vegetarian. I would not condone the suffering of another sentient creature for my supposed enjoyment. And no, I don't wear leather either, so let's not go there.

BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism laugh.png

Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you.

I worked as an embalmer's assistant and if the body had been autopsied, there was no stomach in the corpse, and if not embalmed, we used a trocar to remove stomach contents prior to introducing embalming fluid directly into the abdominal cavity. http://www.embalming.net/cavity.htm

Embalmed corpses don't rot; they are preserved for decades. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070201181841AARGsLd

Please don't make up stuff to bolster your argument as it causes you to lose credibility.


When lab grown meat arrives within the next 20 years, will they make dog for some Asians?

In South Korea, I seem to remember reading dog meat is not popular with the younger generation, so that may well fade out. The Chinese that eat dogs need a generation or two to become civilised before they are able to question themselves.


"thats why i mainly avoid pork" why?you avois clever pigs?

Dogs and pigs are a lot smarter than cows and chickens. That's mainly why I avoid pork. I wouldn't dream of eating dog meat.


No need for the paws pun. I have two beautiful black panther labradors. But you and I, no matter what, as not a party to the cultural establishment, will ever make a dot on changing the culture of Asian ways. Unfortunate, but true.

You are wrong Commerce, you are Wrong. It takes just ONE person with the wit and courage to stand up against this, of many unconscionable practices to give momentum to change in morals and ethics here. In every strata of life.

Is not this, the basic premise that which many members of this forum have been calling for in this corrupted lost country? CHANGE! Stand the f#k UP!


I am guilty of a spelling/typo error,not indecency. prick

so funny. I bet your parents are proud of your interlectual wit

I only eat Thai. As long as the missus isn't around.

Or she's involved at the same time thumbsup.gif

Lighten up guys....there are meat eaters and non meat eaters in the world. I doubt the twain will ever agree.

Some of us have animals we regard as pets and cannot fathom how some people could eat them. Others can eat the same animal without a skerrick of conscience. C'est la vie.

Anyone want a feed of grasshopper?

I expect you parents are proud of you being an interlectual too.


Thailand has finally been hounded into doing something about this situation for it to have made the New York Times..

Let's see how long it lasts, if at all.

Why is it any business of Americans, what Thai people eat??

Continue to bomb the Middle-East back further into the stoneage!!

bomb into the stone age


I remember a stir a few years ago in Australia where do googers, probably veggies were up in arms because people were eating rabbits and they were suppose to be pets. They wanted the consumption of rabbits banned and made ilegal. They didn't eat it so it was wrong. I don't eat seafood so maybe that should be banned as I have pet fish.

Always easy to condemn others for what you don't do or like yourself Chooka. You make the point well that many do just that.

Some Aussies eat those lovely Kangaroos and who knows what else.

Some Belgies scoff horses.

Some Brits like hares, rabbits, game birds.

Some Germans eat wild boar.

Some South Africans eat all sorts of lovely animals we see in zoos.

But, dogs, man's best friend. gets people riled.

South Korean's, eat more dog meat than Thailand. I've seen videos of family picnics where they play with pups before selecting one for the barbie. No one seems to bash them though. Or China where cats are boiled alive.

Your way off the mark here. This ban has not been tabled because of the morality or political correctness of eating dog, it is the barbaric and inhuman caging and transport of the dogs from Thailand to Vietnam. Hundreds suffocate during that trip, some after days of travel are found to have horribly broken legs caught in the wire of the cages, and as a result are useless and bludgeon to death. The meat of an animal under stress toughens up very quickly. This is a practice that has to stop - it is archaic in nature and horrific. The dogs should go through a inspected licensed abortare. But the government doesn't want this albatross so visibly around its neck. There has been an ongoing animal protection issue with the live transport of sheep from Australia to the Middle East. This transport of live dogs is far more tragic, you have never seen it. In fact something does not ring true with your claim of knowing about this practice in Thailand.

Where in my post do I claim to know about this practice in Thailand?

Read the post again.


Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

So then you have no problem offering up a family member for a feast? After all, it's all meat. There are still cannibals in some remote parts of the world who would love to dine on some white flesh.

Civilized people do not eat dogs for the same reason they do not eat humans. But we're not dealing with civilized people here.

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Will all correspondents please note, this issue is not about the political correctness or cultural practices of eating dog. It is about the abhorant transport of live dogs under horrific and inhuman conditions from Thailand to Vietnam. Anyone who continually fills this forum with whether eating dog is right or wrong, or how it compares to eating of beef or bloody horse is absolutely ignorant of the issue and enters this forum under pretense. Know about Thailand do you, I doubt if you have ever been here.

This is most definitely NOT about your weasel PC. You are attempting to sideline the entire issue of killing dogs (specifically) for the local tribesmen's ( IF, 'culture' is brought into this issue, as it so often is), eating pleasure. Not necessity. You and many other posters' 'it's how they are transported and killed' cop out, is simply that. So. By your reasoning (bear with me), if the Jews were were flown first class to Auschwitz, and then injected with a serum, on a nice comfy bed a la Dignitas, that would be okay with you? Yes? No? There really are no grey areas here. Well? Red Ant (It's 'mot daeng', BTW 'newbie').

Thailand - Tribesmen ?

An analogy with the holocaust?

Say no more.


Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

So then you have no problem offering up a family member for a feast? After all, it's all meat. There are still cannibals in some remote parts of the world who would love to dine on some white flesh.

Civilized people do not eat dogs for the same reason they do not eat humans. But we're not dealing with civilized people here.

Thats not a good argument, dogs arnt family other than by adoption a goldfish with an owner carries the same affiliation. No one is suggesting people should eat their pets, its all a matter of perspective but dogs are nothing to do with being civilised, theres nothing civilised about eating one animal type more than another.

You could try to make a good argument against re intelligence but then again pigs rank #2 and above dogs so that reasoning goes out the window.

Cant use the endangered species reasoning, theres far too many dogs roaming about as it is, Its just society and again perceptions because of dogs being popular pets thats all, it would and is the same with cats, in some countries horses and even elephants its got nothing to do with being civilised.

I dont have any problems with dog meat on the menu I have a lot of issue with the way they are handled getting there, they could be farmed and culled/prepared as easily and efficiently as we do with pigs

Far as eating humans there are huge reasons not to allow eating of human flesh, most of which is for health and disease risks but also social.

There really isnt anything civilised about eating one animal over another. Either you dont eat ANY animal or its selective hypocrisy. Think about it, its certainly not civilised to pick and choose, it should be any or not at all.

In other words being Vegetarian is the one and only way forward if you dont want others to eat a meat source such as dog, if its the culture that changes opinion so be it, im not overly fond of many things eaten in some places but have no problem with cultures eating sustainable animals like insects farm raised or possible farm raised animal types, the key is sustainability and care, not if it can wag a tail and whine.

im not btw a vegetarian, just cant get all fired up and whats special specifically about dogs being eaten, it ticks all the boxes as a source of readily available and sustainable meat just like a pig.


Thailand has finally been hounded into doing something about this situation for it to have made the New York Times..

Let's see how long it lasts, if at all.

Not Thailand as a whole....I quote, Isolated pockets of aficionados in the North East.


Thailand has finally been hounded into doing something about this situation for it to have made the New York Times..

Let's see how long it lasts, if at all.

Why is it any business of Americans, what Thai people eat??

Continue to bomb the Middle-East back further into the stoneage!!

I agree to the first part of your post. However-

Are you indicating the tribal areas of Afghanistan and the frontier states of Pakistan ever got out of stone age? Go and have a look yourself.

I just wonder if the government would close down the outlets of about 500 dog butchers in LOS in a multimillion Baht business and if they have plans to convert everyone making a living out of this business into tour guides?

Can you support these outragious claims your making with facts please. 500 dog butchers outlets. multi million baht business perhaps you missed reading the news article which read in part... is confined to isolated pockets of aficionados in Thailands North Eastern parts.

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A neighbour was pressed by his Chiang Rai wife to attend an uncle's funeral some years back. He told me he was sickened and surprised to see one of the family call one of the family dogs and casually slit it's throat to throw on the barbecue. He hasn't been back since. Barbarians!bah.gif

Its a cultural difference no different from them probably being disgusted that you eat beef.

It is meat and that is all there is to it.

Do you not find it equally disturbing that everything that you like to feast on has to lose its life to feed you?

No I am not a veggie, I am a meat lover, I just don't sit in judgement of others.

Well an expected response from someone who uses that swivel eyed loon as his avatar.

Oh CULTURE! That hoary old chestnut dusted and put forward as a , haha, valid intelligent argument for the barbarism of tribal peoples from the truly ignorant. It used to be the culture to bind young girls' feet ensuring a lifetime's inability to walk. That okay with you? It still is the culture to marry pre pubescent girls in some countries, after they'd had their genitals mutilated. Ok with that? How about the breeding and slaughtering of tigers to enable some old man to get his dick up [sic]. There are just SIX White Rhinos left on the planet, - Chinese medicine. The Japanese are still defending their culture of slaughtering whales and dolphins under the guise of 'science'. How we doing so far? huh.png

As to my eating habits I am a lifelong vegetarian. I would not condone the suffering of another sentient creature for my supposed enjoyment. And no, I don't wear leather either, so let's not go there.

BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism laugh.png

Why people on this site make claims without factual support & details. Another example of nonsense >BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism< Where do people get this stuff in their minds. Think the poster should read about embalming and the funeral home services OR perhaps he means a corpse lying in a ditch takes that long to rid a steak and french fry.


BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism img]

Rubbish.who cares. I will probably start to decompose and won't be a hansum man anymore also.

The dogs should go through a inspected licensed abortare.[sic]

I was with you up until this. Why should any dog, cat, pig cow or any other sentient creature be forced to endure the panic and distress of being forcibly shepherded into a warehouse reeking of fear, sh1t, p1ss and blood to be slaughtered for what? Because you are too lazy/incompetent/unimaginative to be able to make a meal for yourself from anything other than that you and your family brought you up on?

I totally agree with you. In forum's such as this you can't write a book and express your entire feelings that are constantly in flight. No animal should be tortured prior to killing it. What I was saying was that if an animal "has" to be killed whether for food or not should be done without suffering. I was putting forward that if a licensed slaughter-house is used, the poor animal may be killed humanly. In Thailand, probably not. And I have never heard of a slaughter-house specifically used for dogs anywhere.

As far as your attempt to insult me goes, I was brought up in the West but have lived in the Buriram panhandle for 34 years. I eat very little meat of any animal because of my principles and those of my family. I am not anti-meat nor am I a vegetarian. And I can say I can do a good job cooking Thai food, and acceptable aharn Issan.

I am very passionate about the subject of inhuman transportation of dogs across SEA. I lost a 10 year old Thai Ridgeback only about 6 weeks ago, that could only have been thru these bastards. Plus as I live in the boondocks of the Buriram province, I see the trucks, generally getting about late at night. I have confronted them (foolishly) and had a handgun pointed at me. My wife could have killed me.

To some extent I am glad to see the content of this forum move back to its original intent. The transportation of the dogs. And why unimaginative correspondents have to express themselves my critisising how I spell my username bewilds me. My wife translates her name into English 3 different ways. And the argument whether its falang or farang, well we wont go there. Cheers.


While many many cultures eat and have eaten dog in the past, the fact remains that dogs were bred from wolves to be human companions which does elicit sympathy from myself as well as others. There is no other creature that has a closer relationship to humans than dogs. While cows are cute, they were bred specifically for consumption and not companionship and while we want to see cows treated with respect, they will not be sharing a home with us or protecting our children from harm.

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“We only eat the fierce dogs — the dogs that bite people or kill chickens,” said Praprut Thanthongdee, 45 cheesy.gif

Same happens here too yesterday in Sakon Nakhon. We have a very nice dog but she has been biting the postmen, the grandfather, the bottle collector twice and someone I didn't know and this all within 30 days.

The dog will be picked up this morning and by this evening will be BBQ.

The dogs should go through a inspected licensed abortare.[sic]

I was with you up until this. Why should any dog, cat, pig cow or any other sentient creature be forced to endure the panic and distress of being forcibly shepherded into a warehouse reeking of fear, sh1t, p1ss and blood to be slaughtered for what? Because you are too lazy/incompetent/unimaginative to be able to make a meal for yourself from anything other than that you and your family brought you up on?

I totally agree with you. In forum's such as this you can't write a book and express your entire feelings that are constantly in flight. No animal should be tortured prior to killing it. What I was saying was that if an animal "has" to be killed whether for food or not should be done without suffering. I was putting forward that if a licensed slaughter-house is used, the poor animal may be killed humanly. In Thailand, probably not. And I have never heard of a slaughter-house specifically used for dogs anywhere.

As far as your attempt to insult me goes, I was brought up in the West but have lived in the Buriram panhandle for 34 years. I eat very little meat of any animal because of my principles and those of my family. I am not anti-meat nor am I a vegetarian. And I can say I can do a good job cooking Thai food, and acceptable aharn Issan.

I am very passionate about the subject of inhuman transportation of dogs across SEA. I lost a 10 year old Thai Ridgeback only about 6 weeks ago, that could only have been thru these bastards. Plus as I live in the boondocks of the Buriram province, I see the trucks, generally getting about late at night. I have confronted them (foolishly) and had a handgun pointed at me. My wife could have killed me.

To some extent I am glad to see the content of this forum move back to its original intent. The transportation of the dogs. And why unimaginative correspondents have to express themselves my critisising how I spell my username bewilds me. My wife translates her name into English 3 different ways. And the argument whether its falang or farang, well we wont go there. Cheers.

I find it interesting that you live in the 'boondocks' of Buriram and have recently seen the dog catcher trucks operating in your area. I too live in the Buriram boondocks, so please next time you seen one of these vehicles, instead of confronting the driver could you direct him to my place. You see these vehicles haven't operated here for over two years now, and my village is over-run with unwanted, diseased, dirty, dangerous dogs. Thank you.

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Why people on this site make claims without factual support & details. Another example of nonsense >BTW 'Meat Lover' Are you aware that when you die it will take at least 2 months for your last 'steak and chips' (you sound like that type), to rot in your gut along with the rest of you. After your pulmonary embolism< Where do people get this stuff in their minds. Think the poster should read about embalming and the funeral home services OR perhaps he means a corpse lying in a ditch takes that long to rid a steak and french fry.

Hope you're not eating breakfast laugh.pnghttp://www.vice.com/read/how-to-avoid-being-an-exploding-corpse-814

BTW, they don't embalm corpses here, and those of you with romantic notions of having your ashes scattered over the Andaman Sea will be sorely disappointed to learn they do not grind your bones either. Mind you, you could have someone sling your bones off some promontory, hopefully missing any passing soi dog biggrin.png

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I find it interesting that you live in the 'boondocks' of Buriram and have recently seen the dog catcher trucks operating in your area. I too live in the Buriram boondocks, so please next time you seen one of these vehicles, instead of confronting the driver could you direct him to my place. You see these vehicles haven't operated here for over two years now, and my village is over-run with unwanted, diseased, dirty, dangerous dogs. Thank you.

Or you could get off your 4rse, dip into your Chang money, and help set up a neutering program, for the benefit of villagers AND the dog population. But you won't will you. You'll just spout bile on this forum. Well done.

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Pigs have higher intelligence than a dog, but the Americans and British have no issues about eating them and subjecting those animals to grotesque living conditions. However, eating dogs or whales or anything that looks cute, is a huge taboo. Epic double standards.

I would never eat dog, but would never criticize anyone for it.

its not so much the eating of Dog meat , but the way how the kill the dog

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hahahaha, of course this thais have to eat the same as the stupid and totaly westernized middle and upper middle class people. means eating fishburger from mc and others without any fish, chicken nuggets with not even the half part is made from chicken, gen manipulatet food, pizzas with artificial cheese and ham and so on allowing this companies to ripp off customers, making net profits far over the clouds and keeping on exploiding they staff with a very miserarble salary from about 300 baht a day and a working time from about 60 hours a week. if i were a thai.... gas station and end this bloodsucking us companies from cheating and ripping of customers.

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Thailand has finally been hounded into doing something about this situation for it to have made the New York Times..

Let's see how long it lasts, if at all.

Why is it any business of Americans, what Thai people eat??

Continue to bomb the Middle-East back further into the stoneage!!

I agree 100% with you about America's hypocrisy, but it is more than just Americans against the slaughter and eating of dogs.

I would find it very difficult not to kill the person who stole my lovely pet dog to be used as food.

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I find it interesting that you live in the 'boondocks' of Buriram and have recently seen the dog catcher trucks operating in your area. I too live in the Buriram boondocks, so please next time you seen one of these vehicles, instead of confronting the driver could you direct him to my place. You see these vehicles haven't operated here for over two years now, and my village is over-run with unwanted, diseased, dirty, dangerous dogs. Thank you.

Or you could get off your 4rse, dip into your Chang money, and help set up a neutering program, for the benefit of villagers AND the dog population. But you won't will you. You'll just spout bile on this forum. Well done.

Pigs are not smarter than dogs. There is no test to confirm this. One can easily say that dogs are smarter than pigs. A tree is smarter than a rock.


I do not judge what meat people choose to eat. The issue is of cruelty. ... if they can slaughter dogs humanely then nobody should condemn another person's right to eat just another source of protein.

as a dog lover for over 60yrs.it doesnt bother me what people eat.


bringing in a law banning the sale of dog meat will acheive NOTHING as nobody abide's by any law in thailand.

let them be put to sleep humanely.

Is there anywhere in Thailand where animals are 'humanely killed' (a misnomer in itself, if you have seen the terror in an animals eyes before the bolt gun)?

Even if laws were brought in, the country bumpkins would still be slashing throats, beating the living crap, throwing live animals in boiling pans and skinning animals alive. And the dog catchers will still be stealing pets.

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