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I have just been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and given 3-6 months to live, Is there anyone else out here living with this? I would be inerested in heir advice treatment etc


I am very sorry to hear of your plight.

Whatever else you do, please get a second opinion - as you should do with any major, life threatening illness, especially in Thailand, where specialists are something of a lottery - some are excellent, others not so good.

I know my own problems pale by comparison to your own, but I had a GI specialist diagnose me as suffering form chronic pancreatitis and put me on a very expensive course of treatment.

6 months later, another specialist told me that I definitely did NOT have pancreatitis and diagnosed my condition as a very bad case of IBS.

Both specialists did intrusive tests and came up with a different result.

So if you haven't already done so, please get your condition confirmed by a second specialist. Sheryl can give you some names of the top doctors in this field.

You haven't said where you are from, but maybe you should seriously consider going back to your home country where proper palliative care is more likely to be available.


Thanks Mobi. I have had the second opinion and it concurs. My kids want me to go home. But what would I do there? I have lived 7 years here and my life is here now. Since I have only a short time left I would rather spend it around my friends, job and home.


I am glad to learn you had a second opinion - at least you won't have to wonder if the doc got the diagnosis right.

Of course, you must stay where you think you will be the most comfortable. I hope your kids are able to come out and visit and that your friends are able to give you the support you will need.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do .


There have been other TV members with this but none currently that I know of.

The quality of palliative care in Thailand is not good, it is the weakest aspect of medical care here. To be assurred of proper pain control and comfort measures, you really would do best to go back to your home country, sorry to say.

Bear in mind you will not be able to work much longer nor will you be much up for socializing as things progress. I suggest you spend some quality time with your friends now while you still can, and plan on going back to your home country before things get to the point that you are too ill to fly, which will likley be within a few months at most.

Once back there, get into a good hospice program (ask your children to set this is up for you). Hospice programs in the West are very good and will assure you maximum comofrt as wel las your choice of dying at home vs. in a hospital.

I would caution against chasing after quack cures such as one poster directed you to. They do not work and there is literally no end to the amount of money you can spend on worthless treatments for cancer if you go down that path.


If I was you I would try Dr Gonzalez in NY.

He specialises in alternative treatment for PC.

Mainstream medicine doesn't have much to offer with this cancer.

Don't believe everything you hear.

He uses huge amounts of pancreatic enzymes and he has documented case studies of extending life with patients who have had PC.


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