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Obama and Republican leader pledge to work together


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Love the BBC articles that get posted on here. Is the BBC comparable to tabloids such as National Enquirer?

Everything reported here reflects that senate leaders are now threatening Obama with serious consequences if he act unilaterally on matters such as Immigration.

Could impeachment proceedings be in the works? About time someone reigns in his Majesty. Someone needs to reign in Holder's abuse of power also. These guys are out of control.

BTW, I know these websites I am linking are sketchy, but it is late and it is pages of nutty political cites that come up first and I don't feel like wading through them. This issue has been all over the various news channels tonight.


John Boehner Makes A Veiled Impeachment Threat Towards Obama At Press Conference



Six Republican United States Senators wrote a letter Wednesday to outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada cautioning that if President Obama acts unilaterally on immigration reform, this will create a constitutional crisis that demands action by Congress to restore the separation of powers.

Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/republican-senators-warn-harry-reid-let-president-obama-take-executive-action-amnesty/#fLovJCQEJ7ZXti1q.99



Read more at http://mobile.wnd.com/2014/11/congressmen-vow-to-cut-the-purse-for-obama-amnesty/#JAcf7840OlbeF8rp.99

Edited by F430murci
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Strong Conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate will have some leverage to use in any attempt to give away the store as the so called leadership of the House and the new Senate have done far too often.

There is going to be a fist fight between Conservatives and wishy washy RINOs in Congress ... just wait and see... My bet is Conservatives having the greater backing of citizen voters of the Republicans in office, obama will face some harsh realities.

Just keep in mind that Conservatives in America including Tea Party Conservatives are the single biggest voting bloc in the Republican party ... and millions of phone calls, faxes, emails and calls to Conservative Radio Talk Show Hosts will drive Mitch McConnell and Drunk obama golfing buddy Boehner into waking up again to smell the Conservative coffee...

Hundreds of House Representatives owe their very Congressional existence to the Conservative base... those who bite the hands that feed them will not be in office two years later... House members only have a 2 year terms ... these Internet instant news days - House Reps do what their constituents want or else... The Senate at six year terms of office has an easier ride ,... but nothing much the Senate does can be done without House concurrence... It has been proven before in 2006 very vividly ...

obama has a fight on his hands and he is not up to the fight ... I think he will go play golf permanently ...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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If they send reasonable bills, he will cooperate.

If they send right wing garbage, he will veto.

That's what I expect of him in this situation and so do the majority of Americans.

Don't be deceived by the recent midterm elections ... it has nothing to do with the presidential elections coming up in 2016.

No, I don't think Obama's overall performance has been great, but compared to the do nothing congress. he still looks RELATIVELY good.

for President 2016 intheclub.gif

Is America ready for a lezbian prez?

I guess they are ready for a lezbian as much as they are ready for a card carrying witch like Hillary

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Strong Conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the U.S. Senate will have some leverage to use in any attempt to give away the store as the so called leadership of the House and the new Senate have done far too often.

There is going to be a fist fight between Conservatives and wishy washy RINOs in Congress ... just wait and see... My bet is Conservatives having the greater backing of citizen voters of the Republicans in office, obama will face some harsh realities.

Just keep in mind that Conservatives in America including Tea Party Conservatives are the single biggest voting bloc in the Republican party ... and millions of phone calls, faxes, emails and calls to Conservative Radio Talk Show Hosts will drive Mitch McConnell and Drunk obama golfing buddy Boehner into waking up again to smell the Conservative coffee...

Hundreds of House Representatives owe their very Congressional existence to the Conservative base... those who bite the hands that feed them will not be in office two years later... House members only have a 2 year terms ... these Internet instant news days - House Reps do what their constituents want or else... The Senate at six year terms of office has an easier ride ,... but nothing much the Senate does can be done without House concurrence... It has been proven before in 2006 very vividly ...

obama has a fight on his hands and he is not up to the fight ... I think he will go play golf permanently ...

Unfortunately, Obama is going to be able to do both I think, 4NOV notwithstanding. Certainly Iran doesn't care about what's going on in the U.S. Congress and has always been intent on getting their nukes at any cost anyway, and Obama gave up any ability to stop it long long ago. Now we're at the point where whenever they can hornswoggle Obama into moderating sanctions, so much the better, but the nuclear program goes ahead regardless. Obama has thus abandoned Israel and forced them into a corner, and they'll find themselves compelled to act on their own. It won't be pretty, and I'm not that confident of Israeli success. Obama has also set the stage for nuclear proliferation in the Middle East as Saudi Arabia will now also want its own nukes. Maybe others. All of it predictable, and all of it Obama's fault. Most Americans now get, thanks to the rise of ISIS, that Obama's policies in the Middle East have been a total and abject failure and a direct result of Obama's - and nobody else's but - own fumbling and incompetence.

As for the illegals, I don't think Congress can do a whole lot to preempt those plans either. They can inject some pain and delay into the process maybe, but Obama won't care; it's not like it will affect his golf schedule. He knows darn well they aren't going to impeach him no matter what he does. The worst that can happen is that it grinds its way up to the SC. The Constitution went through his shredder and the trash was carried out long ago.

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