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Did i break the law? (defamation/cheating girl)


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i have had a problem woth deformation of character before i said some nasty things about the new thai girlfriend of the father of my child didnt say too much just that she was a homewrecker really next day she sent me the copy of the report of the police. i suggest you ignore it and as a lawyer if they are criminal charges or not in my case it was just a report so next time that she is hurt they will come to me first ive never had a visit from any police about it and she wrote my name wrong anyway but criminal charges can be made if you have aaid anything bad enough i suggest you firstly block her from facebook get rid of any evidence because you can always say that it had privacy settings so could only be seen by her. you need someone to read the report to make sure its not formal charges

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Posting on facebook causes loss of face , that is not the way to deal with such a situation in Thailand .

I assume the 30k you lent her is baht , if it is a western currency , more fool you , you are unlikely to see that back .

If your girlfriend is two timing you and you have proof , just dump her . Take care who you date next , there are many Thai women who do just that or are even married but want a foreign boyfriend for the additional money , some even have several foreign boyfriends who all send money every month . The problem is not to have them all visiting at the same time .

There are really nice straight up Thai women who won't cheat on you . Just dump the present one .

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...ignore the ........you won't get any money back.......move address...change telephone number....move on.....next

,,, she was charging,doing her job,,,

simple, he was daft enough to lend her money,,

simple enough not to no she had a boyfriend, and he says he,s been here 3 years,,,

come on,, you learn these things in your first few months,,

dont ever lend them money,,,

some will never learn..

and im not thai bashing, its just the way it is,,,

dont lend what you cant aford to loose, its the old saying said time and time again, but very true

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This is exactly what happened to my ex-girlfriend. Before she met me, she skipped town after being charged with defamation (for accusing someone of having cheated her on an insurance premium payment). She was never arrested or tracked down, and she figured the charges had been forgotten. But when she went in to apply for a passport, they did a criminal check, and her name was flagged. After applying for a passport, and the 2 week waiting period had passed, the passport office cryptically revealed that there was a "problem" and asked her to come back in. She was told about the outstanding warrant, and had to go to the police station to get it resolved. Long story short, she was taken into custody, and the whole thing took days to resolve, and bond had to be posted to release her. It was a NIGHTMARE. You could end up being detained at Suwannaphum Airport at a terribly inconvenience.

More likely a scam to extract money from you.

Did you pay them?

Cynical,but correct.

I offered my post because I thought the OP might benefit from my experience.

If you or others want to speculate, please go in the bathroom, close the door, and speculate to your heart's content.

Edited by Gecko123
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Does this mean people can just sleep and scam their way around thailand, and nobody is allowed to tell other people about it?

Also yes yes, I know im guillible for giving her money. I thought she was honest because she's only 19, she's a student, I met all her family, and I didnt meet her in a bar or club.

I thought all the scammers lurked around nana. I'll know to be more careful in the future.

She was selling sex, you were buying sex.

No scams here, except for you not understanding you were buying sex.

It's not as if prostitutes wear a badge (well OK, some of them do).


You have just admitted to breaking a far more serious law by giving her money (loans) and gifts.

Under 20 and paying for sex is against the law.

For god's sake don't admit to the police you had sex with her and gave her money.

Her parents can have you charged with statutory rape, which will cost even more money and get you on the sex offenders register in your home country, and blacklisted from returning to Thailand.

you can always go the other way, you were madly in love and she had promised to marry you so you had been giving her money towards your future betrothment.

That's still admitting statutory rape. (giving money to girl under 20 in return for sex, in this case first year uni student = 18)

You are 100% wrong. Paying for sex with someone under the age of 18 is illegal. Not 20.

I suggest you stop posting misleading, irrelevant information.

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The police 'mediated' when i had a crazy girl stalking me about a year ago. She kept turning up at my home, banging on the door etc. Took her to the police and they helped me with it. Had no problems with them then.

I am sorry but if the OP can't work out the difference between him being victimized by the crazy girl and his victimization of his former paramour, then there's not much else to be said.

Confide in us. It's the 30k baht and YOUR loss of face isn't it? Been here 3 years and you've just had your Thainess all shot to buggery by a teenager.

Or maybe you thought the 30k was your sin sodt payment?

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Does this mean people can just sleep and scam their way around thailand, and nobody is allowed to tell other people about it?

Also yes yes, I know im guillible for giving her money. I thought she was honest because she's only 19, she's a student, I met all her family, and I didnt meet her in a bar or club.

I thought all the scammers lurked around nana. I'll know to be more careful in the future.

She was selling sex, you were buying sex.

No scams here, except for you not understanding you were buying sex.

It's not as if prostitutes wear a badge (well OK, some of them do).


You have just admitted to breaking a far more serious law by giving her money (loans) and gifts.

Under 20 and paying for sex is against the law.

For god's sake don't admit to the police you had sex with her and gave her money.

Her parents can have you charged with statutory rape, which will cost even more money and get you on the sex offenders register in your home country, and blacklisted from returning to Thailand.

you can always go the other way, you were madly in love and she had promised to marry you so you had been giving her money towards your future betrothment.

That's still admitting statutory rape. (giving money to girl under 20 in return for sex, in this case first year uni student = 18)

You are 100% wrong. Paying for sex with someone under the age of 18 is illegal. Not 20.

I suggest you stop posting misleading, irrelevant information.

Let's not worry the lad too much, huh? With due respect to you and some of the other members commenting on this, I really doubt it will go this way. Doesn't sound like it was a clear exchange of money or gifts for sex. He should absolutely consult an attorney though.

Edited by eldragon
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Again....If I was you I will move NOW, but if she can contact you also her friends and family can. She is only 19. A loss of face at that age on the Land of Gossips, can really cause a lot of damage. I hope she is Buddhist. If she is Muslim...her family is looking for you right now.....

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I suggest you stop posting misleading, irrelevant information.

1500 likes in 2500 posts = 60%


4700 likes in 5000 posts = 94%

I must be doing something right!

I believe I've "liked" quite a few of your posts! But on this you did post incorrect information which needed correcting, even if you were only posting it to add a little spice to the thread!

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The Truth cannot be slander, even in Thailand but you should have proof.

As crazy as it may seem, in Thailand, even if she has cheated and all he says is true, what he did is still breaking the law. There are a few things in the slander/libel laws which are exempt from truth being a defense. Information of a personal nature is one of them. This is why Thais often counter sue each other in order to just bog it down and have both sides settle

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The Truth cannot be slander, even in Thailand but you should have proof.

The invitation to a meeting with the police should come from the police and should be in the police station.

If not don't go.

As for the money, you got no chance

As I understand Thai Law, defamation is the act of saying or writing something which causes people to think badly of the victim. What is said or written may well be true, but the act of writing/saying it in an insulting manner is defamatory. I will be very happy if anyone has the professional knowledge to tell me I'm wrong, but maybe this is another reason why the mods have to watch over this forum like hawks.

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The Truth cannot be slander, even in Thailand but you should have proof.

The invitation to a meeting with the police should come from the police and should be in the police station.

If not don't go.

As for the money, you got no chance

Your first statement is totally incorrect

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Just ignore it. What personal details of yours does she have

Address, number, all the usual. She has certainly been to the police, she took photos there along with some sort of report.

I would like to go to the appointment, because perhaps I'll get the 30 grand back which she tricked me out of. She says I 'damaged her reputation' by posting about it on facebook. But I'm not the one who was sleeping around? I don't think I'm in the wrong, but this is thailand, i know the laws here are quite different from back home. I did make posts baring all the details which all her FB friends could see.

(For some context, I'm 25 and working here for 3 years now, she's a first year college student. I thought too young to trick me for money!).

Bro,honesty I would just leave it, don't get yourself into the situation, she went there and the police have not enough info do to anything, slander is a joke to the police, I have dealt with it twice and the cops just ignore it, they are actually really pissed to have there time wasted by the bull$hit story of FB slander, stay home and ignore it, you might want to change your number ans possibly move of she is a crazy one, just giving you first hand knowledge,



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No need to worry! Most let me say that again..most Thai women )or men) can barelyset up an email account let alone print something out..and wow you´re talking a screen shot here..way to technical for them!

Ignore it! if anything you are talking a civil case not a criminal one..turn up only if you are served a warrent! I highly doubt a complaint has been made, it costs

money to denounce here. In all police would require their own independent translator in such a case and not take her word for it or translation of what she says you posted! They would need their own independent qualified translator and so would your ex! If not all it is is a he said she said.

FYI the police would serve you notice of your requirement to turn up if it was neccessary and obliged, not her!

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Just ignore it. What personal details of yours does she have

Address, number, all the usual. She has certainly been to the police, she took photos there along with some sort of report.

I would like to go to the appointment, because perhaps I'll get the 30 grand back which she tricked me out of. She says I 'damaged her reputation' by posting about it on facebook. But I'm not the one who was sleeping around? I don't think I'm in the wrong, but this is thailand, i know the laws here are quite different from back home. I did make posts baring all the details which all her FB friends could see.

(For some context, I'm 25 and working here for 3 years now, she's a first year college student. I thought too young to trick me for money!).

They're never too young to trick you. Some of those university girls have been working at the bars since they were 14. If you have documentation of the loan, you can offer the police a cut to get it back for you. Otherwise, it's her word against yours.

He does not stand a cat in hells chance of getting a dime from her, he has been dumb, get used to it move on, maybe you learned a lesson maybe not, now acting like a fool for the second time.

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I suggest you stop posting misleading, irrelevant information.

1500 likes in 2500 posts = 60%


4700 likes in 5000 posts = 94%

I must be doing something right!

So in what manner will you celebrate when you hit 100% ? (I realize there is no upper bound, but 100% is a big milestone)

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Defamation could be the least of the OP's problems.

If pursued he could very likely be found guilty of a CCA violation on top of both civil and criminal defamation.

What is that?

- I just read it.

Section 16. Any person, who imports to a computer system that is publicly accessible, computer data where a third party's picture appears either created, edited, added or adapted by electronic means or otherwise in a manner that is likely to impair that third party's reputation or cause that third party to be isolated, disgusted or embarrassed, shall be subject to imprisonment for not longer than three years or a fine of not more than sixty thousand baht, or both.

Fortunately nothing was public.

By the way, she posted several angry messages about me on her facebook. Looking at the above definition... If push comes to shove and intends to sue, I assume I could counter-sue for the same thing?

Edited by razorramone
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Defamation could be the least of the OP's problems.

If pursued he could very likely be found guilty of a CCA violation on top of both civil and criminal defamation.

What is that?

Computer Crimes Act

Up to 5 years in prison


Up to 100k THB fine

Or both

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Slander is quite a slippery slope here.

Even if something is true, saying bad things about someone can get you in legal trouble. I'd say since I bet this girl doesn't have money, this case will not get far (if it is even real) although just look at the current Andy Hall - Natural Fruits case. Slander and libel are used here mostly as a political weapon by the rich, powerful, etc. It is not unlike the popular lese majeste fascist tool.

In short - watch out for libel, but if its from an ex-slut then don't worry.

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Defamation could be the least of the OP's problems.

If pursued he could very likely be found guilty of a CCA violation on top of both civil and criminal defamation.

What is that?

- I just read it.

Section 16. Any person, who imports to a computer system that is publicly accessible, computer data where a third party's picture appears either created, edited, added or adapted by electronic means or otherwise in a manner that is likely to impair that third party's reputation or cause that third party to be isolated, disgusted or embarrassed, shall be subject to imprisonment for not longer than three years or a fine of not more than sixty thousand baht, or both.

Fortunately nothing was public.

By the way, she posted several angry messages about me on her facebook. Looking at the above definition... If push comes to shove and intends to sue, I assume I could counter-sue for the same thing?

You assume you could counter-sue? Mate, have you been reading the advice here? Let it go. You won't see your 30K again. But if you keep a cool head about this, you won't lose more than that.

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OP, did you get the message yet?

You did wrong and you are vulnerable.

Take care.



Make it quick.

You Cannot win.

Play more gonna cost you BIG

Even Gaol time?????

GTFO Now....

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Does this mean people can just sleep and scam their way around thailand, and nobody is allowed to tell other people about it?

Also yes yes, I know im guillible for giving her money. I thought she was honest because she's only 19, she's a student, I met all her family, and I didnt meet her in a bar or club.

I thought all the scammers lurked around nana. I'll know to be more careful in the future.

She was selling sex, you were buying sex.

No scams here, except for you not understanding you were buying sex.

It's not as if prostitutes wear a badge (well OK, some of them do).


You have just admitted to breaking a far more serious law by giving her money (loans) and gifts.

Under 20 and paying for sex is against the law.

For god's sake don't admit to the police you had sex with her and gave her money.

Her parents can have you charged with statutory rape, which will cost even more money and get you on the sex offenders register in your home country, and blacklisted from returning to Thailand.

What is this BS.. The age of consent in Thailand is 18 in the sex trade and 15 otherwise..

edit. never mind, someone mentioned already

Edited by fitfalang
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