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Dry Noodles as Maman Noodles Safe or Not ? Why Local People Always Say No ?


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the noodles are WAXED . . .

nothing wrong and this explains why you smell candles

This wax is added to prevent the noodles from sticking together, the problem is it that takes about 3 days to digest the wax, so not very healthy to eat instant noodles every day. This is apart form the MSG that is generally added to most foods here.

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They are high in sodium - some brands contain about a third of your RDA of sodium. So if you're in a sodium-affected risk group, it might be a good idea to limit your sodium intake (not just from noodles, but from all sources).


I think most of the sodium is in the flavor pouch , so only use half of it !

and then there are the special ramen noodle cooking bowls to microwave in


they actually work real good !

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Oh the wax-noodle hoax is back. I thought that one had been put to sleep a long time ago. I guess nothing ever dies on the Internet.

It's hard to believe that a myth that's so easy to disprove can hang around so long. Pick up a noodle and look at it. See any wax? No. Scratch it with your fingernail. Does any wax come off? No. Pour some boiling water on them. See any liquefied wax floating around in the cup? No.

And no they don't smell like a candle, unless you have some beef or chicken-scented candles in your house.

They are high in sodium - some brands contain about a third of your RDA of sodium. So if you're in a sodium-affected risk group, it might be a good idea to limit your sodium intake (not just from noodles, but from all sources).


Ah, the welcome aroma of a chicken-scented candle. The wax coating (on the better brands of Mama) is there is to protect people from ghosts during cooking and eating. Nothing more irritating than supernatural entities subverting your born right to eat in peace.

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