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its great donnt have to keep up with next door


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From what I can tell England has a lot of social tension from racial and religious minority groups who feel marginalized.

So maybe there's something to be learned from your American neighbors about cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness.

You can start by appreciating that not everyone on TVF is a white male from Britian.

There are women, non-whites and Thais here as well.

Even in the Farang Pub, Mr. Toad.

(Or should I take Farang Pub to mean that only white males are welcome? tongue.png )

So what are your views on female impersonators, duckie?

TTFN big boy. wub.png


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If things are really as bad as you describe, why don't you roll up your sleeves and try to improve things?

Thankfully I live in a gated community and dont have those problems, my observations are based on visiting friends both Thai and farang up in hillbilly country.

Bonus points for having kids with different fathers?

Are you denying they exist, or that this is yet another stereotype?

Girl up the road from me was sent upcountry a few years ago to "yiam yai" or take care of her grandmother in English, a totally fabricated story the girl was pregnant.

Theres a girl lives round the corner, has two kids by two different fathers, she aint yet 25, none of the locals will go near her, not interested.

Warning another rabid stereotype alert.

The girl goes out a night dressed like a slapper, and comes home in the morning looking like something the cat dragged in, or as my American friends would say, she has been ridden hard and put away wet.

Just goes to show that even living in a gated community doesnt insulate from the harsh realities of life.

Two good ones there RG.

Gated for me too!

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If things are really as bad as you describe, why don't you roll up your sleeves and try to improve things?

Thankfully I live in a gated community and dont have those problems, my observations are based on visiting friends both Thai and farang up in hillbilly country.

Bonus points for having kids with different fathers?

Are you denying they exist, or that this is yet another stereotype?

Girl up the road from me was sent upcountry a few years ago to "yiam yai" or take care of her grandmother in English, a totally fabricated story the girl was pregnant.

Theres a girl lives round the corner, has two kids by two different fathers, she aint yet 25, none of the locals will go near her, not interested.

Warning another rabid stereotype alert.

The girl goes out a night dressed like a slapper, and comes home in the morning looking like something the cat dragged in, or as my American friends would say, she has been ridden hard and put away wet.

Just goes to show that even living in a gated community doesnt insulate from the harsh realities of life.

Two good ones there RG.

Gated for me too!

Quality post from RGS

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Methinks a certain poster should consider his input and its merits before posting.,My cat climbs tree's, she's not a tree hugging P.C. cat


Edited by siampolee
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I'm sorry if I struck you or anyone else as a humorless/overly politically correct/Thai apologist zealot/stick-in-the-mud/whatever.

Honest, I'm not.

I'm just not a big fan of humor which relies almost entirely on racial/ethnic disparagement for effect.

Can I ask you to be honest for a moment?

Is not rgs2001uk's attempt at humor on par with Polish jokes, anti-Semitic jokes, or "coon" jokes????

Where I come from, this type of humor has been seen as out-of date, politically incorrect, and not even especially funny for well over a generation.

If rgs2001uk made similar jokes about Black people he would be joking about watermelon seed spitting contests, knife fights over who got to eat the last piece of fried chicken, contests about welfare mothers competing to see who could have the most out-of-wedlock children, or shiftless Negroes tossing malt liquor bottles out the window onto the front lawn.

Perhaps there are some who would find this equally hilarious.

I'm sorry, but I don't.

Not because I don't have a sense of humor, but because I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of this type of humor.

I didn't mean to bite anyone's head off. I was just trying to get people to think about what they post a little bit more.


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For Gecko and Opal and nice little ditty by Warren Zevon about country life:

Grandpa pissed his pants again

He don't give a damn

Brother Billy has both guns drawn

He ain't been right since Vietnam

"Sweet home Alabama"

Play that dead band's song

Turn those speakers up full blast

Play it all night long

Daddy's doing Sister Sally

Grandma's dying of cancer now

The cattle all have brucellosis

We'll get through somehow

"Sweet home Alabama"

Play that dead band's song

Turn those speakers up full blast

Play it all night long

I'm going down to the Dew Drop Inn

See if I can drink enough

There ain't much to country living

Sweat, piss, jizz and blood

"Sweet home Alabama"

Play that dead band's song

Turn those speakers up full blast

Play it all night long

Brilliant song from one of my favourite artists, RIP Warren.

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As we are talking about Hullbillys and the like, what would their views be on tree hugging PC police??

Forbidden on this board.

Can I just remind everyone hillbillies (and trailer trash) are traditionally white people.

As are Chavs and Pikeys

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What would life be like without stereotypes?

No drunken Irishmen

Black people would not like KFC

Thais would know where Canada is

Scots wouldn't fight

Dutch would be generous

French would be helpful

Germans would not put towels on the sunbeds

Americans would not be loud

British would stop believing they ruled the World

You're welcome to add a few more.............

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