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Maybe the person in the original post was just having a really bad day and went out to get drunk and let off steam. I've certainly had a few (well more than a few) days where I have hated everything Thai. Not terribly rational but I would guess that most long term expat residents feel like that from time to time.

Agree, Col, most long term expats will feel like this at some point in time, but is there a need for such behaviour. When you go out to let off steam do you act this way? Totally abusive and f... this f... that. I should think not. I often go to a small place in the country which has more than its share of abusive, drunkard long termers, sadly to say many of them Brits.

A nerds a nerd wherever you are.

i think that to let of steam from time to time is normal, have a few to many beers and get a bit ugly to put it.

but to disrespect his wife like that in a public forum is unforgivable and being pi--sed up is certainly no excuse.

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Maybe the person in the original post was just having a really bad day and went out to get drunk and let off steam. I've certainly had a few (well more than a few) days where I have hated everything Thai. Not terribly rational but I would guess that most long term expat residents feel like that from time to time.

Agree, Col, most long term expats will feel like this at some point in time, but is there a need for such behaviour. When you go out to let off steam do you act this way? Totally abusive and f... this f... that. I should think not. I often go to a small place in the country which has more than its share of abusive, drunkard long termers, sadly to say many of them Brits.

A nerds a nerd wherever you are.

Yah just look at Mel Gibon!! Bloody Nerd :o

yep im an aussie,

and mel gibbson has certainly turned into a major tosser.

he was brilliant as mad max but.

sorry about going of topic.

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So many Brits eh..??

Well, I've seen plenty of Americans being drunk, very loud, and obnoxious.. most of the time just loud and obnoxious... not to mention the Germans...

See...it's easy to make a generalisation..

The point is that a drunken loudmouth is a drunk loudmouth.. no matter what nationality they are... so no need to keep bringing a nationality up, it's not needed.

totster :o

Right. Drunken idiots know no national boundries. It is not only the boorish nerds who get fleeced here either. The locals who make a business of preying on Farangs do not care what he looks like or acts like. Any Farang is fair game.

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So can someone explain what a nerd is in this context....coz it certainly doesn't match with what I think a nerd is :o

Just to clarify....I understood that nerd was someone who is clever but had no friends same as a geek. Which doesn't fit the description of the kind of people we're talking about here. I think loudmouthed <deleted> is a better fit :D

Or is this some american/oz meaning thats completely lost on this brit (only half brit though I'll have you know :D)

Edited by moonoi
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"you may take my life, but you may never take my Ewoks!"

(user reminds readers that the mayan temples were used as a rebel jedi base, and as homeloand for the Ewoks)

You are not a Jedi knight are you? I was, but then got kicked out for rogering Shaak-Ti with a pineapple!!! :o

2000 census in Australia?

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"you may take my life, but you may never take my Ewoks!"

(user reminds readers that the mayan temples were used as a rebel jedi base, and as homeloand for the Ewoks)

You are not a Jedi knight are you? I was, but then got kicked out for rogering Shaak-Ti with a pineapple!!! :o

2000 census in Australia?

Still waiting for my $20 fine from the Oz government.

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Maybe the person in the original post was just having a really bad day and went out to get drunk and let off steam. I've certainly had a few (well more than a few) days where I have hated everything Thai. Not terribly rational but I would guess that most long term expat residents feel like that from time to time.

Agree, Col, most long term expats will feel like this at some point in time, but is there a need for such behaviour. When you go out to let off steam do you act this way? Totally abusive and f... this f... that. I should think not. I often go to a small place in the country which has more than its share of abusive, drunkard long termers, sadly to say many of them Brits.

A nerds a nerd wherever you are.

i think that to let of steam from time to time is normal, have a few to many beers and get a bit ugly to put it.

but to disrespect his wife like that in a public forum is unforgivable and being pi--sed up is certainly no excuse.

Totally agree Terry. Disrespecting partners in public, Thais in general and everything Thai is just not on. We all have our bad days, we all (many of us) have a few too many but decency is decency wherever you are. As someone said to me once, westerners assume they have been brought up in a classless society, and it does seem this way, until they open their mouth.

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So can someone explain what a nerd is in this context....coz it certainly doesn't match with what I think a nerd is :o

Just to clarify....I understood that nerd was someone who is clever but had no friends same as a geek. Which doesn't fit the description of the kind of people we're talking about here. I think loudmouthed <deleted> is a better fit :D

Or is this some american/oz meaning thats completely lost on this brit (only half brit though I'll have you know :D)

I think the OP was probably Dutch. When I lived there in the nineties, the kids would always use the word nerd to describe a loser.

They´re cool, the dutch. Nobody ever called them intelligent though.

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So can someone explain what a nerd is in this context....coz it certainly doesn't match with what I think a nerd is :o

Just to clarify....I understood that nerd was someone who is clever but had no friends same as a geek. Or is this some american/oz meaning thats completely lost on this brit (only half brit though I'll have you know :D)

In America a nerd or geek means the same thing as in England.

Someone who is book smart, but socially inept with no friends or friends that are also rejects. :D

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