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Verdict in garbage collector's case was way too harsh

Lite Beer

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And yes dozens of vendors continue to sell pirated DVD's in plain sight on Sukhumvit, at Pantip, at MBK, on a daily basis, with the blessings of the police, who earn money from the sales, no doubt. This case is a perfect example of the Prayuth principal. Pick on the small, defenseless man, who cannot afford to defend himself, nor bride a prosecutor or judge. Make it look like something positive is being done, when in reality NOTHING is being done to improve the nation. Jawboning, and false promises is all the people of this nation are getting from this false prophet.

I dunno Mike. I see alot of positive changes between Thailand 2011, Thailand 2012, Thailand 2013 and today.

Can you please explain them to us? We do not see them. All I see if crackdowns that are not followed up, threats of more crackdowns, and little guys getting arrested. Many of us would like to see positive changes. Please point them out to us. We would appreciate it. Positive, lasting changes that is.

Kindof difficult to point out if a change is "lasting" or not so it seems your request is more an attempt at entrapment than discussion.

"Lasting" would depend much on who the next PM is, would it not?

No. Absolutely not. Take for instance the beach clean up in Phuket and Hua Hin. It was a good effort. But, it was not followed up. And there were no prosecutions. So, there was no deterrent. The people realized right away, that the Army was not interested in real change. So, they returned. Same applies to the jet ski scammers. Same applies to the Samui taxi reform, which lasted about five days. Same applies to hundreds of other "reforms" which were not followed up. All Thai people know that if someone is not serious, something is not followed up. His people were not serious. Same applies to the Ark Bar in Samui, who continue to pollute the island with massive walls of speakers, the sound from which travels many kilometers some evenings. They were warned. Was anything done? No. Absolutely not. Same applies to the false victims of the tao murders. I could literally go on all day long. But, this is sufficient for my point to be made. All the rich, elite, powerful, and connected are being protected at all costs. Only the very small, and very helpless are being taken down. That is the extent of the reform, from what I, and millions of others can see. But, if you can point out specifics, we would love to hear them. My mind is open. I would love to see real change and reform. But, I am not seeing anything but jawboning by a man who appears to be afraid of reform.

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I dunno Mike. I see alot of positive changes between Thailand 2011, Thailand 2012, Thailand 2013 and today.

Can you please explain them to us? We do not see them. All I see if crackdowns that are not followed up, threats of more crackdowns, and little guys getting arrested. Many of us would like to see positive changes. Please point them out to us. We would appreciate it. Positive, lasting changes that is.

Kindof difficult to point out if a change is "lasting" or not so it seems your request is more an attempt at entrapment than discussion.

"Lasting" would depend much on who the next PM is, would it not?

No. Absolutely not. Take for instance the beach clean up in Phuket and Hua Hin. It was a good effort. But, it was not followed up. And there were no prosecutions. So, there was no deterrent. The people realized right away, that the Army was not interested in real change. So, they returned. Same applies to the jet ski scammers. Same applies to the Samui taxi reform, which lasted about five days. Same applies to hundreds of other "reforms" which were not followed up. All Thai people know that if someone is not serious, something is not followed up. His people were not serious. Same applies to the Ark Bar in Samui, who continue to pollute the island with massive walls of speakers, the sound from which travels many kilometers some evenings. They were warned. Was anything done? No. Absolutely not. Same applies to the false victims of the tao murders. I could literally go on all day long. But, this is sufficient for my point to be made. All the rich, elite, powerful, and connected are being protected at all costs. Only the very small, and very helpless are being taken down. That is the extent of the reform, from what I, and millions of others can see. But, if you can point out specifics, we would love to hear them. My mind is open. I would love to see real change and reform. But, I am not seeing anything but jawboning by a man who appears to be afraid of reform.


I see positive change. You do not. I see alot being accomplished in less than a year. Is it lasting? I don't know, but there was tremendous momentum driving Thailand in an unsustainable direction and the efforts of the General have slowed that momentum and had some affect it turning its course. As for not taking down the powerful, I thought the political reform that he initiated did exactly that--stop powerful families.

You are obviously very involved in finding daily faults. Your posts all criticize the Generals reform efforts as fraud. I don't really care enough to read back to if you always felt that way. The General first lost the support of the farang community when he closed the bars early with martial law. Were you one of those early converts? ;-)

As for the Ark Bar, thats an interesting one simply because its one of the few I am familiar with. Were they warned about music? If so, then they are definitely ignoring the warning. Was that warning from the General himself? Or are the locals failing to keep up enforcement? I personally think the General has more important items on his daily agenda than to make sure the Ark Bar keeps its volume lower or to personally follow up on several other small items you mention. But you make valid arguments, its simply that I see those as failures of subordinates to get on board the Generals efforts.

I don't disagree with you that there is still much to accomplish, but I see headway being made. If in no other area, then atleast in the crackdown on overstays and visa abuse by farangs. I see positive change compared to the downward spiral of the last few years. But I have been accused of seeing the glass half full before.

How about you? A glass half empty kind of guy, maybe?

Edited by ClutchClark
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