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How to cancel one internet package with TrueMove H?


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I originally had the 1GB TrueMove H package, but I ran out of the high-speed 3G before the month was over, so I bought another package (the 5GB package). Now I just got a message saying the 1GB package will automatically renew tomorrow, but I already have the 5GB package with plenty of high speed data left. How can I prevent the 1GB plan from renewing tomorrow? Obviously I have no use for it at all. (You'd think TrueMove's system would be smart enough to see I already have a 3G package...)

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Common sense suggests you go to the True shop and explain your predicament.

Or try and do it over the phone...

TRY to do it over the phone in Thailandclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.giffacepalm.gif

why the laughter, i change packages etc all the time. it is hardly rocket science. English skills of true and AIS cutomer service officers is excellent. never had the slightest problem.

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Well two ways call or go there or don't pay for it.

Not paying for it, can catch up with you, if one decides to use True again... so not a good idea.... they will want you to pay for the bills not paid....

All the OP needs to do is go to the True shop... or call as some have suggested! wink.png

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