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Hey folks!

Off to Japan next week and was hoping to get a Non-imm B visa from the Thai Embassy while I was in Tokyo. Hoping someone out there might have some first hand experience you're willing to share. I'm familiar with the various applications and letters, I'm wondering which are required in Tokyo.

Do I need the massive amounts of paperwork currently required in Penang or will a properly prepared letter of intent do?

Any idea about the cost for a visa?

Is it possible to get a one-year instead of a 3 month?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Lucky me - getting to answer my own post!

Just got off the phone with Sunbelt and they said Tokyo only issues non-imm B visas to Japanese citizens. :o

If anyone knows differently please speak up. :D


A bit off topic, but I get my non-immigrant “O” for Thai spouse in Tokyo every year, and I am a US citizen. Might be best to contact the embassy direct and see what they say.

I would guess from taking a look at the web site that item #7 will be the problem for you:

7 – Recommendation letter from a company in Japan (Original in the company’s letter head). (Those who are hired directly by a company in Thailand and unable to submit the recommendation letter from a Japanese company must instead submit a guarantee letter with a photocopy of the guarantor’s passport or driver’s license with original signature).

I lived in Tokyo for several years and have many friends still in Japan. When I file for my “O” visa I use a contact in Japan as my Japan based guarantor.

Royal Thai Embassy in Tokyo - +81-3-3441-1386

Visa # 263, 265


Thanks guys.

Unfortunately the Embassy says they do not answer questions about visas via email...?

TT - Your response was slightly confusing (maybe that's why you noted it was off topic) I'm looking for a visa for Thailand I can get issued in Japan, not a visa for Japan.

I'll keep trying tho' - maybe a phone call today.



My off topic remark was related to the fact that I get a Non-immigrant “O”, and you are looking to get a “B” .

The visa I get every year in Tokyo is a visa for Thailand, non-immigrant “O” type, multiple entry valid for one year, 90 days on each entrance - based upon having a Thai spouse.

Not sure if you will get much clarification via phone either. If you are going to be in Tokyo anyway you might as well give it a shot - the down side is that it will cost you 15,000 yen no matter what if you submit a visa application.

Good luck

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