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I apologise in advance if this has been covered before. I suspect it has been but I've searched on here and google and I cannot find anything that answers these questions in a way I understand.

I'm planning to live in Thailand for at least six months (but maybe longer). I will NOT have a work permit in Thailand and all my income (from book royalties) will be paid to my UK company via a UK bank account.

Will I continue to pay tax in the UK just as I do now? Do I need to tell the government I'm moving abroad? Will I lose any rights? Can I still vote if I want to, for example? Will I continue to be a British citizen?

Does living abroad for a year just count as a long holiday? How long can I be gone for?

Lots of questions. Does anyone know a good resource site? Or would anyone who has been through this already be willing to exlain it to me?

Thanks in advance. :o


Don't panic, you'll still be a Brit no matter how long you are away, you can even get a postal vote :o

You may be able to become non-resident for tax as I am, and pay no UK tax even on money earned from UK companies. Unfortunately the rules have changed since I left the UK (in 1995) to make it more difficult, you should have a word with your accountant.

There are limitations on NHS medical treatment for returning expats but they are very simple to remove (you just say you are going to remain in the UK).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

I apologise in advance if this has been covered before. I suspect it has been but I've searched on here and google and I cannot find anything that answers these questions in a way I understand.

I'm planning to live in Thailand for at least six months (but maybe longer). I will NOT have a work permit in Thailand and all my income (from book royalties) will be paid to my UK company via a UK bank account.

Will I continue to pay tax in the UK just as I do now? Do I need to tell the government I'm moving abroad? Will I lose any rights? Can I still vote if I want to, for example? Will I continue to be a British citizen?

Does living abroad for a year just count as a long holiday? How long can I be gone for?

Lots of questions. Does anyone know a good resource site? Or would anyone who has been through this already be willing to exlain it to me?

Thanks in advance. :o

Hi Chris,

I think reading you post, I'd just treat it as a long holiday if you're intending to move back within a year - or less.

It maybe possible to get a tax rebate before you leave. Talk to your tax office about that - I'm no expert.

Don't worry about losing your British citizenship - If you were born in the Uk, you'll always be a citizen regardless of where you live in the world.

There's lots of good info on Thai Visa, but the British Embassy Bangkok is a great source for information http://www.britishembassy.gov.uk/Thailand.

Hope this helps a little...I'm sure others will add more!

Geoff - UK citizen resident in Phuket for 9 years.


Have a look on http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/pdfs/ir138.htm.

Quite a lot of info if you search the site on different situations.

You notify revenue of any change by forms available from their website or on annual tax return.

Residency & domicile are the main issues for tax, benefits etc.

You can vote up to 15 years after leaving


Healthcare - some issues for pensioners getting healthcare after living abroad


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