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Julien Blanc: UK denies visa to 'pick-up artist'


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Julien Blanc: UK denies visa to 'pick-up artist'

(BBC) Controversial US "pick-up artist" Julien Blanc has been barred from entering the UK by the Home Office.

The self-styled "dating guru" holds seminars claiming to teach men how to attract women but his methods have been widely criticised as sexually abusive.

A petition to deny him a visa attracted more than 150,000 signatures ahead of his UK tour, due to start in February.

Mr Blanc has apologised, saying his intention was "a horrible attempt at humour" taken out of context.

Crime prevention minister Lynne Featherstone said she was "delighted Mr Blanc won't be coming to our shores".

In one recorded seminar, Mr Blanc is seen approaching girls and forcing their heads towards his crotch.

In the same video, he advises people on 'picking up' in Japan. "At least in Tokyo, if you're a white male, you can do what you want," he says.

"I'm romping through the street just grabbing girls. It's awesome."

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-30119100

-- BBC 2014-11-20

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He sounds like a real buttplug. But it's also a commentary at how easily women are duped. You know the expression, 'nice guys finish last' - it's particularly true in the picking-up chicks dept. That's part of the reason why so many women are stuck with axxholes for boyfriends/husbands.

aawww, you're so cute when you're jealous...

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He sounds like a real buttplug. But it's also a commentary at how easily women are duped. You know the expression, 'nice guys finish last' - it's particularly true in the picking-up chicks dept. That's part of the reason why so many women are stuck with axxholes for boyfriends/husbands.

aawww, you're so cute when you're jealous...

Thanks. I used to be adept in the picking-up dept. Over time I realized I didn't want to publicize myself to get laid. The plusses (getting laid) were not worth the drawbacks (having to lie and leaving the girl distressed). There's a lot more that could be said. Being adept at picking up chicks requires several of the following traits:

>>> self-publicity, saying-anything to get in to the girl's panties.

>>> deception, because little of what's said is true (guys will say 'not true', but it's true).

>>> cold-heartedness, because the guy knows he's going to dump the chick, either in a few hours or a few days. He may not admit it to himself at the time ("oh no, this one's a keeper!"), but that's what winds up happening 98/100 times.

I know how to play the game, but choose not to. I was somewhat adept at the game in earlier years, scoring in the hundreds.

It's an age-old dilemma, but women really need to learn what guys are about. Some women never learn, even when they're old, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over. I made it a point to try and educate young women (my daughters and step-daughters) as best I could, but women are going to make stupid decisions regardless.

There was a popular book by a former prostitute/madam (Xaviera Hollander). At one point, she was at a party with a bunch of single men and single women. The women kept getting drawn to a couple guys who self-promoted themselves best: best clothes, loudest talk, perfume, groomed, boasting, sports car, etc. Xaviera (who had more experience with men than all the single ladies combined) took the ladies aside and told them (my paraphrasing), "don't just get drawn to the men who self-promote. Check out the quieter men who are too shy to approach you. There are some real gems there."

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Pretty sure the majority of those people have never seen his material and voted simply out of a prejudice against "pickup artists" because, reasons.


Seen him, thought he was a cad and thought his admirers must be shallow "users", or inept wannabes.

Same as Boomerangutan, I could pull and did...but learnt to empathise after I got hurt. Now, I appreciate a woman who is not so dumb as to fall for the shallow stuff.

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