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CIA still in the region?


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Doubt anyone here knows either way.

If there is, and they happen to be reading this, what really happened to Tony?

Tony retired in the mid 70's and died in (I think) Las Vegas about ten or so years ago.

Used to see him some with Jack in Madrid.

Not Tony Bennet, Issan Tony who we believe ended up in the swamp.

Tony Bennet sang about underneath the mistletoe tree,

Issan Tony actually is underneath the mistletoe tree, about 6ft down.

I wasn't talking about Tony Bennett. He's still alive.

The question was about CIA types. Look up Tony Po. You were cryptic...so was I.

The Jack was another one, as was Ed, Carl, Bob and a host of AA pilots and kickers.

I personally never ran across Isaan Tony so can't help you there.

Crazy Tony - not Isaan Tony - is still alive and kicking in Chiang Mai. He dresses up in army fatigues, wears a gas mask and swears that he was recon in Vietnam. I have it on good authority that he was really a cook, but I guess he could have been CIA. ph34r.png.pagespeed.ce.GOH20nhrx_.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Don't know about CIA, but there seems to be a disproportionate number of Americans living here, holding extreme right wing points of view. Mention the current President, and they foam at the mouth. Like Voltaire, I mostly disagree with these views (strenuously) but I will defend anyone's right to hold them. It's a big lovely garden of roses out here.

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I was told once the reason the USA consulate in Chiang Mai is so large is that it

also housed the CIA. Principal reason for their presence was drug suppression

in the golden triangle area.

Drug suppression? Hahahahah! That's the best one I've heard all week! Hahahahah!

I guess they've moved on to Afganistan to do some more "suppressing."

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